Chapter Twenty Four: Mini Vacation #2

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     “Goodnight babe.” Niall said to you. It was soon bedtime for the flat members. He tucked you into bed as he gently kissed your forehead. “Goodnight.” you told him. He left with a grin on his face. The next morning you were awoken by a soft voice. “_____.” it said. “_____.” it repeated, shaking you a little bit. You moaned as you slowly lifted your eyes. It was Zayn. All ready. “Come on love. We got to go get the train.” he said. You shook your head, waking up. You remembered. You and Zayn were going to go on vacation again. Or atleast attempt. “Oh right.” you said. “Shhhh.” he warned. He then motioned over to Danielle and Eleanor who were still asleep. “Oh right, sorry.” you whispered. Zayn chuckled a little as he walked out of your room. You threw on some jeans and a plain gray teeshirt for the ride. The only ones awake were you and Zayn. Or atleast you thought. Zayn told you to go downstairs when you were all ready. You headed downstairs into the kitchen to grab an apple. As you were moving down the stairs, the scent of fresh brewed coffee attracted you. Zayn probably made coffee for the trip. But no. It wasn’t gim. That’s when you saw Niall sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hands. “Niall?” you asked him. He got startled. Then turned around to look at you. A smile grew. “Goodmorning love.” he said lightly as he walked towards you, kissed your forehead and embraced you in a goodmorning hug. You hugged him back then pulled away. It was 6:30 am. “Niall, what are you doing awake?” He shrugged. “I’m driving you and Zayn to the station.” he said. You smiled at him. You pulled him back into the hug. He laughed as he held you closely. Then Zayn came downstairs. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you to in eachother’s arms.

     “Oh. Sorry if I’m interrupting.” he said. You laughed at him. “Oh Zayn.” you thought. Niall let you go as he lead you and Zayn out to the van. “I got your stuff darling, go hop inside.” Niall said as he grabbed your luggage from you. You did as told. You headed into the van and Zayn followed you. He grabbed your hand within his. “You excited?” he asked. You nodded. “Haha! Good. Cause I promise you this wll be the best weekend of your life.” he said. You believed him. You knew he wouldn’t break that promise. Once Niall was finished with your luggage he hopped into the driver’s seat and drove to the station. Once you got there, you, Zayn and Niall threw on your sunglasses, hoping not to be seen. And it luckily worked. “There you are!” he said as he dragged your luggage from the trunk. “Thank you.” you told him. He smiled again. Then he grabbed you into a big bear hug. Zayn was standing aside on his phone. Niall rocked you back and forth. “Have a wonderful time this weekend. I’ll tell the boys you said goodbye.” he whispered into your ear after he kissed your forehead. You smiled. “Thanks.” you said to him. You looked up at him in his arms. You got on your tippy toes and gently pecked him on the lips. “I’m gonna miss that.” he said after you kissed him. You laughed. Then Zayn came into the picture. “Niall, save some love for me alright?” he asked. You let Niall go as he went over and hugged Zayn goodbye. “Bye man.” he said. “Later.” Zayn said as he hugged Niall back and patted him on his shoulder. You and Zayn headed back walking into the station together, linking arms. “Have fun!” Niall called from the van. You turned around to find him waving goodbye. “Call me when you get there!” he called again. You turned around again. You and Zayn stopped at Starbucks inside. Zayn got on line without consulting you. “Two caramel frappichinos.” he ordered. He got his drinks and handed one to you. “Thanks Zayn.” you said to him as you took a sip. “No prob!” he answered. You checked the time. It was 7:15. Train leaves in another half hour. But Zayn wanted to get there early. You and him took a seat at a table together, drinking your coffee.

     “So, is there anything you want to do? Anything special you got in mind?” he asked. You thought for a moment. “No, nothing that special. But could you tell me what we’re doing today?” you asked. He shook his head no. You rolled your eyes. “Please?!” you begged. He shook his head “No.” again. “Why not?” you asked. He shrugged. “Cause I want it to be a surprise!” he answered. Same old answer. You smiled at him as you leaned over the table and pinched his cheek. He rubbed you off, smiling. The train arrived. You and Zayn both boarded. Neither of you were recognized. So it was a nice ride. You took a seat by the window as put in your ear phones. That’s when you felt one ear phone fall out. Or so you thought. It was actually Zayn putting one in his ear. You were slightly embarassed considering you were listening to One Direction. “Hahahahahahaha!” he laughed once he heard the music play. “So co-come on. You got it wrong! To prove I’m right, I put it in a so-o-ong! …” Zayn sang on your iPod. “You have us on your iPod?” he asked. You nodded. You were always a fan of his music. “You’re so cute.” he said as he pinched your cheek this time. Like him, you rubbed Zayn off and leaned your head on his shoulder. You felt his lips on your cheek. “I love you _____.” he said. “I love you more.” you answered. He shook his head no. “Not possible.” he answered. You smiled as he put an arm around you. You fell asleep during the ride. Zayn shook you again, waking you up when you got into the city. “Come on love. We’re here!” he said as he got your luggage from up top. You yawned and rubbed your eyes. “You sleepy baby?” he asked. You nodded like a little kid. “Awwww.” he said. He took your luggage and his and threw them both over his shoulders, carrying them by himself. “Zayn, you need me to help?” he asked. He shook his head no as he got off the train, even thought you saw he was struggling. “Cab!” he called out. A can then pulled up to you. You jumped inside as Zyan threw your things into the back. “Embassy Suites.” he said as he shut the door. “You got it!” the guy answered. You were having a hard time keeping your eyes open. Zayn moved closer towards you and he put an arm around you. “Baby, don’t fall asleep. You can fall asleep when we get to the hotel.” he said. You nodded as you yawned again. He chuckled.

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