Chapter Forty Nine: More Than This

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     You walked into the doors and took a sigh. You could’ve sworn you heard a door slam from upstairs but decided to ignore it. “Hello?!” you called out. “Hey hey hey!” Louis said as he walked over to you. You smiled. “Hey Lou.” you said. “Where have ya been?” he asked. You put your bag down and walked into the living room with him. “Uhhh…” you said. “I was at the botique Eleanor and I went to yesterday.” you said. Louis nodded. “With?” he questioned. You sighed, wondering if you should answer him or not. “With someone.” you said. Louis groaned. “Who someone?!” he asked. You smiled. “This guy…” you said. Those two words. Those two words drove Louis insane. “What?!” he screamed. “Shhhh!” you said covering his mouth with your hands. He pushed you away. “A guy?!” he screamed/whispered. You nodded. “Who is this guy?!” Louis exclaimed. You regretted telling him. “His name is Jacob. Jacob Watson.” you said. Louis eyes widened. “And you were on a date with him?” he asked. You shook your head. “No, no no!” you said. Louis gave you a look. “Umm… Atleast I don’t think so.” you said. Louis didn’t look happy. “_____…” he said sadly. You shoudn’ve told him. “Where did you meet him?” he asked. “Yesterday. At the botique with Eleanor.” you answered. “Ahhhhh.” Louis said. “I should’ve known.” he said. You smiled vaugley. “This guy isn’t your boyfriend now is he?” he asked. “No!” you said. “Is he?!” Louis asked again. “No!” you said. “No, no. No he’s not.” you answered. “Well do you want him to be?” Louis asked. You didn’t answer right away. You actually had to think about it for a moment. “You do?!” Louis assumed once you didn’t answer. “I don’t know!” you said back. Louis’ eyes widened. You actually didn’t know. Jacob was such a sweet guy. He was so nice and polite and everything else you wanted in a boyfriend. He had an incredible smile and a really cute laugh. But his kisses. Weren’t as good as Niall’s.

     “_____, I’m not trying to prevent you from liking him or anything, but I’m just saying that it may not be right.” Louis started off. He was getting serious. “This whole Niall thing is still going on and I mean, how do you think he would take it?” he asked. You sighed and let your eyes to the floor. “He still loves you.” Louis said after a few seconds. You sighed. Niall still loved you. Did you still love him? You didn’t know. “Hey there _____!” Liam said as he walked into the living room followed by Harry and Eleanor. “Hi.” you said back. “So where’ve ya been?” Harry asked. You sighed. You saw Eleanor looking at you from behind Hazza. “Ummm.. At the botique with a friend.” you answered. “A friend?” Liam asked as he took a seat on the couch. You sighed. You told them everything you told Louis. Hos name was Jacobb Watson. You met yesterday at the botique and decided to hang out with him again today. They all had looks on their faces. “Does Zayn know?” Liam asked. You nodded. “He does.” you answered. Maybe that made them feel a little better. “So was this a date? Is he your boyfriend?” Eleanor asked you many questions. “Ummm.. I don’t think it was a date. And no, he’s not my boyfriend.” you said. “Do you want him to be?” Harry asked. “I don’t know!” you snapped. Harry jumped a little. “I’m sorry.” you said right after you yelled. He nodded. “Alright. Well we’d give you a mini lecture right now but I’m pretty sure that Louis already did.” Liam said. You nodded. “_____, we won’t say anything but just think about what you’re doing.” Harry said. You nodded again. “Alright, I will.” you smiled. They all smiled back at you. Zayn came down within a few minutes. “Hi there babe.” he said as he kissed your cheek. “Hey, where’s Niall?” Eleanor asked after Zayn sat down next to you. Everyone looked around. You actually forgot about Niall for a second. Where was he? “I think he’s upstairs. Lemme go check up on him.” Liam said. He jogged upstairs to Niall’s room. You continued watching television. “So how was your day?” Zayn whispered in your ear. You smiled. “It was lovely. Thank you.” you said. He giggled. Liam came back down. “Well?” Harry asked. Everyone looked at him. “Ummm… He’s upstairs in his room.” he said. Everyone made a few faces. “Doing what?” Louis asked. “Ummm..” Liam said as he looked aroud at everyone in the room. “_____, may I speak with you in private?” he asked. Everyone looked at you in a wandering mannar. “Ummm.. Okay.” you said. You knew this wasn’t going to be good.

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