Fallout and freaky children

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My eyes opened and Quad and Dester were in front of us.

    “Okay, the challenge is over,” Dester.

    I was hyperventilating. I couldn’t believe Liam was kissing another girl. I mean, I knew he had girlfriends before me and stuff, but.... I could never imagine that.

    Liam was close to tears, and he was looking at me like I was a giant spoon or something. Harry’s face was red and he looked really mad, and Kayla looked confused and annoyed.

    “Okay, so Liam you pretty much curled up like a baby, Kayla your just annoyed, Harry you are quite pissed, and Marisa you are a mess. Good reactions!”

    I sighed deeply. It wasn’t real. But... it seemed so real. I couldn’t get it out of my head.

    “The next challenge won’t start until tomorrow, so you guys can go back to Dester’s and sleep, get your brains all juiced up and such.”

    “Ugh,” Kayla said, crossing her arms across her chest.

    We went back to Dester’s house and I took another shower, needing to get away from everyone. Liam and I were looking at each other but didn’t say a word. I don’t know what happened in his dream thing, but I knew it involved me hurting him.

    I got out of the shower and Kayla was sitting down eating chips.

    “What was yours Kayla?” I asked, sitting next to her and braiding my hair.

    “Well,” She said, sitting up. “I was at my cheer gym and my coach said that they were replacing me with this stupid girl and then she did.... I don’t even know what it was, but I think it was supposed to be a forward roll and they all were in love with her...it was annoying.”

    “Are you kidding?” Harry said, walking into the room. “You were GRINDING on Jean!”

    Kayla’s face flushed, which made me happy. “What!”

    “I know,” Harry said, nodding.

    “What was yours?” Kayla asked. She looked really embarrassed.

    “It was Liam, with some girl...” I said, but then my voice trailed off when Liam walked in the room.

    “Hey,” He said, buttoning up his shirt. “What’s going on?”

    “Not much,” Kayla said. “How many more challenges are we going to have to do?”

    “Probably a ton,” Harry said. “They’re testing our brains, remember?”

    She groaned.

    Kayla and Harry left the room suddenly, and I sighed.

    Liam sat next to me.

    “What was yours?” I asked. “You seem really mad at me.”

    He gave me a smile. “Sorry. You... you were beating me with a giant spoon.”

    I had to bite my lip to hold back my laugh, but it didn’t really work. “Um.....”

    “Don’t laugh!” He said, glaring at me.

    “Sorry,” I said, leaning against him.

    “And then you broke up with me. So that was great.”

    “Sorry,” I repeated. “But I would never do either of those things to you in real life.”

    “Yea, I would hope not,” He replied. “Was yours bad?”

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