Chapter One Hundred One: Don't Leave

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    5:30 in the morning. "_____? ______?" a voice woke you up in the morning. You fluttered your eyes open. You were still in Niall's arms. "_____?" the voice said again. You opened your eyes fully to reveal a Liam Payne standing in front of you with a glum expression. He sighed as he saw you awaken. "It's time love..." he said softly. You took your time with him. You wanted to keep the vision of Liam waking you up in your memory. "Okay..." you said softly. Liam smacked his lips together, nodded then walked out of the room. He looked like he was on the verge of tears as he exited the room and shut the door. You sighed again and looked over at Niall. You were still in his arms from the night before. "Niall..." you said. No response. "Niall..." you repeated a little louder. Still no response. "Niall." he said in a more firm voice. His eyes began to open, batting them until he was able to concentrate his vision on you. You stared at him. Not wanting the sight of him waking up beside you to leave your memory. "Hi." you said simply. Suddenly, it hit Niall. It hit him. You were leaving in two hours. All he did was look at you. He began breathing heavily. You wrapped your arms tighter around him, not wanting to see him cry right now.

     "I'm here! I'm here!" you said as you snuggled closer to him. Niall's grip tightened on you as he squeezed your body closer to his own. "Don't leave..." he begged into your ear. Those words killed you. "Don't leave.." the words rang through your head. "Not now Niall please..." you asked him not to request the impossible. He loosened his grip and made eye contact with you. Slowly, he removed his hands from your body and brought them up to your face. He cupped your cheeks in his hands and planted a kiss on top of your lips. It was a passionate kiss. You started running your fingers through his hair and kissing him back. His lips were soft. They were moving in sync with yours, licking your bottom lip and sliding his tongue into your mouth. He only pulled away for a few seconds to catch his breath. He was leaning in harder of you and gripped your face tighter than before. "Niall." you said as you had no choice but to push him off. He stopped and looked you dead in the eyes yet did not remove his hands from your face. "We have to get ready." you said silently. You saw the redness forming around Niall's eyes and nose. "Please don't cry. No please don't cry..." you thought to yourself. "Okay." he whispered to you. You brought your lips to him, pecking him on the lips once more before you had to go downstairs for the last time.

     You and Niall got out of bed together. The look he had on his face killed you. It looked like he was killing himself on the inside. All he wanted to do was kiss you. He wanted to hug you and hold you and kiss you and love you. And he only had two hours left. You walked on in front of Niall and felt his hands wrapping around your waist, walking behind you. You placed your hands on top of him, interlocking your fingers. You walked down the stairs and heard absolutely nothing. No noise. No sound was being made. You hesitantly walked on into the kitchen to see them. Your best friends. Your family. Torn apart.

     Liam, Danielle, Eleanor and Harry were all sitting at the table, looking around at each other and lifting their heads when they saw you. Zayn was also at the table, looking down at the floor. Refusing to make eye contact with you. Louis was leaning on the kitchen counter looking exhausted. "Hi." you said gently to everyone, careful not to startle them. No one responded. They just looked at you with disappointment. Eleanor forced a smile on her face. Harry dropped his head down to the table, not looking at you. You stood there, wondering what to do next. Niall still had his arms around your waist. Louis started moving. He got out of a brown paper bag, a plain bagel, walked over and handed it to you. "Sorry this isn't much love but... We didn't really have anything else." he said. You nodded and took it from him. "It's okay. Thank you." you replied. He nodded his head and nothing more. Niall began resting his chin in your shoulder.

     After about five minutes of silence, no one talking whatsoever, Liam spoke up. "Well uhhhh..." he said trying to find the right words. "I guess we ought to be getting ready." he said. He was right. Eleanor and Danielle stood up, looking at you and forcing a smile as they walked by you. Louis walked out afterwards, following Eleanor giving you a look of grief as he passed by. Liam was next who also forced a smile upon you. Next was Harry who stood behind Liam. He kept his head to the floor. "Harry." you said to him as he were about to pass you by. He stopped but did not look up. You took your hand and placed it under his chin, forcing him to look at you. His eyes were shot. They were all red, tears filling up his beautiful green eyes. He was already crying. You gave him a sad look. He did the same. After a few seconds of just looking at one another, Harry looked back down at the floor and started his way up to his room. Last but not least. Zayn. Zayn hadn't budged. He hadn't moved from his chair. He was in the same position you saw him as you walked in. Niall's arms did not leave your body. You looked up at him and he looked down at you. "Would you mind giving me a minute with him?" you asked him. Niall nodded, released his grip from your waist and started heading back upstairs to where the others were. It was you and Zayn now.

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