Chapter Forty Seven: Flip Flops

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     By the end o the night Louis had managed to calm himself down. He was luckily back to normal again. Well... As normal as Louis could get. "I'm sorry you had to see that _____." Louis apologized to you sitting at the kithen table. You rolled your eyes. "Don't apologize!" you said. He sighed. "I didn't mean to sound all mean like it's just that I felt as if-" "Louis!" you cut him off. He looked up at you. "It's okay!" you smiled. He smirked. "Thank you for doing that for me." you said. He smiled. "Awww, _____..." he said as he came in for a hug. You hugged him back tightly. "Nobody in the world is gonna make fun of you in front of me. I'll make sure of it." he said as he held you close. You smiled and looked up. "Thanks Lou." you said. He smirked again. "No problem love." he said. He kissed your forehead and let you go. His watch then beeped. "It's 11:30 love." Louis said. You nodded. "Time for bed?" you asked. He nodded playfully. "Indeed." he responded. You laughed as you and him made your way up the staircase together. "Night _____." Louis said to you as you both made your seperate ways. "Night." you said. Louis entered his bedroom. You entered yours. You fell asleep actually smiling. You were happy to know that you had someone like Louis to protect you.

     The next morning arrived with you, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry all sitting in the living room watching TV. You and Niall rarely spoke to eachother. With the acception of any questions and maybe a "goodmorning" or a "goodnight" you never really spoke. You all sat in the living room. Liam was resting his head on your shoulder. "_____!" you heard someone call. All six of you turned around to see who it was. It was Eleanor coming downstairs all ready to walk out the door. "_____, I need to stop at the little botique downtown. My flip flops broke this morning and I need a new pair. You want to tag along with me?" she asked. You smiled and nodded. You stood up causing Liam to switch positions. "Babe, you really need another pair of flip flops?" Louis asked her. She nodded. "Mhhmmm." she said. Louis shrugged. "I guess so...." he answered. She chuckled and quickly pecked him on top of his head causing him to blush. "How long will you guys be?" Zayn asked. "Oh, hopefully not that long." Eleanor replied. "And when she says that she means in three or four hours." Harry said rudely. Eleanor walked over to Harry and slapped him in the back of the head. "Ouch!" Harry screamed. You and Eleanor made your way up the stairs. You quickly threw on a random outfit. A nice orange tee shirt and some white shorts. You threw your hair up in a bun and quickly exited the door with El. "We'll be back shortly." Eleanor said. You saw Harry roll his eyes. You smirked. "Bye love." Liam said. "Bye!" you and Eleanor replied. You both exited the flat and went into the van.

     "All you need are shoes El?" you asked her. She nodded as she buckled her seatcelt and pulled out of the driveway. "But you know me." she then said. "I'm probably gonna end up getting a lot more than that." she said as she continued driving. You chuckled to yourslef. Oh Eleanor. Within a few more minutes El pulled up to this nice little botique. "Here we are!" she said. ou and Eleanor both got out of the famous veichle and walked into the little botique stands. You helped Eleanor choose out the flip flops she wanted. "Ooooohhh..." she said as she picked up a nice pair of brown flip flops. "How about these? Do you like em?" she asked. You nodded. "Thy're cute!" you answered. She smiled. "Try em on." you suggested. Eleanor took off her sandals and threw on the brown flip flops. "Perfect." she said as she looked down at her feet and wiggled her toes. You giggled. "Alright." she said as she stepped out the shoes. "I'm gonna get these." she said. You smiled and approved. Eleanor threw her original sandals back on and went over to the woman to pay for them. She got her flip flops she wanted. And of course, afterwards you two ended up wandering around the whole place. El was right.

     You spooted a nice botique with sunglasses. You were eyeing the place. It wouldn't kill to look for some. "Hey." you said to Eleanor. She looked over at you. "I'm gonna go over there." you said pointing to the spot. She nodded and smiled. "Okay. I'll be right there." she answered. Eleanor was looking at some clutch bags. You gave her a smile and then made your way over to the stand. You were searching among what seemed like billions of pairs of sunglasses. You came upon a cute pair and tried them on. You liked how they looked. You were questioning wether to buy them or not. You took a step or two backwards when you ended up trpping over your own feet. You were about to stumble backwards and onto the ground when you felt a pair of arms catch you. Thank God for Eleanor. "Woah! Careful there!" you heard a voice say as they caught you. It wasn't Eleanor. You stood up, regaining your balance and turned around. "Oh my gosh." you laughed. You heard the voice chuckled. "Thank you so much." you said. The voice chuckled again. "Oh, no problem." they responded. You looked up to see the most beautiful pair of brown eyes you've ever seen. You just smiled and looked down at the ground, embarassed. "Anyways, I'm Jacob." he said as he stuck his hand out fo you to shake. You smiled at him and shook his hand. "Hi!" you said. "I'm _____." you said. Jacob smiled again. He was so cute. He had a beautiful pair of brown eyes and brown hair that was a little spiked up. He also had a gorgeous smile. He laughed. "Ummm.. Uhhh..." he then said. "That's a nice pair of sunglasses." he said pointing to them. You looked at them then at hi. He was smiling. Which made you smile. "Oh. Yeah. I like them so I'm probably gonna get them." you said. He chuckled. "That's nice." he said. You nodded. There were a few awkward pauses. "Hey wait... Aren't you that girl that's going out with a One Direction memeber?" he asked you. Oh so he knew you. You bit your lip. "Oh... Ummm..." you said. He looked at you confused. "Was going out with a One Direction member." you answered. His eyes widened.

