The past and the present

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When I woke up, I was laying down on a field of grass. I sat up, turning around. Where was the rock climbing wall? Where was the ocean?

"Hello?" I called. No one responded. It was dark outside, it seemed like it was the middle of the night. I was completley alone. I got up and started walking forward, unsure where to go.

Finally, the field started to end and a big, brick building came into view. The american flag was waving in front of it, and I realized it was a school.

"Hello?" I called again, begining to freak out.

I started to hear voices echoing down the street and could make out some shadows under the street lights.

"Kayla, what are we doooiiingg?" A voice called. It sounded pretty familiar.

"Come onnnn we have nothing better to do," A girl responded. My eyes widened when I realized it was us. This was the night we were kidnapped.

I had time traveled? What the hell?! How was that even possible? I knew I had to be dreaming, but it seemed so real, I could feel the wind and hear the voices clear as day.

Something told me I shouldn't be seen by.... "past" me, so I ducked behind a bush and watched us walk by.

Time traveling made my brain hurt. If they saw me, it could screw up the future.... or, the present- I hate time travel- and things could be completley different. And believe it or not, I didn't want things to be different. What if we never met Liam and Harry? Life wasn't that exciting before that, when we were just two regular girls.

"Let's go on the swingggss!" Kayla squealed, skipping along.

"Uggghh," Past me replied, dragging on behind her.

Once they were far enough away, I carefully stepped closer, hiding behind one of the walls of the school. Kayla and past me swung slowly, chatting and not seeming to worry about anything. Kayla had put on some music on her phone, and I smiled and sang quietly along to Stephen Jerzak.

"WE'RE MARRIED!" Kayla yelled as her and past me swung simotamiusly. They started chatting about instruments, boxes, and pandas, and I couldn't help but smile, even knowing what was about to happen. I had an urge to warn my past self about the bookshelf falling on me, but I decided against it.

They stopped swinging when they saw a dark figure near the edge of the park. I gulped and hid farther into the bush. If they saw me, that would be pretty bad too. Kayla and past me headed into the school, and I found a back door near the dumpster that was unlocked and entered the gym. I jogged to the gym doors and peered out of them, seeing Kayla and me hustling through the halls, trying to escape the kidnappers. They turned back to see if they were being followed, and for a second Kayla seemed to look straight at me. She narrowed her eyes to get a better look, and I ducked down fast, and when I stood back up, we were gone.

I decided not to risk being seen (possibly again), so I stayed in the gym listening to the crashing, screaming, and more, cringing as I remembered everything that happened. Finally, the comotion stopped, and I knew they had given us that shot and we were unconcious. I hid again as I saw three men carrying two girl's bodies out of the school.

I stayed hidden until I was sure that the truck had taken us away. Stretching, I got up and headed out of the school, unsure what to do.

"Uhh God, can you take me out of the past?" I asked, unsure why I hadn't woken up if this was a dream. After I got no response, I tried pinching myself, but that just caused pain.

Was I really not dreaming? I swore, if Jean was testing us again....

Suddenly the scene around me changed. Everything was dizzy, and I almost fell over, but suddenly a desk appeared next to me and I grabbed it for support. The grass became white carpet, the dark sky became a cream colored celing, the swings turned into a queen sized bed.

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