Chapter Sixteen: Scared You'll Forget Me

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     You were about to break down in the middle of the road. Where could he possibly be? Then you thought to yourself. You thought harder and harder. That’s when it hit you. You got it. You knew where Zayn was. You ran as fast as you could for about a mile. When Zayn was living here before summer, he called you telling you all about this secret location he had if he needed to get away from time for a while. You stopped running at this little pond in the middle of almost nowhere. You went down the hill and around the pond. There was a little cave just snug enough to hold two or three people. “Zayn?” you whispered slowly walking down to the cave. And there he was. Wearing the clothes he had on two days ago, just sitting here. Doing nothing. He looked up at you. Once he saw your face, he looked back down. Knowing that he regretted what he had done to you. “Zayn!” you yelled. You lunged onto him wrapping yourself around him. You started to cry. At first, Zayn didn’t do anything. But then, you felt his arms hold you closely. “Oh my God. Zayn, please don’t ever do that again.” you pleaded, tears falling down from your face. He said nothing. He finally let go of you and looked at you with sorry brown eyes. “I’m sorry.” he said sadly. He looked like he was about to cry as well. “Zayn, what happened?” you asked wiping away the tears. A tear ran down Zayn’s cheek as he took a deep breath. “The thought….” he started off saying very slowly. “The thought of you and Niall…” he continued. Your heart stopped. “The thought of you being together with Niall. It worries me.” he said. Your heart felt like it sunk to the very very bottom. “Wha? What?” you asked. Zayn sighed again. “Don’t you see _____?” he asked.

     He turned and looked at you and grabbed your hands. “The thought of you being together with Niall. You’re in a relationship now with one of the best guys I know. But, this means that you’re growing up.” he started off saying. You always found it funny when he said that you were growing up because you were only a few months younger than he was. “This means that you can take care of yourself. And I’ve always known that. But I’m so afraid that if you and Niall become a serious thing, you won’t care about me as much. You’d want to spend more time with Niall instead of me. That you’d forget me.” he explained.His head went down, looking at the ground. He broke your heart. How could he ever think that? “Zayn.” you started talking to him. He still wouldn’t look at you. “Zayn.” you repeated lifting his chin up, forcing him to look at you. His eyes were all red and puffy. “Zayn, how could you possibly think that?” you questioned. He shrugged. You hated seeing him sad. “Zayn, no matter what happens between Niall and I, I’m never ever going to forget you. How could I do that?” you asked. He looked dissapointed in himself. “I just don’t want you to leave me.” he said all chocked up, another tear falling from his face. “Never.” you assured him. He smiled a bit then went into tears. You moved right next to him and wrapped your arms around him. Seeing him cry was like seeing a baby puppy getting beat up. He weeped as he buried his head into your shoulder. You kissed his cheek and never let go of him. “I love you too much to forget you.” you told him. He sniffled and looked at you. “I love you too.” he answered. He then smiled. Chuckled a little bit. “I think I may love you a little too much actually.” he joked. You giggled. There, you and Zayn layed down next to eachother in the little cave just fit for the two of you. He put his arm around you and held you very close. He grabbed your hand and intwined his fingers in yours with the opposite hand. You put your head on his chest and closed your eyes. Right there, the pair of you fell asleep in eachother’s arms. Morning You awoke not remember where you were. You panicked a little. But shortly realized that you went looking for Zayn late last night. He was still sleeping. “Oh my God. The others!” you thought to yourself. “Zayn!” you said as you shook him a little. “Zayn!” you said again. He perked up. “Wha? Wha? What?” he asked as he got up and rubbed his eyes. “Zayn, we’ve got to get back home. The others are probably worried sick!” you said. He sat up straight and checked his phone. “30 missed calls, 52 new text messages.” he said. “All from the boys.” How cute were they.

