Chaper Fifty One: Zayn Was Right

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     “Ummm, alright. Is everything okay?” he texted back. You replied “Yeah! Of course! I just need to tell you something.” you replied. “Okay. See you in a few.” he replied back. You got dressed. You threw on some shorts and a nice tank top. You gathered your purse together. And went downstairs. “Goodmorning love!” Harry said as he saw you. “Hey.” you replied. Everyone was confused. “How come you’re all dressed?” Louis asked. “I’m going out right now.” you answered. You hurried outside. “Wait where are you going!?” Zayn called before you stepped out the door. “The park.” you answered. Then you shut the door. You left everyone in the living room, massively confused. You hopped into the van and drove to the park as fast as you could. You needed to tell him and you needed to tell him now. You just couldn’t bare it anymore. Something last night had clicked. You didn’t know what it was, but it was definitely something big. You couldn’t hold it in. You drove to the park and waited for Jacob to arrive. He arrived shortly, looking very scared. “_____!” he called as he jogged towards you. You stood up. You got the feeling in your stomach. “Is everything alright?” he asked, grabbing your hands and looking you in the eyes. You giggled. “Yes! Yes! Everything’s fine!” you answered. A little bit of relief filled his eyes. “Oh good.” he said taking a breather. “Well, ummm.. What’s the matter then?” he asked you. You sighed and led him to a little table. “Come and sit.” you said. He took a seat. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

     You actually smiled a little. “Okay, so I was thinking last night.” you started off. “You know that Niall and I used to date correct?” you asked. He nodded. “Yeah.” he answered. “Okay..” you started off. “Well last night I was just thinking about it a lot and something happened. Something clicked. Anyways, I just had to tell you now.” you said. He nodded. “Okay, well what is it?” he asked. You took a deep breath. “I found out that I do love someone.” you said. A smile grew on his face. “Really?” he asked. You nodded. “_____,that’s very sweet and I-” “No.” you cut him off. He was stunned and raised his eyebrows. “I’m in love in love with you Jacob.” you told him. His eyes widened and sadness filled them. “I’m so sorry.” you apologized. “I’m in love with Niall.” you said. He didn’t say anything at first. He just looked at you. “I’m so sorry.” you apologized again. “Jacob, you’re a great guy by far. You’re so nice and very sweet. But there’s something about Niall that makes me crazy about him. I’m so sorry for all of this.” you said. He just looked at you. He said nothing. Then, randomly he started laughing. Bursting out into laughter. You were confused. “What?” you asked. He continued on. “What?” you repeated. Jacob then said “I know exactly why you choose Niall over me.” “Why?” you asked. “Cause he’s in One Direction.” Jacob laughed. You were stunned. How dare he say that you only love Niall because he’s in One Direction. “Excuse me?” you asked. He nodded. “Let’s be honest sweetheart. Niall and the boys are famous. I’m pretty sure that that’s one of the main reasons you love him.” he said. You couldn’t even speak. “I mean I bet if he weren’t famous, you’d pick me over him.” he told you. You didn’t believe what you were hearing. How could someone so sweet and kind turn into a jerk. “Jacob, you don’t know me well enough to say something like that.” you said. His eyes widened. “Oh really?” he asked you. You nodded. Then Jacob stood up. “This was a real big mistake you just made darling.” he said. You had no idea what he was speaking about. “Pardon?” you asked standing up after him. He moved closer towards you and put his hands on your hips. You backed away. “Get away from me!” you yelled. He started laughing again.

     “Make me.” he said. You started getting nervous. You started shaking. You were terrified. No one else was in the park. Only you and Jacob. He moved even closer and didn’t stop. “Help!” you screamed. “Help!” you screamed. Jacob grabbed you and covered your mouth. “Shhhhh!” he yelled. He held you close and covered your mouth with his hands. You tried screaming but he muzzled you. He whiepered into your ear. “You’re gonna give me what I want from you. Or else someone’s going to get hurt.” he said. You wanted to cry but didn’t. You were too frightened to cry. “Now, you’re gonna come with me and not say a word unless you want to get hurt….” he said. You weren’t gonna let him do that. You stomped on his foot and bit him. “Ahhh!” he screamed. You started running away. “Aright sweetheart! Run away! You just better make sure your little friend, Zayn is safe tonight!” he called. You stopped running. Zayn. You turned around back to him. He was smiling an evil smile. You looked at him. “That’s right.” he said. “You think of leaving or telling someone about this your friend Zayn will pay the consiquence.” You couldn’t let him touch Zayn. You couldn’t let that happen to him. “Zayn?” you asked. He nodded. “Mhmmm..” he said. You had to do it. You had to give him what he wanted. You couldn’t risk him hurting Zayn. “Fine.” you said. A smile grew on his face. “I’ll give you what you want.” you said. He smiled with approval. You walked closer towards him. “If!” you said. “If you promise not to hurt Zayn. Or any of the boys.” you said. He crossed his heart. “Cross my heart and hope to die.” he answered. You sighed. “Okay.” you said. He guided you to his car. You couldn’t let him hurt Zayn. You got into his car as he started driving away from the park. You held back your tears. “And if you tell anyone about this.” he started off. “You’ll be sorry.” he said. You swallowed and nodded. You started sweating. You couldn’t believe this is what Jacob was really like. He went from being the sweetest and most kindest guy to this huge jerk who only wanted you for your body. Not for you yourself. “Now I have to do a few things for I get to you. So you’re gonna be with me for a few hours.” he said. You nodded and didn’t speak. He took rope and tired your hands together so you couldn’t move or break free. “Ow!” you yeled as he tied the knots together.

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