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We knew there was no point trying to go after Kayla as Jean dragged her away and stuffed her into a car. If he could do that to Harry, he probably would do it again if we tried to get her back.

Liam was still fuming with anger, but he had calmed down considerably. He and I grabbed Harry, helping him off the floor. Harry shook his head, regaining conciousness. "What.... what happened?" He grumbled. 

"Jean kind of like killed you for a sec but it's ok now cuz your alive," I said. 

He looked around. "Where's Kayla?"

Liam and I looked at each other. Liam started, "Well, there wasn't really another option... I mean, you could've died, and it was the only thing that would stop him..."

"What are you saying?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. "Jean took her?"

Liam just looked at the ground.

"How could you guys let her go?" Harry screamed, jumping to his feet and trying to go after her, but Liam held him back.

"Harry, do you realize that you would've died?" I said.

"I don't care! You let KAYLA go with JEAN!" He screamed.

"Harry, be rational!" Liam yeleld back. "Seriously, he's not going to kill her. At least I don't think so. She's doing the same thing she did before, remember? When she pretended to be on Jean's side, and Marisa tried to strangle her?"

"I remember thattt," I nodded.

Harry didn't look any less angry.

"Let's just get out of here," Liam said. 

I realized that the Rays were still there, standing awkwardly near us.

Liam turned to them. "Thanks, I guess. Why did you help us after you kicked us out?"

Clay shrugged. "You guys seemed like you really needed it." He didn't furthur explain it than that.

"Well, are you guys coming back with us, or going somewhere new?" Drew asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

We looked at each other. Jean definitley wouldn't keep Kayla here in Argentina, probably move her to a new location, but being with the Rays could be helpful, they seemed to have connections with people and they could fight.

"I guess we'll come back with you," Liam said finally.

"As long as you guys don't get into anymore fights," I said.

That made everyone smile faintly.

When we got back to the Rays house, Liam and Harry both got cleaned up from the fight. Harry had a black eye and some bad cuts and Liam had a slightly broken jaw that he bandaged.

We sat down on the couch in the living room, and Drew made up some pasta and gave it to us. Things were a lot less tense between all of us. We decided to tell them about Harry's chip and how Jean was tracking us. 

"So how are you going to get it out?" Drew asked.

"Well we were planning on taking him to a doctor about it," I said. "But we would need parents and such. Maybe we could try to pass you guys off as them."

"Wait," Liam said, sipping a glass of water. "When Jean showed up, he acted like you guys knew him from before we got involved. Did you?"

"Well before the fight where Trenton died, yes, we knew him," Clay said. "We'd had a few run ins with him with some business, and it never ended well."

Liam nodded. 

"So how do you guys expect to find Kayla?" Cole asked.

"Who knows," Harry asked. "If I wasn't unconcious, I would not have let that happen."

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