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The plane ride may have been the most awkward thing that I have ever been through in my entire life.

Liam and Marisa sat together, cuddled up and perfect like the amazing couple they are, and I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest. Why wouldn't Harry and I be like that? Unbreakable and unconditional? Nothing got in between them. Not Gage, or Drew, or Marisa doing something stupid. They were just perfect.

But me and Harry was like a piece of glass. I was afraid that if it slipped, it was gonna shatter, and there was gonna be no way in hell that we would be able to put it back together. It was already cracking. It started way back when, when we broke up the first time. Then when he lost his memory. Then now, over stupid things like jealousy and insecurities.

So here we were, sitting next to each other on a plane to Canada, not talking or making eye contact, all because I decided that I wanted to kiss a boy named Clay.

"Hey, Liam?" I heard Marisa say. "Your eyes are like the prettiest things ever."

He chuckled and kissed her.

That, my dear friends, just proved my point.

Three hours into the flight I couldnt take it anymore. Marisa and Liam were both asleep, her head on his broad shoulder, and looking around it didn't seem like any of the other passengers that were awake were too within hearing range. We were both sitting straight up, careful not to touch.

"Just say something," I spat, breaking the silence that we had worked so hard to build up over the past three hours.

He looked at me, hard green eyes meeting my gaze. "What do you want me to say?" he said flatly. "That it's okay for you to stick your tounge in random guys mouths?"

That was pretty valid point, I'd give him that. "That you're not mad at me."

"Lying's a sin, Kayla."

My gaze dropped, unable to meet his cold green eyes anymore. "It was joke, Harry."

"A joke? It didn't seem so funny to me."

"It wasn't supposed to be-"

"Would you think that I'd be funny if I found some girl and kissed her?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. If you didn't mean it and it was just an emotionless as it was with me and Clay."

He raised his eyebrows. "Really? Alright." He stood up, pushed past my seat and went over to the row behind us.

"Hi," he said to a girl that was about seventeen with long blonde hair and light brown eyes. Then he pulled her to him and kissed her. I felt my cheeks heating up and my chest banging, and fought back the urge to yank her away from him.

He dropped her back in the seat, leaving her gasping, and walked back over to me. "Are you laughing?"

"You jerk." I stood up myself, shoved past him, and began to stomp my way to the background. His hand gripped my arm when I was about to yank the door open, and he twirled me around kind of roughy.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "You can't be mad at me."

"And you can't control my emotions!"

He laughed, and I realized how close we were, me against the wall and him leaning in. "Yes I can."

"No, you can't."

But he could. Just by breathing he could make my heart speed up and little, and it annoyed me to death right now. So much that I kind of wanted to slap him. So...I did.

His cheek whipped back and he looked at me, clearly shocked. He didn't say anything, just stormed away and sat back down in his seat. I followed him back a couple of minutes later, after using the restroom, and if I thought that it had been awkward before we talked, it was even more awkward now. Especially when Liam and Marisa woke up, and Liam said, "Hey man, what happened to your cheek?" Referring to the fact that it was red and swelling a little, and Harry said, "Nothing. I fell on the way to the bathroom."

I'm pretty sure I just broke the glass the rest of the way. I just hoped we could put it back together.

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