We'll be baccck.

913 16 2

"Morning sunshine," A voice cooed.

I smiled. "Hey Liam." My eyes slowly opened and I jumped back. It was Drew. I jumped back.

"What the hella you doing?" I asked, my face turning why. He had been inches from me, his hair falling in my face.

His eyes widened. "I was just waking you up, geez. Anyway, we have to go.... train, I guess you could call it. Come downstairs for breakfast."

He left and I quickly brushed my hair and threw on a different shirt, taking the creaky, wodden steps by two.

"Hey," I said, sitting down next to Liam and making sure that Drew didn't have an open seat next to me.

"Okay, so here's the sitch- we're going out to practice for our "business," and we don't really trust leaving you here, so you're gonna come with," Trenton said, and we all sat up. "Just stay with us and don't do anything stupid."

"It's obvious you just met us," I said. "Doing stupid things is like our motto."

Trenton rolled his eyes and took a swing of beer. Wasn't it... 9 in the morning?

"What do you mean "business?"" Kayla asked, munching on some eggs. I had a bowl of stale Trix in front of me, but it was better than we've had before.

"Well..... today we're going to a shooting range."

"YESS!" Kayla screamed.

Thirty minutes later we were in an open, green field with guns layed up in front of us. There was trees surrounding us, as well as a small sparkling lake nearby.

"So we're allowed to do this, right?" I asked, searching for cops.

"Pft, no," Drew said, standing towards me. "Here, want me to show you how to hold a gun?"

"Oh, trust me, I know how to, and if you lay a pinkie finger on me... Liam will hurt you." I couldn't be that menacing.

Drew turned to Liam, who nodded fiercly.

"Okay, so we're practicing shooting," Trenton said, standing in front of us, pacing around like a coach. "It's all about focus, coordination, aiming, and timing. If you aim well and time the shot just right, you'll hit your target. You also have to ignore all the distractions around you. First, pick your gun."

Drew, Clay, and Cole had all picked out their guns in a matter of seconds. I started at the option- there was a rifle, pistol, and some other guns that I could only describe as "pointy" or "black." I didn't know the technical terms.

"Hmmmm I think I'll go with the rifle," I said, picking up the large but not too large brown gun.

"Good choice," Drew said, grinning at me.

Liam stood nearby, holding the gun in his arms and pulling the lever, loading it. "This is definitley loaded, right?"

 Drew backed away to Cole.

Liam stood next to me, holding his pistol. Kayla and Harry had both gotten short, black guns.

"Okay, so here comes the first disc," Trenton said, pushing a button on a big machine, and a white disc went flying out of it and into the air.

"Wait- we're supposed to shoot that SPECK?" I asked, holding my gun up.

Drew, Clay, and Cole all shot at once, hitting each disc that kept going flying out of the machine.

"Better hurry, it gets faster and faster," Trenton said.

"Why do we have to do this!" Kayla yelled, shooting randomly into the sky.

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