Chapter Thirty Seven: Tour Day 3

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     Harry’s POV I was the last one to wake up the next morning. “Harry.” someone whispered into my ear. I moaned. “Harry.” someone repeated. I moaned again. Then they flicked me behind the ear. “Ouch!” I comaplained. Zayn was smiling and kneeling down beside me. “Goodmorning curly!” he said as he messed up my hair. “Ahhh, get off.” I complained. He smiled stood back up and went into the kitchen. I got up slowly. Louis really helped me the other night. I mean we all get hate and we all somehow deal with it. As long as I have the people I love with me, I’ll get through it like everyone else. I walked into the kitchen. The bus was parked. We had some spare time before we were kicked out and started rehersal all over again. I sat down beside Liam. I was so tired. “Wake up Hazza.” he said poking my dimples. I smiled. “Eat.” Niall said while tossing me an apple. I caught it and took a bite out of it. Zayn was in the other room on the phone with Perrie. Perfect opprotunity to chat. “Hey, did _____ tell you what went down a few days ago with Perrie?” I asked them. They nodded. So they all knew. “It’s simpy because Perrie knows how close her and Zayn are. That’s all.” Louis said. Everyone nodded. We kept our voice down so Zayn wouldn’t hear us. “Yeah.” Liam agreed. “I mean, if it happens again we’re all gonna have a talk. I mean we have to.” Niall said. We all nodded. Zayn came back in. We all shut up immediately and looked at him. He was startled. “What?” he asked. We shook our heads. “Nothing.” I said. He gave us a little look. It was very hard to hide something from Zayn or to lie to him. He always caught us. Our manager came walking into the bus. “Hey guys.” he said. “Hey.” we all responded. “Tomorrow night…” he started off. “Tomorrow night, you guys are gonna have a little fun.” he said. We all looked at eachother. “What do you mean?” we asked him. “I mean..” he started off. “I mean that there’s an open night club tomorrow night. I figure you guys need to relax and just live a little. You wanna go?” he asked. We all exchanged a few looks. We were iffy about the subect at first. But we knew how to control ourselves. And he was right. We needed to live a little. “I guess that’s alright.” Louis was the first one to speak. “Yeah.” everyone agreed and nodded. “Awesome. Alright guys, ten more minutes then into the stadium.” he said. We nodded. We haven’t been clubbing in a while. But I guess it was okay once in a while. Like I said before, we knew how to control ourselves so it was good. We were actually all pretty excited. We needed to let loose a little bit. We entered the stadium for some more rehersal. It was quite tiring. For some odd reason the girls were on my mind. I was wondering how they were doing. We still felt bad that we left them. So, during our lunch break I decided to give _____ a call. “Be right back.” I told the lads as they contined munching on their sandwhiches. I got up and walked away, dialing ____’s number. It ran a few times. “Hello?” _____’s voice asked me. I smiled. “Hiya!” I said happily. She chuckled. “Hey Harry. How are you?” she asked. “I’m doing well thanks.” he said. She laughed again. “I was just wondering how you and Eleanor are doing.” I said. “Ummm…” she said. “We’re doing well. Everything’s good.” I smiled. “I’m glad. We miss you.” I told her. “We miss you too.” she replied. “Have you spoken to any of the others?” I questioned. “Yes.” she said. “Zayn and Niall text me everyday. I spoke to Louis yesterday as well.” Good. This meant that Niall was being a good boyfriend. I was happy. “Awwww how sweet.” I said. I could tell she was smiling. “Alright, well I gotta run back to the boys. More rehersing.” I said. “Alright, have fun!” she said. I chuckled. “Alright, thanks love. Bye.” I said. “Bye.” she replied. I hung up the phone. I don’t know, there was just something about _____ that appealed to me. I didn’t like like her or anything of that matter. There’s just something about her that I love. We’ve gotten real close within the past few weeks and I’m sort of looking at her as a little sister rather than a friend. I think that Liam and Louis are starting to feel the same way. I love her. I walked back over to the boys. We started rehersal again. Sang our hearts out and just had fun with it. During our breaks we usually go on Twitter. “Having loads of fun !!!” I tweeted out. I saw Niall tweet out “Having an amazing time !!! I’m missing @_____ and @EleanorJCalder though…” We all did. The show started at 6:00 again. “How you holding up Hazza?” Louis came over to me and asked as he patted me on the back. I finished buttoning up my shirt. “I’m holding up well Lou. Thanks.” I said back. He smiled. I’m glad he was there for me. “Alright guys we’re on soon!” The director called. I made sure my collar was on correctly. “Ready Hazza?” Liam asked while putting a hand on me. I nodded. “As always.” I responded. He smiled. We all ran onstage. “Hello there!” I shouted into the mic. Thousands of girls replied by their screams. I smiled, pleased with myself. “How are we all doing tonight?!” Zayn asked. More screams. “I thought so.” he said jokingly. I smirked. Then I heard music playing. “We’ve gt a bit of love hate. You take me to the edge then you hit the breaks. I say it’s over one day. But then I’m crawling back, begging you to stay…” I heard Liam sing. Na Na Na was our first song of the night. Concerts are loads of fun. Me and the boys are doing what we love most and being adored by loads of girls, which is just as good. We basically get the chance to be oursevles onstage. Some people think our attitudes are differernt in public or whatever. But it’s really not. We’re five stupid, childish and immature boys. And we always will be. The concert went really well that night. So far all of them were perfect. The boys and I ran backstage waiting for the meet and greet. We just got a few minutes to relax and change our clothes again. I changed by clothes and shook my head so my hair would get all shaggy again. I sat on the couch backstage. I was the first one ready. I waited for the others. I immediately got on my phone and went to Twitter again. The first thing I did was check _____’s and Eleanor’s twitter. I wanted to see what they were up to. Eleanor’s last tweet read “Movie Marathon!!! :) Xxx” I was assuming they were on a movie marathon that evening. I checked _____’s. “@NiallOfficial @zaynmalik @Harry_Styles @Real_Liam_Payne @Louis_Tomlinson Hope you boys do a good job tonight!! :) Xxxx” I replied. “@_____ Of course we did love!!! :) x” The others came on the couch with me. Zayn and Niall sat beside me as we awaited for the fans. Only a few of them came. The thing that was differernt about these fans were that they were quite young. I had to say about nine or ten. They all came over and hugged us, asked for pictures and just screamed. They were so cute. The boys and I absolutely love little fans. If anyone loved kids more than me, it had to be Zayn.

