Chapter Twenty Five: Home Not So Sweet Home

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     “Nice and private.” Zayn leaned down and whispered in your ear. You smiled. Zayn pulled your chair out for you and let you sit down. “Thanks.” you said. He nodded as he went to the other side of the table and took his seat. He took a look at the menu. After you both decided what you wanted to eat, Zayn started an interesting conversation. “So. Time for you and Niall talk!” he said happily. You rolled your eyes. “Ugh! Zayn!” you said. He shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, come on! I’m your bestfriend here! And besides, Niall is one of my great buddies! You’re not gonna let me in on your relationship?” he asked. You smiled at him. “Well what do you want to know?” you caved. Zayn thought for a moment. As he sipped his water. “Ahhh.” he said when he swallowed. You smirked. “Have you guys kissed yet?” he asked with a smile. Your heart stopped. You weren’t sure if you should tell Zayn or not. You didn’t want him to freak out in public. But you did anyways. You had to tell him sooner or later. “Yes.” you simply answered. Zayn’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped a little. All you did was look at him. “When?” he asked. The waitor came over to you guys to take your order. “Hi. I’m Kyle and I’ll be your server tonight. Are you ready to order?” Kyle asked. “Umm. Yeah, I’ll have the chicken parm.” Zayn said. “Chicken parm? Alright. And for you?” he asked you. “I’ll have the rigatoni pasta with red sauce.” you ordered. Kyle wrote it down. “Alright, I’ll be back shortly with your orders.” he said taking the menu from you both. “Thank you.” you said. Zayn nodded as he went off. You still didn’t answer the question. “Answer!” Zayn demanded. You jumped a little. “What?!” you asked. “Answer when you guys kissed!” You sighed. “The first time we kissed was when Niall was in the hospital.” you revealed. Zayn’s eyes got even wider than before. “What?!” he exclaimed. “Shhhhh!” you said calming him down. “You kissed at the hospital?! At the hospital?! You guys weren’t even dating then!” he continued on. You nodded. “I know! But we both knew that Niall had a thing for me and that I kind of had a thing for him! So he was right there and I kissed him.” you explained. Zayn calmed down. He sighed. “I just can’t believe you wouldn’t tell anyone. Especially me!” he said. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to freak out on me! I didn’t want you to get all over protective and go after Niall or something.” you said. Zayn looked shocked. But then admitted it. “Alright, that’s a reasonable explaination.” he said. You nodded your head yes. “But you should’ve told me. You know you can tell me anything!” he said. You nodded again. “I know Zayn. I know.” you answered.

     He smiled at you as he was playing with his hands. After a few more minutes the food came. All you did was talk about the band and how everything was going and such. About tour life, what the fans are like and other things. Zayn reached over to your plate and stole a bit of pasta. “Hey!” you comaplined. He smiled as he swallowed it. “Fine. Be like that.” you joked. He laughed. “Here, you want some?” he asked, offering you his dish. You leaned over the table and took a huge chunk of his chicken parm. “Hey! Wait not that much!” he said, bringing the dish back over to him. Too late. You placed it on your plate and gave him a little look. “Slick…” he said with a little evil eye. You laughed at him. Once your meal was finished, Zayn payed for the check, you went back out. You headed to your hotel. It was actually quite dark outside. You and Zayn walked hand in hand to your hotel. “You know babe, I’ve seen some cute stuff on Twitter.” he said as he opened the door. You stepped inside and plopped on the couch. Zayn locked the door behind him and followed you. “What do you mean?” you asked him. “I mean…” he started. “I mean that some fans make cute little collages of you and I together, or of you and Niall.” he told you. How cute. “Really?” you asked. He nodded. “Yeah! Check them out. I took some screenshots.” he said as he brang out his phone. You took a look at all of them and he was right. He must’ve had about fifty different collages fans made. There were some about you and Zayn being bestfriends and you and Niall being the “cutest couple ever.” You smiled at all of them. “How cute are they?” Zayn asked finishing showing you the last one. “Very.” you answered. Zayn chuckled. You brought out your phone to tweet. Zayn turned on the telly. You tweeted out “@zaynmalik and I are on vacation!! He just showed me some collages of us and @NiallOfficial, you guys are too cute!! :) Xxx” Almost immediately you got a tweet from Niall. You had a feeling he stalked your Twitter. “@_____ Collages?! I want to see them!! Please send me some!! Miss you!! :) <3” You decided to call him. “Zayn, I’m gonna call Niall.” you said, standing up. Zayn motioned you on. You dialed Niall’s number. He answered on the first ring. “Hello?” he asked.

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