Interrogations and escape

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The police were getting kind of old. We had been through this whole get in the cop car, drive to the station. get locked in a room and be interrageted for hours on end process before. 

We were each separtated by rooms, each with one officer or detective with us. 

I slouched back in my seat, sighing. The detective that was interviewing me was asking a lot of questions. 

"Can I go now? I'm hungry," I asked.

"No, not yet," He replied, trying to sound polite. "Just a couple more questions. So, tell me again, when did you arive in Argentina? You are American, correct?"

"Yes," I responded.I was careful with answering, because even though telling them the truth could result in less punishment and you know, not being in jail, it could also get me, Harry, Liam, and Kayla in even more trouble. God, where was Harry? Were they still keeping him in the hospital? "We arrived in Argentina a few days ago. We're on a trip with our parents, Drew and Clay."

"Yes, your dads," The guy narrowed his eyebrows. "They look kind of young to be your parents, don't they?"

"They adopted us at a young age, obviously," I responded. "That's why Liam's British and I'm American."

He nodded, but still didn't look convinced. "So, you were spotted in an alley with your parents and another man and  two girls, fighting, two days ago."

"I don't know how that landed us on the front cover of a newspaper," I said. "It wasn't a big deal. We... aren't exactly big friends with that guy."

He looked me in the eyes. "But eyewitnesses report that the man you were fighting pulled out some sort of button that made Harry unconcious?"

"Well... yeah, it was like a tazer thing." I lied.

He rustled his papers, looking up at me. "We've also got in contact with French police and you seem to have some of a record there, falling off the Eiffell Tower?" 

"Oh.. yeah. kind of."

He looked at me. "Well, this record could result in at least five years in jail." When I looked worried, he said, "However. we currently do not have enough proof for arrest. But we do have enough for a trial. It will start tomorrow morning."

"How long will that last?" I asked.

"At least a week."

"What about Harry? Is he still at the hospital?" 

"Yes. We've recived the information about his 'chip', and since we do not have permission from the hospital to remove him before he recovers, he will be staying there under survailance for the next few days."

I nodded. He got up and led me out of the room, and oustide The Rays and Liam were all being held by men. 

"Do we have to spend the night in jail cells?" Liam asked, trying to sound innocent and staring with his big brown eyes.

"Well, again, since we don't have permission to arrest you, no. You'll be staying in rooms that aren't much of an improvement from cells.'

I had to agree with him on that. He showed us two rooms, each with two beds that looked basically like springs covered by a blanket and a pillow, and one small dresser with a flickering lamp. 

"Greatttt," I sighed.

That night Jean decided he wanted to stay in the same room as me. We were staying at a pretty nice hotel in Cuba, and we got there pretty late, like 2am-ish. On the way to the hotel we stopped and went through a drive-thru to get food, and then Jean and I went up to our room. 

"I'm gonna go ahead and crash," he said. He fell into bed and was asleep within a matter of minutes. I started to make my way to the bathroom to get a shower in before I went to sleep too, when a thought occured to me: Jean was asleep. And I was alone. 


Glancing over my shoulder to make sure that Jean really was completly asleep, I walked over to the side of the bed where he had left the box with the power to shut down Harry's body, picked it up along with his large stack of money, and then tiptoed out of the room. I shut the door so quitley that it barely made a sound. 

Once I was in the lobby I let out a small squeal, excitment of the thought of being re-united with Harry and the others filling my body. I walked out of the hotel and did my best whistle, and a cab made it's way over to the curb. 

I opened the door and slid into the back. "Where to?" A man driving asked. 

"The airport, please," I answered.

It only took about thirty minutes to get to the airport, and I used some of the money I had stolen from Jean to pay the guy and then got out. I went up to the concession stand and found out that the nearest flight to Argentina was in four hours, bought a ticket, went through security, bought a milkshake, and then settled myself in a chair waiting and sipping my milkshake happily. 

I was expecting something bad to happen, since it usually does. Something like Jean popping out of no where or a bomb going off or something but nothing happened. I actually got on the plane.

A boy who looked about eighteen sat next to me, with sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He looked sheepish. "You okay?" I asked. 

"First time flying," he answered. 

"Oh," I answered. "I've done it all the time. It's really not that bad."

"Your plane has never had any problems?" he asked. 

" No problems." I chuckled slightly. If he knew the half of it. 

The boy gripped the seat even harder. 

"What's your name?" I asked. 

"Josh," he answered. "I'm flying to Argentina to visit my sister. You?"

"Kayla. I'm flying to... see my boyfriend. Harry."

"Why's he in Argentina?"

"Oh...medical reasons."

His dark eyes widened slighlty but he didn't say anything. 

"Our plane is now taking off," a flight attendant said. "Enjoy your flight."

Two hours later me and David were still talking, telling each other stories about our friends and stuff like that. He was a pretty funny kinda guy. He was in the middle of telling me abou his sister's boyfriend getting bit by a cockaroack when suddenly all the lights went off. 

David screamed. 

"It's probably just a lighting problem," I tried to assure him, but my voice shook slightly at the end. 

And then the plane started to tilt.

And people started to scream. 

And we were falling.

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