     Zayn was great with them. He’d make an excellent father. “Hi Harry!” a cute little one came up to me with a notebook and pen in her hand. My eyes lit up. “Hi there!” I replied. “Can I get your autograph?” she asked me. I nodded. “Of course!” I said. I took her notebook and pen in my hand. “What’s your name sweetie?” she asked. “Sabrina.” she responded with a smile. I smiled back at her. I wrote in her notebook “Dear Sabrina, Thank you for coming to our show tonight! Hope you enjoyed it! Love, Harry Styles x” I handed it back to her when I was finished. “Here you are.” I said handing it back to her. “Thanks.” she said. “Harry, do you have a girlfriend?” she asked me. I couldn’t help but laugh. She giggled as well. “No, no I don’t love.” I answered. She looked a little happy. “Oh okay.” she said blushing. How cute. “Well whoever she is, is going to be very lucky.” she said. I was shocked that someone who is nine years old could say such kind words to me. I never thought that a few simple words from a nine year old could make my day. A huge smile grew on my face. “Awwww.” I said. “You’re so cute.” I told her. She giggled again. “Thank you.” she said cutely. “Awww.” I said again. “Come here, give me a hug.” I said as I opened my arms out. She came near me and give me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tightly, shaking her side to side. I heard her little laugh in my ear. “Thank you for coming to the show love.” I thanked her. She smiled. “Thank you Harry!” she said. I looked at her in the eyes and continued smiling. “Alright, guys. Meet and greet is over.” he said. All the kids started moaning. They didn’t want to leave. We didn’t want them to leave either. “Bye Harry!” Sabrina called out to me as she and her other friends left with their mum. “Bye Sabrina!” I called out to her. She smiled and dissappeared. Fans like her are just the cutest. Our day four of the tour had ended. We went back onto the bus and changed into our night wear. I hopped into bed without anyone asking me any questions or speaking with me. Louis was right. I got to stop putting all the hate and pressure on myself. I’m happy with who I am. And if people don’t like it, then too bad for them. I’m me. Wether they like it or not. And on that single thought a smile grew across my face as I shut my eyes and fell asleep. End of POV That was the end of day three.

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