You woke up next morning on your own. Usually, you were one of the last ones to wake up. And you were. You headed downstairs to see everyone in the kiitchen, pouring themselves some cereal. “Goodmorning love.” Liam said. Everyone turned towards you. “Goodmorning.” you said. “Sleep well?” asked Danielle. “Very.” you answered. She shot you a smile, Eleanor laughed at her. Zayn walked over to you and kissed your cheek. “Morning.” he answered with a smile. Louis came over to you and got you a bowl of Cheerios. “Thanks.” you said. He nodded. “My pleasure.” Niall hobbled over to you on your other side. “Morning.” he said happily. You chuckled. “Morning.” you said back. He went a tad pink and moved his eyes towards the floor. “How are yuo feelnig?” you asked. “Alright. Sleep really helped. I should be better by the end of this week.” he told you. “Good.” you answered. He continued smiling. You were munching on the cereal when Harry spoke up. “So, I think it’s all fair saying that today, we all pitch in to write a song.” You were happy. Your heart skipped a beat. “Really?” you asked. “Yeah. Is that alright?” Liam asked. “No of course.” you told them. “Just cause Niall needs to rest, we figured that it would be good if we worked on some music.” Louis added. “No, that’s great.” you said. They all smiled. “Oh, but you, Eleanor or Danielle can’t hear it.” Zayn said. “What?!” the three of you said together. “Sorry. This is One D buisness. It is strictly prohibited.” Liam told you all. You rolled your eyes. “Hey, don’t be like that.” Niall nudged you. “Why can’t we hear it?” you asked. “Cause. I told you One D buisness.” Liam repeated. You stuck out your tounge. He did the same. “Alright then. If you guys want to exclude us, then _____, Danielle and I are going to have a girls day.” Eleanor said while walking over to you. You finished your cereal and put the plate in the sink. “Girls day?” Harry asked. “Yes Harry.” Eleanor answered. “Alright, do what you want.” Louis said. Eleanor walked over to him and pecked him on the cheek. He went bright red. “Well what are we waiting for? Come on _____, Eleanor. Let’s go!” Danielle said cheerfully. The three of you headed upstairs to get ready. Eleanor threw on her classy collared shirts, with some black skinny jeans. Danielle was wearing a loose, white tanktop with some leggings. You put on a plain black tee shirt with some high waisted shorts. You all headed downstairs to see the boys sitting, huddled together looked at a notebook and humming. You all ignored them. “Have fun ladies.” Harry said. Louis and Liam went over to their girlfriends and pecked them softly. “Have fun baby.” Liam said. “Don’t stay out forever.” Louis said. Zayn came over to you and kissed your forehead. “Have fun with the girls alright? Call me later okay?” he said. You nodded. “Sure Zayn. Whatever you want.” you told him. He playfully punched your jaw and sat back down with the rest of the boys. “Bye.” Danielle said as you three walked out the door. “Bye!” the guys all said at once. Danielle shut the door behind her. “On our way girlies.” Eleanor said as she pranced to the van. Danielle drove to the mall. “So. Tell us now. This is girl talk. What happened with you and Niall at the hospital?” Danielle asked. You stopped. You didn’t know if you should tell them you guys kissed. You thought the only one you should actually tell was Harry. He seemed like the most reasonable guy to tell. “Well…” you started off. “I walked inside and Niall automatically started apologizing. About how he and I got into the arguement and all.” you said. “Awww. How sweeet.” El cooed. You nodded. “Yeah. But he just said that he was very sorry for everything he said, that he was being a jerk and that he didn’t mean all the rude things he had said.” you continued. “See, that’s the thing about Niall…” Danielle added in.
“He’s capable of seeing what he’s done wrong. And he approaches it. He doesn’t deny it. For instance, you and him. He realized that he was wrong to get so angry and frustrated with you, so he approached it by apologizing to you.” she said. You smiled to yourself. “And another thing.” Eleanor pitched in. “Whenever Niall apologizes about something, he doesn’t do it just to do it. He does it because he’s truly sorry. He’s such a sweetheart.” Your smile grew bigger. “Awww.” you said. “Yeah, Niall is such a sweetie.” Danielle said. You all arrived at the mall within a few minutes. There, you hit up stores like Topshop, Zara, Urban Outfiters, Forever 21 and American Apparel. There were a few fans watching you, bringing out a camera and taking pictures of you all or videoing you while you shopping. You were all in Topshop when you checked your phone. Harry tweeted: “Love is unpredictable. It comes in many forms. Sometimes the love of our life is right in front of us and we don’t even realise…” “Oh Harry.” you thought. Then Zayn tweeted: “In the flat today, working on some music. Nialler is getting better. Love U! :) x” A tweet from Eleanor. “@DaniellePeazer @_____ Yay!! Shopping time is loads fun!! Xxx” Eleanor came over to you asked your opinion on some blouse. “Like it?” she asked while modeling. You laughed. “Love. Go try it on!” you said. “Okay.” she trotted off to the dressing room. You and Danielle waited for her. “Eleanor loves this place.” she said. Eleanor then came out wearing the blouse. “Very nice El.” Danielle said. “Yeah, it looks great.” you said. “Thanks. I think I’m gonna get it.” she said as she went back into her changing room. A few fans came over to you and Dani and started chatting. “Hi!” they said. You both turned around. “Hi!” Dani said. “Hello.” you told them. They all looked real happy. “Are you _____?” one girl asked you. She was about 10. “Yes. Yes I am.” you answered. She gasped. “Are you dating Zayn?!” someone else asked.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...