Chapter Nintey Nine: Just Like the First Time

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     You woke up to the sound of a voice. A familiar voice. "Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life. I don't think you've even realized. Baby you'll be saving mine..." a very slow and soft voice sang to you. You fluttered your eyes open to reveal the one and only Zayn Jawaad Malik. You smiled at the sight of him. Your heart lifted as you saw him smile back. It was a gorgeous day outside. The sun was out. Not a single cloud in the sky. It was a crisp day. Not too cool, not too hot. It was perfect, which is exactly how you needed this day to be. "Zayn." you smiled, fully opening your eyes and yawning. The boy chuckled. "Yes baby. That's me." he replied. You grinned. Zayn bent down and placed a soft and gently kiss on your forehead. "Get up now love. We've got an extraordinary day planned for you." You smiled and got yourself up out of bed. You pulled the covers off of yourself and put your feet to the ground. Zayn patiently waited for you to stand up. You got up on your own two feet as he put an arm around your body, escorting you down the stairs to the others.

     "_____!" Louis cheered as he was the first one to see you come into the kitchen. Everybody's heads turned. You smiled at them. "Hey!" you cheered. Everyone began to grin. "How's the beautiful girl doing this morning?" Liam asked, leaning on the kitchen counter. You nodded. "Pretty good I guess..." you said honestly. Everyone continued to smile. "Well it's gonna get even better hun." Danielle implied. That made you laugh a bit. "Yeah! We've got an exciting day for ya!" Liam cheered up and gave you a cheeky grin. "Did you eat already?" you asked. "Nope!" Louis said quite loudly. Eleanor jumped and covered her ear. She was too cute. "How about we get ready and we'll take you out to?" Harry offered. You smiled. "Sounds good!" you answered. Everyone smiled. "Alright, let's get going!" Liam clapped. As everyone was getting up off their chairs and starting to their room, you got hit. "Hey!" you exclaimed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you. "Harry!" you screamed. Innocent Haz sat there  on a kitchen chair with a spoon in his hand.

     You laughed as you began wiping the Jell-O off your face.

     You allowed everyone to pass you by in order to say good morning to Niall. Niall was behind the pack, exiting the kitchen. He looked at you once he came to you. "Good morning there my beautiful princess." he said in a very cheery tone as he kissed your cheek. You loved seeing him happy. "How's my little angel doing?" he asked in a baby voice as he pinched your cheek. You pushed him off. He chuckled. "Why are you in such a good mood?" you laughed as you two began walking up the stairs together. Niall shrugged. "I dunno." he said, moving his shoulders upward. "I guess I'm just excited for today." he said as he slightly jumped up and down. You wanted to kiss him so bad. So, so bad.

     As you two got to the top of the stairs, Niall turned his body and placed his hand on your waist, pulling you closer towards him. He was smiling the whole entire time. "Kiss me baby." he said softly. You stood up on your tip toes and placed your lips on his. His lips were warm and soft. He continued kissing you passionately. Letting you take in every moment. He moved his hands away from your waist and towards your bum. Just as you two were getting carried away, someone stopped you. "Hey!" a deep voice practically screamed. "Ow!" you and Niall screamed at the same time as you bumped foreheads. You heard a chuckle. You looked down your right to see Harry Styles, standing in a red paid shirt and back skinny jeans, smiling exposing his dimple. "Ugggghhhh Harry!" Niall complained as he held his forehead in pain. Harry chucked one more time before heading back into his own room.

     "Thanks Harry." you thought yourself.

     You ruined a another moment....

     You and Niall departed each other and went off into your own direction in order to get ready for the day. You opened the door to your room to see Eleanor and Danielle doing their makeup in the mirror. "Baby!" El cheered as you entered. You smiled. "How are you guys?" you asked politely. "Splendid!" Eleanor replied. You laughed. You got together a simple outfit for the day and got ready with your girls. As all three of you were looking in the mirror and doing a last minute check on how you were looking, Danielle sighed. "I was right." she said into the mirror. You and El looked at her, then looked at each other, confused on what she was talking about. "About what?" Eleanor asked. Danielle laughed silently to herself and then looked at the two of you who were still dazed in confusion.

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