Chapter Nintey: One More Time

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     "Goodnight baby." Zayn whispered as he tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead. You smiled as you snuggled yourself under the blankets. "Goodnight Zayn." you replied. He smiled one last time before exiting the doorway and closing it shut. You just closed your eyes when you heard your phone vibrate. You quickly grabbed it off your side table, hoping you didn't wake Eleanor and Danielle. They were fast asleep. Your phone read: "New Text Message: Niall<3" You smiled and opened it up. It read "Goodnight sweetheart. How about we get up early like we did this morning for some cuddle time? ;)" You smiled and replied back to him "Absolutely ;) Goodnight<3"  He answered back "Goodnight princess. Sweet dreams :) xx" You smiled again, shut off your phone, placed it on your bedside table and shut your eyes before drifting off into sleep.

     7:00am Niall began laughing as he looked at your pictures on your phone. You couldn't help but laugh along with him. You had so much blackmail of Zayn. It was ridiculous. You were laying in bed beside him, Niall's arm around your shoulders. "This is my favorite." Niall laughed as he scrolled over to a picture of Zayn sleeping with a marker drawn mustache on his face along with a beard. "I know!" you laughed. You remembered exactly when you did that to him. He fell asleep at your house one night after he came over for dinner. You figured, why not pull a prank on him? You put it in the school yearbook. Niall sighed, regaining his breath after laughing so hard. You had to calm yourself too. Niall looked over beside you and said "Why do you have to go?" in a bit of a sad tone. You remembered. You were going home in five days. You sighed and looked at him. He had a sad expression on his face. "Cause." you started. "I have to go back home and I need to finish school and you need to continue up with One Direction." you explained. Niall rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just live with us? You can take an online course for school or we can sign you up for a local school near here. And your mum can move in too along with your dad. You can get your degree and everything." Niall started dreaming about. You chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair. "You know I can't do that Niall." you stated. He sighed in disappointment.

     "Yah, I'll just go get him." you heard a voice from outside the door. Sounded like Liam. There came a knock on the door. "Come in." Niall called. The door opened and walked in Liam Payne. "Morning." he smiled. "Morning." you and Niall repeated. "Ummm, Niall I think you're wanted for a quick radio interview. It'll only last five minutes. We already finished ours." he said. "Oh. Okay." Niall said as he took his arm off you, hopped off the bed and trotted downstairs. You smiled, you were all alone on the bed now. Liam looked at you and tilted his head. "Come on love. Let's get you something to eat." You smiled and got up off the mattress. Liam put you under his arm as you two walked down the flight of stairs into the kitchen.

     "And here's Niall." you heard Harry say. You turned the corner to see Harry handing his cell phone to Niall. "Hello?" Niall said. Harry smiled as he saw you walking with Liam. "Good morning precious." he whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Morning Harry." you whispered back. You bypassed Niall as he was pacing the living room floor, answering some questions for radio. "Yeah, everything's really good. We're just getting ourselves back together." you heard him answer part of a question as you walked by him. Everyone else was in the kitchen just sitting and talking. "Morning sweetheart." Louis said loudly as you entered the room with Liam. You smiled and said "Morning Lou." Zayn came over to you and handed you a cookie. "Ooooohhh Zayn, you're actually letting _____ have sweets for breakfast?! You dare devil." Eleanor teased him. Zayn went pink and said "Oh shush!" Everyone in the room chuckled. You took the cookie from him and took a seat beside Danielle and Eleanor.

     Niall walked back in the room after a few more minutes with Harry's phone in his hand. "Here ya go mate." Harry took back his phone and said goodbye to whatever radio station needed their interviews. He hung up his phone and stuck it in his pocket. Niall glanced at you and immediately said "Where'd you get that cookie?!" as he pointed towards it. You chuckled and replied "Zayn." Niall looked over at Zayn. Zayn looked over at Niall. Zayn rolled his eyes, got up off his seat, went into the cookie jar and pulled out a cookie for Niall to eat. Niall happily took it from him and began feasting. How happy could he get? Everyone chuckled and began discussing today's plans. Or at least tonight's plans...

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