     "Ummm..." you continued. "Niall and I broke up." you said. His eyes filled with sorrow. "Oh." he sid shockingly. "I'm sorry." he apologized. "I didn't mean to-" "No! No! It's fine!" you said assuringly. He smiled "Alright cool." he said. There were a few more pauses. But then Jacob  spoke up again. "Well uhhhh.." he then said. "Maybe if you're not busy or anything, we could hang out sometime." he said. Your eyes widened. "I mean, only if you want to." he said. He was very cute. How could you say no? "Ummm.. Okay." you said smiling. He smiled back at you. "Great." he said while taking out his phone. "What's your number?" he asked. You told him your number and he told you his. "Great." he said again after you were finished. "I'll call you sometime." he said. You smiled and nodded. You got butterflies in your stomach. "Okay." you answered. He smiled at you one more time. "Bye." he said with a smile. "Bye." you waved. Jacob walked away on that note. Did that really just happen? You just met a really nice and cute guy and he asked you for your number and to hang out. You put away the sunglasses. You didn't buy them. Suddenly, you saw Eleanor rush over to you. "What was that?!" she exclaimed. You jumped. "What?!" you asked. She grabbed your hand and pulled you aside. "Who was that guy you were talking to?!" she almost screamed. You chuckled. "His name is Jacob." you said. Eleanor's jaw dropped. "Was he hitting on you!?" you asked. You shrugged. "Uhhh... Kind of." you said. Eleanor's jaw extended. "Oh my gosh! What did you do?!" you asked. "Nothing!" you answered. She frowned. "We just exchanged numbers." you said. Her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, _____!" she exclaimed. "What?!" you asked. "You really got that guy's number?" she asked. You nodded. "Wow." she said. She started giggling. You knew that she was happy/excited and nervous all at the same time. She laughed once more. You guys spent a few more minutes at the botique before heading home. You didn't buy anything else.

     Eleanor drove you guys back to the flat. She got her flip fops and exited the van. You followed her. She entered the flat house. "Hello?" she called. Everyone was still on the couch. "Hey there." Louis said. You both stepped inside and said hello to everyone. "Did you get anything love?" Zayn asked as you came over to him. You shook your head no. Zayn smiled. "Got your flip flops babe?" Louis asked El. She nodded. "As if you needed another pair..." you heard Harry unger his breath. El shot him a look. Eleanor went upstairs to you guys' room and put them away. For the rest of the day you guys just relaxed and such. You all chilled out on the couch. Your heart shook a little whenever you saw Niall. You didn't know why, but it just did. It had turned from 2:00 in the afternoon to 10:00 in the evening like that. That's also the time your phone went off. You, Zayn and Harry were all laying on the couches together watching some stupid show. "Hey." the text read. It was from Jacob. "Hey." you answered. You got butterflies in your stomach again. "So  was wondering, maybe if you're not doing anything tomorrow, we could go meet up." he said. You thought for a moment. "Hey are we doing anything tomorrow?" you asked aloud. Both Zayn and Harry shook their heads. "Not that we know of." Harry answered. "Why?" Zayn immediately asked. You shrugged. "No reason." you answered while replyng to him. Zayn gave you a look. He was suspicious. "Not doing anything tomorrow! Where do you wanna meet?" Jacob answered. "How about the botique again? Same place. Same time?" he asked. "Yeah! Souds good." He texted you back again. "Awesome! I'll see you there!" "Bye :)" you said. That ended your conversation.

     "Come on now." Liam said. "Bedtime." You looked at the clock. It was almost midnight. Harry was already asleep. "What do we do with Harry?" you asked. Liam and Zayn looked down at Harry who was sleeping so quietly on the couch. "Ahhh, let him stay there. We shouldn't wake him." Liam said. You and Zayn exited the living room, leaving Harry sleeping on the sofa. You both got ready for bed. You pulled into your pajamas and then hopped into your bed and pulled the ocvers over. You placed your phone on the nightstand. "Has Jacob texted you?" Eleanor asked while walking in. You nodded. "And?" she wondered. You sighed. "We're gonna meet up tomorrow." you said. El gave you a little look. "Alright." she said. You could tell that she wasn't exactly on board with the idea because of the whole Niall drama. "Goodnight _____." she said as she got into her own bed. "Night." you replied. She shut off her light and then fell asleep. You could't help but want to see Jacob again. He was very cute and nice. And besides, you were single now. You were all happy but then suddenly you heard Niall's words in your head. "Please don't fall for someone else."

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