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    That night Marisa was pacing around mumbling, “I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I wanna LIVE!”

    Around ten at night we were all showered and sitting in the lounge room. Marisa was on one couch with Liam, Harry was in the single chair, and I was sprawled out on the floor.

    “What was it?” Liam asked the question that we were all obviously thinking.

    No one answered and he sighed. “Mine was being alone. Everyone was gone...even all the animals. It was absolutely horrible.”

    Harry spoke next, “Mine was drowning. Apparently I am very scared of suffocating.”

    “Mine’s dying.” Marisa said, shaking. “Eggggh. Death.”

    I didn’t really want to tell anyone mine, because it was slightly more complicated than drowning, being alone, and death. So when they all turned me I just said, “Uhm...spiders. Yuck.”

    Marisa shot me a death glare, “YOU didn’t have a BILLION of them crawling all over you!”

    I just shrugged.

    The doors opened then, and a familiar buff ginger walked in. “Interesting fears,” he said, looking at all of us as if he was studying us all over again. He looked at Marisa and smiled.

    “Death?” he said, laughing. “Really?”

    “Yes,” she said, crossing her arms and putting on a pout face.

    “And Harold, now that I know that you don’t love drowning maybe I can use that against you in the future.” Harry didn’t look too giddy about that.

    “Liaaaamm,” Jean purred like a cat, “Being alone is quite horrific. I understand this.” He was being all weird again.

    “And Kayla,” he said, eyeing me strangely. “Quite unexpected.”

    “How is spiders unexpected?” Marisa said like a baby.

    “Spiders?” Jean asked.

    “Yeah. Spiders,” Liam added.

    “Spideroonnddis,” Harry said.

    “What?” Jean asked.

    “Yeah Kayla said-”

    “Kayla said what now?” Jean asked.

    “She said that she was afraid of spiders,” Marisa said like Jean was dumb.

    Jean smirked and shot me a look. “Did she now?”


    “Yeah...right?” said Marisa.

    “Well she is a liar.” Jean said.

    “Then what’s her fear?” Harry said, looking at me.

    “Oh mi gosh everyone’s an idiot,” I said, sighing.

     “Why don’t you tell everyone your fear, Kayyyyllaaa?” Jean asked.

    “Cuz I don’t want to Jeeeeeaaaaannnn,” I mocked.

    “Kayla???” Harry asked.

    I sighed. “Finnneee. It was being norm.”

    “Being what?” Liam asked.

    “NORM!” I yelled at him.


    “NORMALLLL!” I yelled back again. “OKAY!? MY FEAR IS BEING NORMAL!”

    “Well you’re not.” Marisa said.

    “Oh. Good.”

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