Chapter Four: "He was Flirting"

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     Danielle, Eleanor, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry were sitting together in a circle underneath this huge tree. You and Niall joined them. You plopped down beside Zayn and Liam. “What was that?” Liam whispered to you as you sat down. Louis was entertaining the others. “What do you mean?” you asked. Liam gave you a look. “I saw you and Niall over there.” he bluffed. “Nothing, nothing.” you answered. He smirked. That ended that conversation. But started a new one. Harry made eye contact with you. You looked at him and saw him chuckle. Harry looked at you then took a look over at Niall and raised his eyebrows. “Nothing.” you mouthed to him. He shook his head no. You stuck your tongue at him. He stuck his tongue back at you. You looked away, trying to hide your face from blushing. You looked over at Niall who was looking at you. He winked. Zayn scooted closer towards you. “Feel my forehead.” he said. You put your hand on his forehead. He was sweating like crazy. “Ewww! You’re sweating!” you exclaimed. “I know. It's disgusting.” he said. You laughed at your best friend and wiped the sweat falling from the side of his face. “Come on lads, I think we 'ought to get back home.” Liam implied. “Race ya?” Niall asked Zayn. Zayn gave him a devious look. “Let’s go!” Zayn said, full of energy. Niall shot up and ran towards the van. “Carefull Niall! Don’t trip!” Liam shouted after him. Zayn jumped as well. “Hop on!” he said. You jumped on his back as he started running after Niall. “Come on babe!” Louis said after Zayn took off. You looked behind you and saw Danielle on Liam’s back and Eleanor on Louis’. Harry was walking by himself. Niall was first to the van. “I win!” he gloated while doing a little jump. “No fair. You got a head start and I got a person on my back.” Zayn protested as he put you down. Liam came in next, then Louis. Finally, Harry came in walking by himself. “I feel so loved.” he said sarcastically. “Awww. It’s okay Harry, I love you.” Louis said to him as he put his hand on his shoulder. “I love you too BooBear.” Harry flirted. You all jumped into the van and headed home.

     “Danielle and I would like to talk to you inside.” Eleanor bent down and whispered to you as you got out of the van. You wondered what it was. Everyone went inside. Louis, Liam and Harry flopped down on the couch as Zayn and Niall raced each other upstairs for the shower. “Let me go first Niall I'm sweating!” you heard Zayn scream from the staircase. “No! Let me through, I’m Irish!” Niall shouted back. You chuckled as you listened to them argue up the stairs, fighting for the shower. “Would you like to sit and rest ladies?” Liam asked. “In a moment. Danielle and I are going to have a little chat with _____.” Eleanor replied. “Secrets?” Louis asked out of breathe, raising an eyebrow. “Oh hush you.” she said as she walked away and up to your room.

     “Come on.” You, Eleanor and Danielle raced to your room. Liam and Harry were left in the living room, shrugging shoulders. Once inside, Danielle closed the door shut. “Soooo….” she started off while smiling as if she had an idea in mind. You didn’t know where this was going. “Soooo?” you repeated. “We saw you and Niall today.” Eleanor teased as she took a seat next to you on your bed. “What about Niall and I?” you asked them. Danielle and Eleanor exchanged glances. “It seemed like you two were doing some serious flirting.” Danielle said while taking a seat on the floor in front of you. “Niall and I?” you repeated in the form of a question. They nodded. “No, no.” you denied. They exchanged glances again. “You sure?” Eleanor interrogated. “I mean you two were flirting today, you spent the night with him the other day…” Danielle said dramatically. You smirked. “It’s nothing really. He's just being nice, that's all.” you tried making it not sound as dramatic as it seemed. “Are you sure?” Eleanor asked once again. You nodded your head. “Positive.” you replied. Danielle interrupted before you could say anything else. “Cause I think you and Niall would make a cute couple.” You smiled to yourself but tried not to show it. Eleanor nodded in agreement. “I’m not having this conversation.” you joked as you stood up and headed towards the door. You heard the girls giggle as they followed you back down the stairs.

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