Louis and Niall froze in their positions. “What?” Louis asked, not believing what Liam just told him. Liam nodded and sighed. “We have to leave for five days. We’re doing a little city tour.” he explained. “What no!” Louis said. “I know..” Liam said sadly. “I don’t understand. I mean we just got back from doing the three shows and they promised us we could stay here for the rest of the summer.” Niall added in. Liam nodded. “Well atleast Eleanor and _____ can tag along right?” Louis asked. Liam bit his lip. No answer. “Right?” Niall asked Liam again as if he didn’t hear Louis. He sighed. “I’m afraid not.” Liam finally answered. Louis and Niall’s jaw dropped. “What do you mean they can’t come with us?!” Louis exclaimed. “We tried Louis. We really did.” Harry told him in order to calm him down a bit. “Yeah man..” Zayn started. “All of us sat here litterally arguing with management for about an hour elling them that they promised we could stay here and asking why _____ and Eleanor can’t come with us.” he said. You sighed so did Eleanor. “And why can’t they come?” Niall asked. “Cause apparently it’s ‘private matters.’” Harry put a quotation around ‘private matters.’ Louis rolled his eyes. “When do we leave?” he asked. “In two days. And then we’ll be back again.” Liam told him. Louis sighed. “Alright then.” he said. He didn’t seem very happy knowing that he had to leave again. “Well. What choice do we have?” he asked. You knew the boys didn’t want to leave you guys for five days but Louis was right. They didn’t have a choice. You yawned. “I agree.” Harry said immediately after you yawned. “Yeah. We should all get some rest.” Zayn said. You all went upstairs and got ready for bed. You were walking out of the bathroom when you felt an arm pull you back. “Ow!” you shreiked. “Shhhh!” Zayn said as he placed his fingers to his lips. “What?” you asked him. “Sleep with me for the night.” he sad. You sighed and thought about it. “Please?” he asked. You gave in. “Alright Zayn. I just need to go say goodnight to Niall.” you said. He nodded and went into his room. You walked a few more steps when you reached Niall’s room. He was awake, lying on his back on his bed starring at the ceiling. “Niall?” you asked knocking on the door. He sat up. “Hey there.” he said. You walked over to his side of the bed and kissed his forehead. “Just came in to say goodnight love.” you told him. He smiled.
“Okay. Thanks.” he said. “I’m gonna be staying with Zayn for the night okay?” you asked him. He nodded. “That’s fine.” he said. You were so happy that he allowed you and that he wouldn’t worry about it. “Thanks.” you said to him. He smiled again and yawned. You smirked. You started walking out of his room. You were standing in the doorway. “Goodnight Niall.” you said. “Goodnight _____.” he said softly. You exited his room and shut the door softly behind him. You headed into Zayn’s room. He was practically asleep already. You took a look at him. You had to say that he had the cutest sleeping face. You crawled beside him and tucked yourself under the covers. You leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Night Zayn.” you whispered. He didn’t turn around but he smiled with his eyes closed. “Goodnight _____.” he responded. You smirked to yourself. You layed down on the bed next to him. Zayn then turned around, eyes still closed and placed one arm around your body holding you close to his chest. You fell asleep in his arms that night. Morning arrived. It was the last day the boys could spend some quality time with you and Eleanor before they went to their little five day tour without you. It may not seem like a long time, but you were still going to miss them. You were sitting on Niall’s lap in the kitchen as the boys were discussing what they wanted to do today. “What to do… What to do…” Harry thought to himself. “Can’t this day be just another lazy day? We can talk about whatever again.” Zayn said. Louis nodded. “I agree.” he said. “Oh so it’s a garbage day?” Harry asked. Everyone looked at him very confused. “What was that?” Niall asked. “A garbage day?” Liam repeated, confused. “Yeah! Like a gabage day… We’re not doing anything today so… Garbage day.” Harry explained to everyone. Everyone rolled their eyes and started to laugh at him. Harry kept on smiling. After breakfast you all went upstairs to Niall’s room and took a seat on his bed. It was a boredom day. Louis was on his laptop going through his Twitter. “Ugh.” he said. Everyone looked at him. “What’s wrong Lou?” Harry asked. “Someone keeps on sending me pictures of herself eating carrots!” he comaplined. The boys started to laugh. “Why are they doing that?” you asked. All the boys looked at you like you were nuts. “What?” you asked. “You’ve never known Louis’ story behind him loving carrots?” Liam asked. You shook your head. “Oh, well then it’s story time!” Niall said. He started to explain. “Ya see, during one of out video diaries, a fan asked us what we like about girls. And as a joke, Louis said ‘I like girls who eat carrots.’ And ever since then Louis has been recieving so many carrots and all, he’s sick of it.” Niall laughed. Louis nodded. “I know.” he said. “I shouldn’ve said that.” he said shaking his head. Everyone started to giggle. Harry started messing with Louis hair as Louis slapped him off. “Get off me.” he said. Harry started chuckling. You all continued looking through Twitter. Someone tweeted Harry saying “Harry, can I be your cat?” He started laughing hysterically. “_____, did you know that I like cats?” Harry asked you. Your raised an eyebrow.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...