Scrabble and Volunteering as Tribute

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Kayla's fear was being normal....well, that's a big surprise. Sacrasm. I knew she wasn't scared of spiders THAT much.

"Okay, so you guys are done with challenges, but we have to do one last thing, and then we will let you go," Dester said, entering the room after the whole weird screaming fest with Jean.

"Reaalllly?" Kayla asked, raising her eyebrow.

He shrugged. "We'll see. Anyway, get some sleep, and maybe tonight try not to get drunk."

We all smiled and looked at each other. Yeaaa buddy.

"Are you sureee you can't give us a little apple juice?" Kayla asked.

"Nope, sorry," Jean said, smiling and walking out of the room.

"So, now what?" Liam asked. None of us were tired.

We spent about two hours playing scrabble. Yes, we had resourted to SCRABBLE. Kayla argued the whole time that gagalkf was a word. Liam ended up winning in the end, which wasn't that surprising either. Then we ate food for an hour, which was good for me, then we just watched tv until we fell asleep....then were woken up about an hour later.

I groaned and rolled over to see Dester staring at us. I was laying on the floor- I thought I had fallen asleep in the bed?- Liam was snuggled up on a different bed, Harry was sprawled up on the coach, and Kayla was on the floor as well.

"What the heck? Did you guys get any sleep?" Dester asked, glaring at us.

"Ya, a little," I said, standing up and strecthing. We all ate a quick breakfast then headed down to the lab place again. It was kind of strange, but we were all kind of happy. I think we were happy the challenges were over, but I knew they wouldn't let us go that easily. There was always a catch.

They led us to a room with Quad, Jean, Dester, and some of the lab people were gathered. There was a giant bowl with four pieces of papers in them.

"What is this, the Hunger Games?" I asked, eyeing the bowl.

No one responded. Quad put his fingeres in the bowl and pulled out one paper. "Harry, come with us."

"Wait! I volunteer as tribute!" Kayla yelled.

"This is NOT the hunger games!!!" Jean screamed back. "Just stay here."

Three security guards came and took Harry, who looked worried but not too bad, so we didn't really have a chance trying to fight them. I would stick to fighting gorillas.

We sat down on some couches and sighed occasionally. What where they doing?

Finally, Harry came back out. He had a confused and dazed expression, and two guards were holding each of his hand.

"Harry, you ok?" Kayla asked, standing up.

"Who's Harry?" He responded, scratching his curls.

Liam stood up with me and looked at his twin worridly. "What do you mean, man?"

Harry kept looking back and forth at everyone, a completey blank expression on his face. "Who are you?"

Marisa was looking at people too. "I'm confused," she stated.

"Me too," Harry added.

"Jean," I said, taking my eyes off of Harry and looking at the ginger, who was leaning against a wall looking smug. "What did you do?"

He shrugged. "Not much. We just took his memories out of his brain and made it so that he can't remember anything what-so-ever, except little things like how to walk and breathe and stuff. So, nothing really."

Marisa gasped. "You did what now?"

Liam put his head in his hands as if he was a father tired of taking care of his children, and I just looked at Harry. "Why did you do that?" Liam asked.

"Because. We're not just going to let you go. Besides, it will help our experiment to see if Harry gets his memories-"

"Hold up, IF?!" I yelled.

Jean shrugged again. "Science can be unpreditable. But for now, Harry here doesn't remember any of you, or anything that's happened at all the past few years. Not even, Liam, his brother. So now we're gonna send you guys to Hawaii to stay while we track Harry's progress and stuff and then we'll-"

Suddenly Harry said, rather loudly, "Can someone please tell me what the fuck is HAPPENING?!"

The room grew silent. "Well," Liam started, "Harry. I'm your brother, Liam. Twin brother, actually. We were kidnapped a year ago-"

"You're too boring. Can someone else explain?"

"RUDE!" Marisa screamed, defending her boyfriend who walked over to her and put an arm around her waist, frowning.

"I'll do it," Jean said. "Long, long, long story short, those two girls were kidnapped, found you, hooked up with you, got you kidnapped with them, we took you guys once you were on an island because we're pirates, somehow you guys managed to escape after a bunch of other stuff happened, then you got kidnapped AGAIN and we took you here against your will. We're doing an experiment on brains right now and we're going to take you to Hawaii, okay?"

Harry looked exremelty overwhelmed, which was kind of understandable. "Uhmm, who are you?"

Liam stepped forward again, "That's Jean. You hate him. I'm Liam, you're twin. That's-"

"I wanna introduce myselffff," Marisa whined.

"Go for it," Liam said.

"I'm Marisa! I guess my relationship with you is friend. But I'm amazing and yeah. Cool. Okay."

She gestured to me. "I'm Kayla and I'm your wife," I said simply and watched as Harry paled.

"KAYLA!" Jean, Liam, and Marisa all screamed at once.

"Fine," I said, sighing. "But I am your girlfriend."

"I have a girlfriend?" Harry asked, looking shocked. "I feel like I'm not a relationship type of guy."

"Oh, you weren't," Liam said,  "You were a hook up kind of guy. But things kind of changed when you met Kayla."


"Okay, you guys can tell Harry more about himself later, we need to catch a plane to Hawaii."

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