Chapter Seventy Two: Day At The Spa

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     Niall continued kissing you in the locked bathroom door. "Niall." you whispered attempting to push him off. He moaned and continued kissing you. "Niall!" you said slightly louder. Niall stepped back and took his hands off you. "Sorry." he blushed. You smiled. "It's okay babe, but Harry and Zayn need this bathroom as well." you said. "Oh right." he answered you. You opened the bathroom door to see Zayn standing there looking at the two of you suspiciously. "Well what was going on in there?" He asked while folding his arms. You and Niall both blushed and quietly stepped out of the bathroom doorway so Zayn could go in. You heard Zayn gently chuckle as he stepped inside the bathroom door and shut it behind him. "I guess we're going to have to find a new snogging place." Niall whispered into your ear. You chuckled slightly and walked over to your bed. Harry was already asleep on his own. "Awww, look at cute little Hazza." you said. Niall immediately took out his phone and snapped a picture of the sleeping Harry. "This is going on Twitter." He said. You chuckled as he watched your boyfriend attach the picture to a tweet he was about to send out. "Hi Harry." Was his caption with the picture attached to it. He mentioned you and Harry's name. You chuckle to yourself and re-tweeted it.

     Zayn came out of the bathroom and looked at Harry tilting his head. " Oh sure now he falls asleep on time." he mocked. You and not slightly chuckled before both of you got into bed. "Good night." Zayn had called to both of you as he tucked himself in on Harry's opposite side. "Good night." You and Niall said together. You watched Zayn tuck himself in and and shut off his light. Niall pulled back the covers and guided you in.  "Sweet dreams princess." He said as he gently kissed her forehead.  "Good night baby." You said as you shut your eyes. You felt Niall's body pressed down on the mattress. You felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around you as you dozed off into a deep sleep.

     The next morning arrived. You, Dani and El were all sitting at the coffee table. The boys were downstairs in the lobby getting you all some breakfast. "So I was thinking today we do the spa." Eleanor said.  You and Danielle looked at each other and then nodded. "Sure, that's fine." Danielle had said. "How long do think it would take?" You questioned. Eleanor shrugged. "I'm not sure probably a few hours. That's okay right?" You thought for moment. "I guess so. I mean the boys could entertain themselves for a few hours right?" Eleanor and Danielle nodded. "Of course they can. I'm sure they won't mind." Danielle implied.  You nodded your head, entrusting her answer. the three of you heard the door open. There stood the five idiots with your breakfast. "Hi babe!" Louis said as he made his way over to you guys. "Thanks!" Eleanor told her boyfriend as he handed her her breakfast. Liam did the same to Danielle.  You saw Niall walked slowly over to you with a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and french toast. "Perfect thanks babe." you told him as he set the plate down in front of you. "Anything for you." he answered.

     "We've got something to tell you." Eleanor announced to the boys as she took a bite of her meal. all five of them looked at her with wide eyes. "What?" Zayn asked slowly and cautiously. "Oh it's nothing bad silly!" Eleanor assured them. A sense of relief filled them. "We were just thinking that we all go to the spa today if you don't mind." "I could use a good massage." Harry smimled. "No, not you Harry!" Danielle teased him. He made a face. "I'm talking about me Danielle and _____." Eleanor said. All the boys looked at one another. "And how long do you think the spa will take?" Liam asked in a a peculiar way. "Probably a few hours if you guys don't mind." Danielle answered him. The boys' eyes widened even more. "You can't leave us!" Louis said. "It's only for a few hours!" Eleanor said. "It's not like you guys can't entertain yourselves for a while." Danielle said. Th Te were a few moments of silence. "Fine." Liam caved. You heard Eleanor cheer a little. "If you guys are going to go for a spa, then let us take you out to dinner when you get back." Liam was offering you guys free dinner? How could someone say no to that?

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