Chapter Seventy Three: Running into "Fans"

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     The spa day with the girls had ended in a few hours. The three of you thanked and paid the ladies and headed back towards the hotel. "That was needed." Eleanor sad before grabbing her key from her purse. Indeed it was needed. That information they told you was much needed. Niall James Horan in love with you. Eleanor opened the door to reveal Harry Styles and Liam Payne on the couches watching the telly. "Hey!" Harry cheered when he saw you. You smiled back at him. "Hi Harry!" Dani cheered. "Where are the others?" "They took a walk. They should be back in a few minutes." Liam answered her. You all nodded and took a seat next to them. Harry immediately put his arm around you when you sat down beside him. "Hey there sport." He said. You smiled at him. "Hello Harry, how are you doing?" Harry chuckled. "I'm doing very well thank you and yourself?" "Very well after spa." you replied. Harry smiled and leaned his head against your shoulder. You started playing with his curls. A half hour later the boys arrived.

     "Hey!"  Louis when he saw the three of you were back home. "Hi babe." Eleanor said. Zayn walked over to you and placed kiss on your forehead.  "How was the spa?" Zayn had asked you. You smiled at him. "It was much needed, thank you." He nodded his head and took a seat on the floor. Niall took a seat next to you. Yu thought about what Eleanor and Daniel had said earlier. "Hi, baby." Niall said. You went red. "Hello then Niall." You said back. All he did was smirk to himself and then placed his left hand onto your stomach. Harry's head was still leaning against your shoulder.

     As the boys have promised, they took you out to dinner. "Anything fancy?" Eleanor asked the boys before you all got ready. "Nothing fancy tonight." Liam replied. "You could go in sweats and a T-shirt if you like." Louis told them. Sweats and a T-shirt? You wonder where they were taking you. "Can you just tell us what you're taking us?" Danielle asked. "Nope!" Zayn answered her. "It's a surprise, now go get changed into your sweatpants and T-shirts and will meet you in the living room." They really wanted you guys in sweatpants and T-shirts? Well if they asked for it, that's what they'll get. Niall quickly grabbed you before you went inside your room. "I want you to wear my clothes." he whispered in your ear. "Go to the bottom left drawer and grab a pair of my sweatpants. Doesn't matter which one." he said. You did as you were commanded.  You enter your room and shut the door behind you. You went into the bottom left drawer like Niall had said and pulled out a pair of his big sweatpants.  Why did he want you to wear one of his close? You didn't question it. You threw on a pair of his  black sweats and you changed into a light blue tank top. You went back out to the living room. Once Niall heard the door open, his head immediately shot towards you and looked down. He smiled when he saw you had an article of his clothing on you. "Perfect." you saw him mouth to you. "Good were already," Louis said.  You were out to dinner.

     Niall immediately walked over to you, grabbed your hand and locked fingers with you. "You look good in my clothes." Niall has complemented you. You started to blush. "Thankyou." you said to him. Nialler smiled as he gently placed a kiss upon your cheek. You saw Zayn watching from a distance. He Has smiling. You were all off to dinner. It was about a 10 minute walk and you stopped in front of a place you never expected to stop at. "Here we are!" Harry said on onconce you were in front Of the Place. You, Danielle, and Eleanor all stood there with mouths open. "You're really taking us here?" Dani asked. in Iront of you stood a burger joint.

   They weren't kidding. The eight of you walked into the burger joint and took your seats. That’s why they wanted you to wear sweatpants. “I was expecting something fancy.” Eleanor had said. “Well someone’s greedy.” Louis said. “No, no, no!” Eleanor defended herself. Louis smirked. “I know babe.” “I’m just playing.” Niall placed a hand on your thigh beneath the table, so no one else could see. You twitched. “Relax babe.” Niall whispered in your ear. “How about after this I take you out for some ice cream.” Niall insisted. You didn’t say anything, you only nodded. You heard him lightly chuckle. The waitress came over to you guys and took your orders. It was nice to have a casual dinner. “So maybe tomorrow, we could go walking for the day? Maybe there’s some bikes available to rent,” Louis asked. You all nodded. That sounded nice. Your burgers came. You guys ate fast food for the night. Right when dinner was over, everyone started walking back the hotel. “Hey.” Niall spoke up. Everyone turned and faced him. “_____ and I are going to meet you back at the hotel in a little bit.” None of them said anything. All of them, including Zayn, smiled, turned around and started walking back to the hotel. You saw Niall’s face light up. He was happy that they got the message. “Come on princess. I’ll take you anywhere that you would like. We could go out any day any night.” You smiled. You and Niall walked hand-in-hand to the nearest ice cream shop. “Tell me what you want.” Niall insisted when entering the shop. “I kind of want a sundae.” you said. Niall raised his eyebrows. “What my Princess wants, is what my Princess will get.” You started blushing. “Two sundaes please.” Niall requested.

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