"Wake up _____. Wake up!" you heard a voice whisper to your into your ear. Yuo slowly opened your eyes to see the face of Danielle Claire Peazer. You jumped a little. You saw her giggle. "Come on love! Up up up!" she said as she playfully smacked your bum. You jumped again and looked at her. She giggled once more. "Don't wanna miss our flight!" she exclaimed. Right your flight. Completely forgot. You jumped out of your bed and quickly got ready No time for breakfast. There would be food on the plane. Niall wouldn't be too happy. You quickly got changed. You saw everyone scrambling around the house for very last minute packing and getting dressed. You were all scattered aroud the flat. Louis had passed you in the hallway. "Goodmorning _____!" he cheered as he saw you. "Morning Lou." you answered. You and him kept on walking your own ways. You got into the bathroom and threw your hair up in a messy bun. You changed into some white shorts and a nice teal layered tank top. You got some black flip flops on and your Ray Bands on top of your head. You made your way downstairs. You stepped outside the house to see Zayn and Liam throwing some of the luggages inside the van. "Goodmorning there love." Harry said to you. You turned aroud and saw Harry carrying three more suitvases in his hands. "Goodmorning Harry." you said with a smile. Harry gave you one as well and comtinued his way over to the van with Zayn and Liam. You stood on the porch of the house by yourslef, smiling and watching the boys pack the van. You felt Eleanor and Danielle come up behind you. "Boooo!" Eleanor screamed as she was behind you. "Ahhhhh!" you screamed back. She laughed. "Sorry." she apologized. You smiled at her. Her at you. You were all waiting for them to finish. "Hey babe!" Louis said as he stepped out of the flat. He quickly kissed Eleanor and stood beside the three of you."They almost done?" he asked. "Yeah." Eleanor answered. "Hey Louis, how come you're not helping them?" Danielle asked. Louis laughed. "I'm the eldest. They need to obey their authority." he answered. The three of you giggled. Then another one stepped out of the house. Niall. First time you've seen him all day.
He first stopped and took a deep breath looking at the boys who were now finishing up. He turned his head to the left. "Oh hey!" he said as he saw you. "Hello!" you responded back to him. Niall came over to you, Danielle, Louis and Eleanor. Niall quickly placed a hand on your back and kissed your lips gently. "We ready?" he asked excitedly. You heard the van door shut. Everyone's heads turned. "Come on guys! Let's get rolling!" Liam called as he closed the trunk. You all went over to the van. ouis got into the driver's seat. "Goodmorning love." Liam said as he saw you. He gave you a quick peck on the cheek. "Morning Liam." you answered. You and Niall decided to get in the way back of the van by yourselves. Zayn, Harry, Eleanor and Danielle were in front of you with Louis driving and Liam in the passanger seat. Zayn turned around so he could see you. He smiled at you. "Goodmorning babe!" he said loudly. You laughed at him. "Goodmorning Zayn." you said calmly. He smiled at you and Niall together. He shot you a wink and thrne turned himself back around. You smirked to yourself. "Alright, we're all good?" Louis asked aloud. "All good!" Eleanor answered. "Let's roll!" Liam said. And with those two words, Louis backed out of the drive way. It was about an hour or a little longer drive to the airport. You rested on Nialler's shoulder while the other arm was around you. Everyone was off in their own little conversation. You and Niall remained silent. Suddenly, you heard a growl. You jumped off his shoulder and stared at him. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone stopped takling and looked at him. "Look, I haven't eaten in a good twelve hours and I'm starving." Niall said to everyone with a straight face. You all laughed at him. Who wouldn't? You continued resting on him. You didn't look up, but you could tell he was smiling.
"We're here!" Louis cheered as he parked the van into a private parking area for the airport. All eight of you got out of the van and grabbed your things from the back. You were about to lean over and grab your things when Niall said "Don't worry love. Let me get it for you." He was such a gentlemen. You stpped aside and let Nialler get your luggage. He placed your bags down in front of you. "Come on guys." Liam said. You all rolled your baggage into the airport. To be met by hundreds of screaming girls. You never understood how they all knew where you were. Once you all entered the airport you heard the screaming voices of hundreds of teenage girls. There was much security aroud you. Niall and Harry were standing beside you close, hovering over you so no one could take pictures of you. You were under Niall's arm "You alright there love?" he had to whisper/scream into your ear in order for you to hear him. You replied with a simple head nod. "Move back! Move back!" you heard Paul and the other security gaurds yell. You were all stummbling. You felt cameras flashing at you. Niall didn't let go of you. Fans were screaming "Niall! Niall! _____! _____!" wondering where you were. None of you answered them. Somehow security managed to break through the sea of girls and let you guys breath a bit. You were actually able to walk on your own two feet now, but you had to do so at a speedy pace. Even though the girl weren't mobbing you, they were following you. You never thought you'd be chased by teenage girls before. You all had to sit down in some waiting seats like everyday normal people. Once you were all seated you were regaining your breath. All of the public attention were on you guys. Secrity told the girls that they had to back away and not disturb us and asked them to put away any cameras or phones or whatever. They were nice enough not to come up and mob you while sitting down. They did keep their distance but they all kept on staring at you. It was strange. You looked arond and saw everyone laughing. You were so confused.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...