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I was stuck on a glacier.

It honestly wasn't that interesting. Kayla had run off to get help, but that had been so long ago that I wondered if she had just ditched me. Harry was pacing back and forth on the land, trying to think of something to do.

Meanwhile, I was drifting away, slowly but surely. I was sure that in an hour or so I would be in the middle of nowhere, yet again.

Fun stuff.

"Maybe I should go find Kayla," Harry called to me, having to yell so I could hear.

"And leave me alone? Nooooo," I responded.

"Well what are we supposed to do?" Harry exclaimed, starting to panic. "Can you start, I don't know, paddling back towards the land?"

I shrugged, and tried as hard as I could to row the block of ice back towards the land, but all that resulted in was my hand freeeeezing cold.

"Maybe Kayla got Liam, he'll know what to do."

I began to see a small figure rapidly running towards us, and when she got closer I saw Kayla panting, leaning over to catch a breath.

"Well? Did you get HELP?" I yelled.

"Um... yeah, David's coming," Kayla responded.

"What did you tell Liam?" Harry asked, knowing how freaked out his brother would be.

"Well.... nothing really, just that we were having fun and would be back for dinner."

I wanted to protest and say that Liam could be a huge amount of help, but I knew that if he knew his girlfriend was stranded on a glacier- plus the fact that he was still dealing with hypothermia- he might combust.

Suddenly, loud barks echoed through the glaciers, and I turned to see eight dogs running towards us, their tounges happily lapping out of their mouths. David was behind them, standing on a sled, mushing the dogs forward.

When he reached us, he got off the sled and immediatley began pulling supplies out of his bag on the front of the sled, trying not to stand in awe of what he saw. "What the hell happened?!" He yelled.

"Don't blame me, blame global warming and it's heat!" I yelled back.

I could hear David sigh from there. He pulled out a long, long rope with a circular floating thing at the end, like the kind you see when lifeguards rescue people from the water. "Okay, try to reach out and grab the floaty. 

"Wait, I won't have to swim through the water, right?" My voice was shaky.

"Have any other ideas?" David asked.

"Um..." I sighed. "Fine."

David took a step back and threw the rope as hard as he could towards me. It came up short, even when I reached out to grab it. I felt the glacier continue to get farther and farther away.

"Damn," David cussed.

"Here, let me try," Harry said, grabbing the rope after David had reeled it back in.

"Alright, but kid, I couldn't, so I doubt-"

David's voice was cut off when Harry chucked the rope towards me, way harder than David had. It reached the glacier and was just about to slip off the edge when I lunged out and grabbed it.

"Got it!" I yelled.

"Haaaa," Kayla smiled at Harry.

"Okay, now what?" I asked, holding on to the rope for dear life.

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