Kiss-Kiss-Kiss-Kiss-Kissing in the dark!

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Marisa’s POV:

    Someone picked me up with a strong grip. I looked up, my eyes filled with tears, my breath short and wheezing.

    It was a man, and he pulled me up fast and said, “Come with me.”

    I tried to pull away, screaming, but he just dragged me. He took me to a room where Harry, Kayla, and Liam all came in at the same time.

    We all ran to each other, and each of them looked horrible. Kayla looked petrified, Liam’s face was red and covered in tears, and Harry was a bit of both.

    “I....I thought you were dead,” Harry said as we hugged each other. “I saw you guys dying.”

    “It was just a test, all of it was fake,” Quad said, walking into the room with Dester and Jean behind him.

    “Are you kidding me!” Kayla yelled, now looking mad. “So are they okay? Did you really torture my coach?”

    “Nope,” Jean said, smiling. God, I hated him.

    We all looked super relieved but also verrrry mad.

    “So, we were looking at how you were reacting in this situations, and you all pretty much freaked out and such. But that’s fine, we wanted to see what would happen.”

    “What’d ya think would happen, we would say, ‘Who gives a  fuck?”’ Kayla yelled.

    “Kayla!” I yelled at her.

    “Whaaat!” She yelled back. “This is not an okay situation!”

    I glared at her.

    “Okay, so on to test two,” Dester said.

    They gave us about 30 minutes to get our brains together and eat food. I barely ate though, which was weird for me, because that image of my dogs insides was still stuck in my brain and would probably never leave, even if it was fake. Which I still couldn’t believe.

    Then they piled us all in a truck with dark windows so we couldn’t see outside and drove. We drove for about ten minutes then they parked and pulled us out.   

    “Where are we?” Liam asked. He looked a little back to normal, but still freaked out.

    “You shall see,” Dester said. They led us into a big building. Inside, it was pitch black. Seriously, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face.

    They all stayed by the door. “There are food supplies and flashlights, but you have to find them. You will be in here for....I don’t know, a while. Have fun!”

    “Wait-” We all said, and they slammed the door shut, the light leaving with them.

    “You’ve got to be joking,” Harry whispered.

    We’d been in here for about forty five seconds and already Marisa was having a panic attack.

    “Ohhhhmigggod! I can’t see anything! ANYTHING! We’re gonna die! Where’s the food? The water? Where are we? Holy gooosssh!”

    “MARISA!” Liam screamed. “Calm down.”

    She whimpered in response.

    “Okay. So we are obviously in a building that is dark. He said that there were supplies, so let’s start looking for them.”

    “Should we split up?” Harry asked. “So we can find the stuff faster?”

    “NO!” Marisa screamed. “DON’T LEAVE ME!”

    “Marisaaa.” Liam said again. “It’s actually a good idea. I’ll stay with you, okay? We can go look for the food. You love food. Right?”

    “I do love food.”

    “I know you do, baby. Now, Harry and Kayla, you go look for flashlights, Marisa and I will look for the food. Just...yell if you find anything.”

    “Okay!” Harry and I said.

    Liam and Marisa went one, Marisa clutching Liam and whispering, “Food. Foood. Foooooodddd.”

    I walked next to Harry, I could hear his breathing but couldn’t see his face. “Where are we going?” I asked.

    “I don’t knowwww.”

    Eventually we walked so far that I just sat down. “Kayla? The fudge?” Harry asked.

    “I’m borrrrreeeeed. Sit.”

    Harry sighed and sat. “Hey, look!” He yelled, reaching to his left and pulling out flashlights. “Whatda know? Your laziness comes in handy.”


    I squealed and grabbed a flashlight, turning it on. Harry screamed and fell backward as the light met his eyes. “Kayyyyyllllaaa!”


    Harry sat back up, rubbing his green eyes. “Ugh.” I began to yell.

    “Kayla, what are you doing?”

    “Liam said to yell when we found them.”

    “But not like that.”


    “Yeah. You know what, maybe we should not talk.”

    “What else would we do?” I asked.

    “Kayla.” Harry said seriously. Then he kissed me. Ohhh. That.

    Harry grabbed my waist and pulled me to him, kissing my neck. I allowed him to, running my hands through his hair as he did. He made him way up to my lips, kissing them slowly but violently.

    This was going way too slow. I pulled him to me roughly, kissing him harder than he kissed me. Harry got the hint and picked me up, and he leaned against the wall as I straddled his long torso.

    Harry slipped his shirt off. He dropped me, placing me on the ground and I kneeled on my knees so that I was facing his strong stomach. I kissed his six pack, one pack at a time and Harry laughed at me, his laugher filling the dark.

    He helped me up and pushed me against the wall, continuing to kiss my lips.

    We went on like that for a while, if I had to guess I would guess like half an hour or so. When we were done we sat next to each other, our hair messed up. “I wonder if Marisa and Liam kiss like that,” I asked.

    “I highly doubt it,” Harry said. “I think if Liam took his shirt off Marisa would have a fit.”

    “Trueee,” I said.

    Suddenly, we saw two shillouhettes running down the hallway, and I knew that one was Liam and one was Marisa. The only thing? What were they running from?

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