Chapter Eleven: Niall's Thoughts

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Niall’s POV I still couldn’t get over the fact that _____ kissed me! I mean, she just kissed me! I wasn’t expecting that. Not that I didn’t like it anything. I guess it’s true. I do like her. I’ve only known her for about a week, but she seems like a really nice girl. She’s not only beautiful, but she was an amazing personality. She’s funny, smart, kind, sweet, generous, has a good sense of humor. She’s my kind of girl. The only problem, was Zayn. I don’t know how Zayn would think about me having a crush on his bestfriend. I’m pretty sure everyone else knows or suspects that I have a thing for her except Zayn. He just doesn’t realize anything. Suddenly, the nurse walked in. “Hi Niall. How are you feeling?” she asked. I must’ve been smiling like an idiot because she asked me if I was alright twice. “I’m good. I’m good. I’m a bit sore, but otherwise I’m just great.” I said with a smile. Oh yeah. _____’s kiss definately but me in a better mood. “Alright good. Well we’re going to take a few more X rays of you just to make sure that nothing is broken.” she told me. “That’s cool.” I said. I got X rayed again. Luckily, nothing as broken. I kept on thinking about _____. I was a total jerk to her. And I really am sorry. I yelled at her just because I couldn’t control myself. I didn’t mean anything I said about her not coming back or anything like that. “Alright Niall, are you ready to go back home with your friends?” the nurse asked. I nodded. I was definately ready. “Alright, come on.” she said. I hobbled over to my friends. I was still sore, when I walked it hurt but if I just walked slow, I was fine. “Niall!” they all cheered as I walked on inside. I smiled. “Anything the matter?” Liam asked. “No. Niall’s all good. He’s just still sore, so he must stay rested for atleast a week. Or until he feels better.” she said. I nodded. “How you feeling Niall?” Zayn asked. “Sore. But other than that, I’m perfect!” I said happily. Zayn chuckled.

     “Alright Niall. Stay rested and if anything hurts or anything, you can come back.” she said. I nodded. “Thank you very much.” I said. She smiled and then turned away. _____ hasn’t said anything to me just yet. Liam and Louis came trotting over to me putting their hands on my back. “Steady now.” Louis said. “Slow.” Liam told me. I chuckled. I took a look over at _____ who was walking with Eleanor and Danielle. Zayn and Harry were walking behind them speaking about whatever. When we got to the car I took a seat in the passanger seat. We were headed home. I was thinking if I should speak with _____ about this. About the kiss. And about me liking her. But I didn’t want it to be random or not special or anything. I want it to be perfect. I want it to be special. If I’m going to tell anyone about the kiss, it’s going to be Harry. _____ and him seem close. Not like her and Zayn close but decent. We got back to the flat. I stepped out of the car slowly. Harry walked over to me. “Hey, can I talk to you inside?” I asked. He nodded. “Everything alright?” he asked. I nodded. He said nothing and continued walking. Once we got inside Liam said “Alright. So for the next week, Niall you need to stay home and rested.” I sighed. “But what if we have an interview, a photoshoot, a gig or something?” I asked. “We’ll all take a break from One Direction this week. How about that?” he asked. “No!” I said. I didn’t want them taking a break because of me. “No.” I said again. “Niall, it’s only a week. Nothing major. There’s no One Direction without you.” Zayn said. “Awwwww.” said Harry, Louis, Eleanor and Danielle. Harry seemed embarassed. “Thanks man.” I told him. He smiled. “Alright, well come on. Relaxing time has begun.” Louis said as he hopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. I quickly tweeted. “The boys and I are going to be taking a little break this week. Need to relax and stay put :)” I put my phone away. I walked into the kitchen. Harry followed me. The others took a seat on the couch. “What’s happening Niall?” Harry asked. We both took a seat. “Ummmm….. It’s about me and _____.” I told him. “She told me that you guys made up.” Harry said. “We did.” I assured him. “But…” I continued. “Did she tell you anything else?” I asked. He shook his head. “No. Why?” he asked. I took a breath. “Well. While we were inside making up. Something else kind of happened.” I said slowly.

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