     “You’re right. We better get home.” he said. You both got up off the cave, dusted yourselves off and headed back home. When you got there, you found everyone in the living room with worried looks on their faces as Niall was pacing the floor. You opened the door. “Hello?” you asked. All heads shot towards you guys. “Zayn!” they all shouted as they jummped up and ran to you. They all grabbed you and hugged both of you tightly til you couldn’t breathe. “Oh my God.” Liam said as he was squeezing you tightly. “Oh my God, _____ please don’t ever do that again!” he begged whisering in your ear. You rubbed his back. “Liam, calm down. Everything is alright!” you assured him. He let go, kissed your forhead and smiled. Then Niall came over to you. He just stood in front of you and said nothing. The others were all embracing Zayn like there was no tomorrow, shouting and asking him several questions. After a few moments of you and Niall just staring at eachother he finally moved and squeezed you tightly. You hugged him back. “You had me worried sick.” he said into your ear. You let go of him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “I’m sorry. I had to find him.” you answered. Niall nodded. You were so glad he understood. “I understand.” he said. You smiled. “But next time, atleast tell one of us you’re leaving.” he repremanded. You nodded. “I promise.” you responded. He smiled and wrapped his arms around you again. “Now where were you both?!” Louis yelled over everyone curious. “It’s a secret.” Zayn said. “What?!” screamed Eleanor, Danielle, Louis, Harry and Liam. Zayn laughed. “Sorry! Can’t say!” he said. Then everyone looked at you. “Where was he?!” Louis questioned. You shrugged as well. “Secret.” you answered. Louis looked annoyed. “Awww come on Lou.” you said as you playfully punched him. “Doesn’t matter. What matters is that Zayn is home again and everything is alrgiht. He’s safe and sound.” you explained. They all exchanged a few looks and nodded. “She’s right.” Danielle said. You nodded again. Harry smiled. “Zayn, please promise us you’ll never do that again.” Liam asked. He nodded. “I promise.” he said. And he meant it. You were just glad he was back home safe and sound. “Anyways, after we had this heart attack!” Harry said out loud.

     “I was thinking that we all just relax for a while. In two more days Niall will be able to do whatever he wants. But he still has to rest.” Harry said. Niall nodded. And so did everyone else. “Alright, well Zayn why don’t you go shower and freshen up, get some sleep if wanted.” Liam said. “Alright Daddy.” Zayn said cutely. Liam slapped him. “Ow.” he said. The others chuckled as Zayn trotted upstairs to shower. “We also get the van back tomorrow! It’s all repaired!” Louis said happily. You missed that van. AAfter some silence Danielle spoke up. “Alright well, I guess I’ll go and grab us some breakfast. Should I go to the deli?” asked Danielle. “Yes please.” Niall said. “Alright.” she said as she grabbed her purse. “I’ll come along with you.” Liam said following her. “Alright, we’ll be back soon.” Danielle said opening the door. Her and Liam exited to get the food. “Now what happened?” Niall asked you as you and him took a seat on the couch together. “Why did he dissapear?” he asked. You sighed. “We’ll talk about that later.” you told him. He look a little sad. “Perk up.” you ordered as you nudged him a little. He chuckled. You layed your head on his chest as he played with your hair. You, Harry, Eleanor Louis and Niall were all watching some TV. Danielle and Liam came back shortly with the breakfast. Niall shot up and ran straight towards the food grabbing the bag with his name on it. Of course. Harry put an arm around you as you both walked to your food. “I was really worried about you.” he said. Awwww. “Thanks Harry. But I’m fine.” you assured him. He smiled as he pinched your cheek. You shook his off, rubbing the spot he pinched. You all sat down at the table, eating your deli bought breakfast sandwhiches. Zayn came down shortly wearing some plaid shorts and a plain white tee, hair all wet with a towel around his neck. He grabbed his sandwhich as he winked at you. You smiled at him. You all continued eating when Louis suggested “How about tomorrow we all go on a boat ride?” People looked at him confused. “A baot ride?” Harry asked. “Yeah!” Louis said.

     “How did you come up with that?!” Liam asked. Louis shrugged. “I dunno. It just came to me.” he answered. You smiled at Louis and he smiled back. “That sounds great though! We should do it!” Danielle said happily while shaking Liam a bit. “I agree!” Eleanor added in. Everyone looked around at eachother. “Boat ride it is!” Harry said happily. That sounded great. As everyone continued eating their breakfast all you could think about was how happy you were that Zayn as back home. Even though ht was a little nervous about everything, you knew everything was going to be alright. Everything was going back to normal. Niall was going to be fully back on his feet in two days and everything seemed just perfect. “I love you.” you mouthed to Zayn as everyone was off in their own little conversation. “I love you more.” he mouthed back. You smiled as you all finished eating.

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