Chapter Eighty Nine: Don't Let Go

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     "That was a really nice Twicam there." Louis complimented you and your boyfriend as you cuddled on the couch with the others. "Why thankyou Lou, We appreciate it." Niall responded. You chuckled. So did the others. "Yaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnnnn." Harry stretched out and moaned. "Harry!" Eleanor scolded him. He looked at her as if he as in shock. "What?" Harry questioned in an innocent tone. "That was rude." Liam told him. Harry looked at Liam, widening his green eyes. "I just yawned! How is that the rude?!" Harry said. You held in your laughter. Harry always got picked on. "On that note I think it's time we all go to bed." Zayn implied. You all looked around at each other for and agreed with the Bradford boy. You exchange your good night's as Niall came up from behind you and put his arms around your waist. "Stay for the night?" He whispered to your ear so only you could hear. All you did was smile, grab his hand and run upstairs. You heard him chuckle from behind you. You left the others downstairs.

     Once entering his room, Niall slammed the door shut and picked you up off the floor. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" you cheered as he spun you around in circles before throwing you onto his bed. He got on top of you and started kissing your neck in a playful way. You were laughing at the same time. "Niall!" you laughed as he showered your neck with kisses. He began chuckling as well. He pinned you down to the mattress as he straddled you, without putting on his weight. He slowly bent down and kissed your lips for only a short second. He was looking down at you. He smiled at the sight of your eyes. "You're so beautiful." he said softly. Whenever Niall did something cute you'd get butterflies. "I love you." he whispered. You smiled at him and leaned up only slightly to kiss his nose. "I love you too." you responded. Niall chuckled once more before getting off of you and strolling to the other side of the bed. You got yourself comfortable like the many other times you have. You tucked yourself in and snuggled under the blanket. Niall followed right in your footsteps. He turned and shut off his bedside table lamp. He snuggled down to your level on the mattress and pulled you in closer towards him. He stroked your hair and began humming a song. He started singing softly. You shut your eyes and concentrated on his voice. "And I won't let these Little Things slip out of my mouth. But if I do. It's you. Oh it's you they add up to." he sang gently. You didn't open your eyes. You felt him look down at you but you didn't respond. You could tell he was smiling to himself. "I'm in love with you." he continued on. He paused once more as you felt yourself drifting off into sleep. "And all your Little Things...."

     You woke up the next morning in Niall's arms. You two were the only ones awake. It was quiet and you were enjoying eachother's company. "So that's how my fish died." Niall finished his story about how he killed his fish. You smirked. Only he would overfeed his fish and make it die due to obesity. "Oh Niall." you sighed. "Oh me..." Niall teased you. You gave him a little look as you playfully pushed him over. "Hey." Niall said. You smiled and pulled him back closer to you. He put his left arm around your body. "Do you think this would make a good picture?" Niall asked as he reached for his phone on his bedside table. You watched him as he opened up his camera. His arm was still around you. He held his phone up with the front camera facing towards you. "Ewww, no Niall not now!" you said as you immediately covered your face. Niall put his arm down and asked "Why not?!" "Cause it's morning! My hair is a mess, I've got no makeup on and I look like a total mess!" you explained. Niall made a face. "Oh please." he rolled his eyes. "You look beautiful every second of the day." he complimented. You shook your head. "Yes you do. Now come on, let's take a picture. For me..." he added in the end. You groaned and looked back at his phone. He held it up again. You smiled as best as you could as Niall took a picture. He lowered his phone down to his stomach as he opened the picture for you to examine. "Ew. Niall, delete it." you said as you tried getting the phone from him. He was too quick. "No way! Besides, I like it. It's going on Instagram." "No Niall! Please!" you begged. "Ooops, too late." Niall said. He did it that quickly? You grabbed your phone and opened up Instagram. "niallhoran added you in a photo" you got as a notification. You opened it to see the picture just posted 1 minute ago. He already had tens of thousands of likes. "Morning crazy mofos!! - Nialler and _____ :)" he captioned it. You couldn't help but smile as you double tapped the screen.

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