You woke up the next morning in the comfort of Zayn Malik. You smiled and got out of his arms. You looked at his sleeping face. He looked like an angel. “Zaynie.” you said, shaking him. He moaned and cuddled closer to you. You giggled. “Zayn!” you said again. He slowly opened his eyes. They fluttered and looked at you. He was adorable. “Goodmorning babe.” you said. He smiled. He sat up straight, yawned, stretched and rubbed his eyes. He took one of his hands and stroked the side of your face “Goodmorning beautiful.” he said. He smiled. So did you. “Get a good night sleep?” you asked him. He nodded, shut his eyes and yawned again. “I’m hungry. You hungry?” he asked. You nodded. “Let’s go then!” he said. He got off the bed, ran aroud to your side and swept you off your feet and threw you over his shoulder. “Ahhhh!” you playfully screamed as he started down the stairs. You heard him laughing to himself. You were pretty surprised to see Zayn in such a good mood so quickly. But you were pretty sure this mood would fade away one he saw Niall. Zayn carried you into the kitchen where everyone else was. Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Niall. He set you down. You could hear the others laughing as he placed you on the floor. “Haha! Goodmorning you two!” Louis said playfully. Zayn smiled. “Morning Lou.” you said happily. You looked at Zayn. His smile disappeared from his face, turning into a serious one. Your smile dropped and followed his eyes to where he was looking at. Niall. Niall was looking quite embarassed as he sat down on the kitchen chair, looking at Zayn with the saddest face someone could ever have on. Everyone just looked at Niall, then at you and Zayn. Awkward. You said nothing. Neither did Zayn. Neither did Niall. “Sooooo Ummm….” Liam tried started a conversation in order to avoid the moment. “Ummm, I was thinking we could go out for breakfast today.” he said. Everyone exchanged some looks. “Yeah Liam. Sounds good.” Harry said. “You guys okay with that?” Liam asked you all. You nodded along with everyone else. “Alright then, let’s waiste no time! Get ready!” he said. Liam was trying to be as happy as he possibly could.
You could tell the others were forcing on a smile. However, Niall said nothing. He kept his mouth shut. You and Eleanor walked upstairs together, you decided to get ready. “So, did I miss anything?” you asked. She shrugged. “Uhhh.. Nothing you haven’t heard before.” she said as she picked out a shirt to wear. “Which was?” you asked. “We were just speaking to Niall again about this whole situation while you and Zayn were still asleep.” “And what did he say?” you wondered. El sighed. “He said that again, he was very sorry and that if he could go back to the past and change what he did, he would’ve done it in a heartbeat.” It reminded you of his tweet last night. “Oh.” you said. “Yeah.” she nodded. You continued getting ready. You threw on your outfit, washed up and put on some light makeup and you were ready. “Hey, I’m gonna go downstairs. meet you in a few.” you said. “Okay.” Eleanor said as she applied some mascara. You smiled and trotted downstairs. You walked into the living room, looking at your phone when you came face to face with the last person in the house you wanted to. Niall. You stopped in your tracks when you met eye contact. A few seconds of just looking at eachother with no words spoken. “Ummm… Hi.” you said awkwardly. “Hi.” he responded back with no emotion. You just then stood there awkwardly, swaying back and forth, looking at your phone. Niall didn’t stop looking at you. Luckily, a few seconds later, everyone else came down. You took a breath. “Alright, come on. Let’s go.” Louis said while opening the front door. You walked over to them. “Awkward.” Harry whispered in your ear as you and him walked outside. You nodded. “You have no idea.” you answered. He smiled. You got into the van and were on your way for breakfast. Louis drove you to the local diner. You got out with Hazza. A waitress guided you to your table. Niall kept his hands in his pockets and walked by himself. You took a seat down in a booth. “Thank you.” Zayn said as he climbed in first. You climbed in next to him and then Louis next to you on the other side. You spent some time deciding on your food. “I think I’m gonna get a muffin.” Eleanor said. “Nice babe. And how bout you Niall?” Louis asked. Niall lifted his head and looked at hm and shrugged. “I dunno yet. Maybe eggs.” he answered. Just the feelings of you two seeing eachother was awkward. It gave you a certain feeling in your stomach. And not the good kind. “Hello there may I take your order?” a waitor came over and asked you. You all ordered you food. “So guys.” Liam said. “How are we all doing?” Oh Liam. What a silly question. You know how everyone’s doing. The food came quickly. You ate in silence with the acception of the boys trying to make somewhat of a conversation that didn’t last too long. You finished your meals and headed back to the van. “So, what are we thinking of doing today?” Louis asked. You all looked around at eachother. “Ummm… Aren’t you guys a little tired from tour and all? Don’t you think today should be a rest day for you?” Eleanor said hesitantly. The boys nodded. “I guess so.” Liam said. “Yeah. She’s right. We should get some rest today.” Louis said.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...