Raiding Walgreens

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Harry walked over and pryed Kayla out of the prickly bushes while I bit my lip with laughter. "Oww," She groaned as she wiped needles off of her. "I'm in pain everywhere."

"Tushe," I replied. "We should go find somewhere to sleep."

"Somewhere far away," Liam said. "But they'll probably find us again, they always do."

"Do you guys think that Jean survived?" Kayla asked, and we stayed silent. I hadn't really been thinking about the Ginger when I was running for my life. But I bet he had escaped and was hunting us down, somehow.

"Maybe," Liam said. "Let's just hope not."

We all limped out of the forest, looking like a bunch of homeless kids. Sure, we had practically nothing, but we had each other.

"EMMALINA!" Kayla suddenly shouted and swivled around and sprinted back into the forest, limping. "NO NO NO NO NO!"

"What the hell?" Harry groaned and followed her.

I shrugged at Liam and we followed them back to the rubble site.

"She has to be alive, she jumped out the window," Kayla said, searching every corner. "Cluck cluck, Emmalina???"

"You speak chicken?" Liam asked.

"If that's what it takes!" She yelled. "CLUCK CLUCK!"

I sat down on a pile of wood and just watched her have a panic attack. Finally, I heard a "clucking" that actually sounded like it came from a chicken.

"EMMALINA!" Kayla yelled, scooping up the chicken who looked confused and not understanding anything that Kayla was saying. "You're alive!"

"Can we please goooo somewhere and eat and sleep?" I said. "Now that you've got your chicken?"

"Yep," Kayla nodded.

The forest went on for a while, but we finally got out and onto the side of a street that lead into a small but busy city. There were people jogging around with bags in their hands and store clerks sweeping the patios.

"Restaurant!" I pointed to a small place at the corner that had a very nice smell coming from it.

"How about a doctor?" Liam said, still holding his head, and I felt a little bad.

"We don't have any money, or, like parents," Kayla pointed out.

"We can go to Walgreens and get some pills," Harry said.

"Yeah, I bet the clerk would totally let some teenagers get some drugs," I replied.

"We coulddddd steal them," Kayla said.

"How bout Kayla and I get food and you guys steal drugs? Oh, that sentence sounds a little bad," I said, looking down.

"Sounds good," Harry said, and guided Liam into the pharmacy.

"We have no money," Kayla said again.

"I'm not eating food from a dumpster," I said. I was desperate, but not that desperate.

"Ooh, we could try to convince people to give us money or food! You know, because we look like crap, they'll feel sorry!"

"We can try," I said, sighing and trying to find energy to act like homeless children.

An hour later Marisa and I had nothing more than two five dollars Mcdonalds meal cards. We sat, deflated, against the curb. "Where do you think the boys are?" Marisa asked.

"Jail," I answered honestly.

She sighed, knowing it was probably true. I gasped, sitting up as a boy walked by holding grocery bags. Inside one, I could clearly see a box of Cheerios, my current favorite cereal. I leaped up, used to the pain in my leg by now, and stood in front of him.

"Hi!" I said.

"Uhm, hello."

"Can I have your groceries?"

"Kayla," Marisa hissed, walking up. "You can't just ask people if you can have their groceries."

"But Marrrriisssaaa he has Cheerios!"

The boy was standing there, looking a bit shocked. "Do you two have a home?" he asked, his Canadian accent thick.

"Nope. We're homeless, deprived, starving, thirsty, dirty, helpless children and all we want are your groceries," I said.

He sighed, looking around. "I was supposed to bring things to my mother."

"Please!" I begged. "Pleeeaseee!"

He groaned and handed the groceries over. Marisa looked shocked that we had actually gotten food, and sqeualed. "Thanks!" she called and, with the bag of groceries, we ran away.

"Let's go to the pharmacy and see if they're in there," Marisa said. She was carrying the bag and we walked into the Walgreens to see every single shelf knocked over, food everywhere and one very angry looking clerk screaming into a phone behind the desk.

"Two boys! They ruined everything!" the clerk was yelling. "Everything!"

She saw us walk in, and shooed us away. "We're closed, I'm sorry."

"Uhm, what happened?" Marisa asked.

The clerk sighed. "Two teenage boys, a little older than the two of you, came in and tried to convinve me to give them drugs! I said no, of course, and then one of them went insane, rambling off about how his head hurt and he had to get back to some blonde chick and all he wanted was a couple of painkillers because he had a concussion, and the other one tried to calm him down and the crazed one accidently pushed him into a shelf and he knocked EVERYTHING over and then they ran away with the drugs and now my store is RUINED!"

"Oh." We both said.

"Did you see where they happened to run?" I asked. 

"That way," she sighed, pointing out the door. "Why?"

"Just curious," Marisa said. "Anyway, thanks for uh, yeah. Good luck with your store."

The clerk sighed and went back to her phone call as me and Marisa left. We walked around Canada, looking for the boys and finnaly found the two of them in a not-so-fantastic situation.

They were in a back alley, of course. Marisa and I had decided to stop there so that we could go through the groceries and eat something. There were about five males who looked around the age of twenty, maybe a little younger and one girl in booty shorts waaaay too short and a crop top with long red hair.

Harry and Liam were backed against the wall, looking at the gang. On a normal occasion they could probably fight them, but Liam had a concusion and Harry had just been through an explosion, after all.

"Harry," I heard Liam hiss, "Just give them the drugs."

"No," Harry said back. "We need them more than them."

One of the gang members, a tall black man with no hair and tattoos permenantly inked into his scalp responded, "I think you will."

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