Curly's issues

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Liam and I were casually and comfortably sipping hot chocolate by a fire when Kayla informed us that Harry was having some issues.

"Mauled by a WHAT?" Amy yelled, her comforting, nice side gone.

"Polar bear! Hurry uppp!" Kayla yelled, out of breath.

Amy began to gather her things, calling down David. "God, I'm locking you children in this house," She murmured. "You can't even walk outside without causing problems."

"Yeah, that's usually how we are," I said as Liam and I got up from our spot on the couch.

"You guys shouldn't come. you still need to rest."

"And miss action like this?" Liam said. "It's been great doing nothing the past days, but I need some excitement."

"Gosh, I'm so glad you're calling Harry's death excitement," Kayla murmured. We left the house and headed back on the dog sled. David had already tied them up, but now there were two sleds.

"Amy, take Marisa and Kayla, I'll take Liam," David said. Kayla and I hopped behind Amy, holding on to her so we wouldn't fly off. The dogs took off running, and we squeezed her tighter. Liam and David were right behind us, the dogs napping at each other.

Finally, we reached a spot that had one small tree sprouting from the ground, as well as a bloody, torn up body laying by it.

"Holy crap," I said, and we stopped the dogs. We all ran towards Harry.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asked, looking concernly at Harry. He was breathing heavily, his chest bare from what looked like a monster's claw marks scraping his shirt. There was a ton, ton of blood. His eyes were barely open.

"Just fine and dandy," Harry cursed through gritted teeth, cringing.

"We need to get him back NOW," David said. His face seemed locked in an expression of stress. Hm, that was probably from us.

"What about the polar bear? It's probably still near by, and it might be drawn by the dogs," Amy pointed out.

I noticed that the dogs were going a bit crazy, sniffing the air and growling and barking like they were trying to bite the air. Some of them even started howling. "We can't risk that," David said, obviously trying to control the whole situation.

"It's just going to come back and attack again...."

"I'm not arguing with you! This kid is going to die, we have to get him help!"

"Come on, I've been through worse," Harry groaned as we lifted him up on one of the sleds. "How bad do I look, anyway?" I could tell it caused him too much pain to lift his head to look at his body.

"You look like hell, basically," Kayla said. "But I agree, he was shot, he'll be fineee."

"Don't jinx it!" I yelled.

Kayla rolled her eyes and we hopped back on the sleds, immediatley speeding back off to the house.

We were a good 3/4th of the way back when a huge, tumbling white fur blob ran right in front of us.

"Damnit," Amy muttered, pulling the dogs to a stop. "I told you, David!"

David didn't look very amused. He reached for the sled and grabbed something out, a long, brown rifle.

"No, you can't shoot it!" I screamed, staring at the poor, innocent polar bear.

"He's going to KILL us, Marisa!" Liam yelled from the other sled.

"Maybe not, we just gotta...."

"Last time you tried to animal whisper it didn't exactly work," Kayla said, and I remembered the lions in Africa. Yeah, I guess that didn't really work.

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