We needa get off this boat!

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I was sitting at the curb of the hotel, head in my hands, sighing. It was a rainy night in Paris, but I didn't mind the rain.

I still didn't understand why I was in the past.

And where the hell Henry went.

I was alone, besides a couple walking with an umbrella on the other side of the street.

Suddenly, a cool breeze brushed my shoulders, and I turned around to see Henry.

"Where did you go?" I asked him.

He had a distracted look on his face; bewildered. "I went to talk with Chace and Kayla."

I sat up straight. "Kayla? Is she in the future? Who's Chace?"

Henry shook his head. "We don't have time. You need to go back to the cruise. Get off the cruise as fast as you can. Something horrible is about to happen, and you and Kayla need to make sure it doesn't happen."

"Could you be any more vague?" I complained. "What horrible thing? How are we going to get off the cruise, we're in the middle of the ocean."

"Find a way," Henry replied. "You've gotten out of worse situations before, I've seen it."

I bit my lip. "Are you like some kind of a guardian angel?"

"You could say that," He replied. "But we can't save you from what is about to happen. You have to prevent it yourself."

"Why can't you just tell me?" I started to get worried.

"Because.... it's against our law," He replied. "We have to follow orders. Get off the ship, run as far away as you can, and protect each other."

"Wait!" I shouted, but he was already starting to diseaper. I suddenly felt faint and my vision went black.

My eyes flew open to a bright, blue sky, and the smell of fresh water filled my nose. A sharp, wincing pain filled my head, and I groaned, rolling over on a hard surface. My eyes squinted at the bright light, and I heard people shouting with concern.

When I could finally see, I saw Kayla, Liam, and Harry groaning as well, standing up.

I suddenly remembered. We were on a cruise.

"We have to get off this cruise," I said, and Kayla said the same thing at the same time. We looked at each other with an understanding.

Liam and Harry scratched their heads, looking at the rock climbing wall. "Did we just..... fall from that?" Harry asked.

"I suggusted harnesses," I mumbled, and Kayla glared at me. She had a weird expression on her face, like she had just seen something horrible.

"Are you kids okay?" A deep voice mumbled, and I saw a group of paramedics rushing over to us.

"Yeah, we're fine," I said, wiping my shirt.

"You're definitley not fine," A guy said. "You fell over fifteen feet. Come with us, we'll check you out. You could have a concussion or something."

"Seriously, we're fine," Kayla said, pulling Harry and I away. "Come on guys."

We headed off of the deck, followed by voices of people objecting and wondering what just happened.

"Kayla, did you see that too?" I asked. "The angels?"

"Are you two okay?" Liam asked, turning his head. "Maybe we really should take up that offer on a check-up."

Kayla ignored Liam and nodded to me. "I.... I saw the future...." Her eyes flickered to Liam with concern.

"Ooh, was my life good?" Harry asked, obviously being sarcastic and not believing Kayla.

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