I know that you like cookies.

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I woke up to the sound of a shower running. My eyes slowly opened and I squinted at the sun coming through the window. I rolled over to expect my hand to land on Liam's chest, but his body was gone.

I sat up and looked around, then the door opened and Liam walked out of the bathroom, his hair wet and a clean shirt on. "Morning," He said, grinning.

"Hey," I replied. "Where is Kayla and Harry?"

"They went to the store to get food and try to figure out a way to get money." Liam sat down on the couch and turned on the computer that the hotel supplied us with and started browsing the internet.

"Togetherrrr?" I asked, stretching and feeling concious about my bed-head hair.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're back together," He replied.

"Gooood," I said, nodding. "They're better that way."

He nodded and I got up and leaned over the table next to him. "What are you looking at?"

"Just checking out the news and stuff, seeing if our names have made any reappearances." He scrolled through an online news website and stopped scrolling, staring at the screen. "Look."

It was a picture of a pile of rubble in the middle of the woods, yellow caution tape surrounding it, police cars next to the pile.

"What does it say?" I ask.

Liam reads outloud: "Yestaurday a jogger in the woods suddenly noticed a loud explosion sound and found his way to what used to be an unknown factory, now in a pile of rubble. After police investigation, they identified fiifty bodies in the heap. Most of them were disfigured beyond recognition, so we don't know who the people were. Officer James, who is an expert at explosives, identified the explosion as a grenade explosion, and he's sure that the chance of there being survivers is almost impossible."

"50?" I gupled.

"How did we survive?" Liam asked, turning to me.

"Half of the stuff we do is almost impossible," I said, shrugging.

Liam nodded and scrolled down, looking for more information. "That's all there is."

"Do you think... Jean could be one of the 50?"

"We can dream," Liam muttered.

"We have to get out of Canada." I sit at the edge of the bed. "We're still wanted, remember? I bet they'll be able to trace this explosion to us, and probably soon."

"Agreed." Liam leaned back, stretching his arms. "Canada was getting boring anyway."

Kayla and Harry walk through the doors a few minutes later, arms full of food. I didn't even want to know how they managed to get those.

Kayla eyed the bags that we had packed in less than five minutes. We traveled pretty light, you know, being kidnapped and all. "We leavin Canada?"

"Yeah," I replied. "The factory explosion was on the news, and we're still wanted."

"Where to now?" Harry asked. I smiled when I saw how close together they were standing.

"Let's just get some moola and head to the airport," Liam said. "You guys ready?"

We were just about to open the door when I heard voices on the other side.

"I assure you officers, the kids aren't criminials, I put pity on them because I'm pretty sure they were orphans."

"I understand, sir, but these kids are criminals, and we're sure of it. Don't make me have to move you."

We all froze dead in our tracks as we heard the door being forced open with a key.

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