Toy Story had ended. It was around 3:30 by now. Zayn was still sleeping. Was he really that tired? Poor boy. Looked like Harry had passed out too. "Nice choice El." Liam said to Eleanor as she placed her head on Louis' shoulder. Louis rolled his eyes. "Little kid movies." Louis said while shaking his head. Eleanor gave him a look. You chuckled as Louis got up and popped the DVD out of the telly. You were still in Niall's arms. He was playing with the same strand of hair for hours. You checked your Twitter and Instagram. "_____." Danielle said. "Check Instagram."she said. You opened up Danielle's IG page. She mentioned you in a picture. "@_____ @niallhoran and Zayn are sharing the love :) xxx" The photo was a picture of Zayn sleeping on you while you were resting on Niall with his arms around you. "Cute." you said as you liked the picture. Danielle winked.
Zayn began to wake up a bit more. He began moaning as his eyes slowly fluttered open. You looked down and smiled at him. Zayn moaned as he rubbed his eyes. "Morning baby." you whispered lowly. His eyes were now fully open. He batted them and looked at you. He smiled. "Movie's over." Louis said to him as he woke up from his slumber. "Oh." Zayn said as he sat upright and got off your legs. You smiled at him. You felt Niall's grip on you tighten a little as he rested his head between the crook of your neck and your shoulder. He kissed your neck once. "Harry's asleep too?" Zayn asked everyone. Everyone nodded. "How about we pull something on him?" Louis smiled. Everyone looked at each other. Oh Louis.
About a half hour later, none of you could contain your laughter. You tried hard not to make a lot of noise. Harry was a deep sleeper. "Louis, he's gonna kill you for this." Danielle giggled. "It'll be worth it as long as I get a picture of him." Louis said as he picked up another section of Hazza's hair ad straigtened it with Eleanor's flat iron. Niall smiled as he took out his phone. "Smile Lou." he said. Louis turned around and smiled a big smile with the iron in his hand. Niall snapped the photo of him and Harry sleeping beside him. Niall laughed at the picture. You noticed he was posting it to Instagram. Louis finished straightening the last piece of hair. "Finished!" Louis proclaimed. All of you began taking pictures as Louis backed away from Harry slowy. You wondered how he possibly could've slept through that.
For the rest of the day you were laying around the house doing your usual boring lazy routine. You and Niall were reading the lastest article about One Direction when suddenly a piece of popcorn was thrown at you. You jumped. So did Niall. "What the?" he asked. "Hey!" you said as you picked the popcorn up and examined it. You looked to the oppsite couch to see Zayn chuckled at you guys with a popcorn bowl in his hand. You rolled your eyes and threw the popcorn right back at him. Niall put his phone away from which you were reading from and took a deep, loud breath in. Liam and Danielle were in the kitchen cooking dinner while Louis and Eleanor were off in their own world watching television. Zayn was minding his own buisness and eating popcorn while Harry on the other hand was still sound asleep.
"Babe, I'm gonna tweet that we're doing a Twitcam in a few hours." Niall said as he brought out his phone again. That got Zayn's, Eleanor and Louis' attention. "Twitcam?" Zayn asked with popcorn in his mouth. You smiled. "We just did one a few hours ago mate." Louis commented. "Not with you guys." Niall answered back. Louis made a face while Eleanor and Zayn just looked plain confused. "What do ya mean?" El wondered. "_____ and I are gonna do one." Niall said. The three of them looked at you. You looked back at them. "Niall wanted to." is all you said. Everyone looked back at Niall. "I just thought it would be nice if the fans got to know _____a bit more. I mean they already know Eleanor and Danielle. She's one of the girlfriends so I should properly introduce her to the fandom." he said. Everyone in the room smiled. "That's wonderful Niall." Zayn complimented him. Niall nodded his head lik a gentleman. "Why thank you." Niall said in a proper tone. You and El laughed together. You noticed Harry began to move around a bit. "Uh oh." you thought. He was waking up. Everyone in the room held their breath as Louis called Danielle and Liam into the living room. They entered and eyes widened as they sw Harry was waking up. Harry rubbed his eyes once, sat up straight, yawnd then stretched. His hair was covering his face. It was longer than you thought it was.
"What the?" Harry asked as he felt his hair. Liam, Zayn, Louis, Niall, Danille and Eleanor all brought out their phones and started recording/taking pictures of the clueless Harry. "What on earth..." Harry kept going as he soon enough realized that his hair was straightened. Everyone held in their laughter. Harry shot up and ran towards the mirror on the wall. He looked at himself and he took a moment to procces what had actuall happened. About 30 seconds later, he screamed.
Harry at his homecooked dinner in avery unplesent manner. "Awwww come on Hazza." Louis bumped his shoulder. Harry took another bite of steak and groaned. "I look like a girl Lou." Harry said. You started laughing but held it in one again. Zayn kicked you from under the table. You grunted. Zayn looked at you and chucjled silently. You groaned again.
"I'll grab the dishes tonight." Niall said as everyone took their last bites of food. "Thanks Nialler." Harry grinned. Niall smiled, stood up and happily took everyone's plates. You followed him. "I'll help you." you said. "You don't have to ____." Niall said as he took Eleanor's dish away. You took Louis'. "I want to." you said. Niall rolled his eyes and said "Alright then..." You looked down at Louis who was smiling. You winked at him. He winked back. You grabbed Zayn's plate as Zayn stood up from the table. "Thanks love!" he said cheerly like. You shot him a cheery look back. You saw Niall walk into the kitchen. You followed him inside and place all the dishes on the marble counter top. "You really don't need to help me. I got this." he said as he grabbed one of the plates you put down, ran it under hot water for a few seconds, then laoded the dishwasher. "It's okay. I want to help." you said. Niall rolled his eyes again an repeated himself. "Alright then..." You smiled. You handed him plates one by one and ran some of the glasses under water and loaded the washer with Nialler. "So sweetheart, how about after this I say you and I go do our Twitcam?" he asked. You got butterflies. "Yeah!" you said happily. Niall laughed.
"Do me a favor love. Reach into my back pocket and take out my phone. I want you to tweet that we'll be broadcasting in 15 minutes." You did as you were told. You reached into Niall's back pocket, pulled out his phone, unlocked it (you knew his password) and opened up his Twitter. You sent out the tweet. "Hello everyone, it's _____ ! Niall and I will be broadcasting live to Twitcam in 15 minutes! Stay tunned! xx" Immediately after you sent out the tweet thousands of favorites, retweets and replies came in. You took a seat on one of the kitchen stools and read through them, leaving Niall to finish the dishes by himself. "@NiallOfficial OMG. IM CRYING..." "@NiallOfficial I'm dead. Someone set me on fire." "@NiallOffiical YOU AND _____ ARE DOING A TWITCAM. OMFG. GOODBYE WORLD." "@NiallOfficial and @_____ are doing a Twitcam together?! I'm dyingxxx" you read through his mentions. You chuckled. You heard the dishwasher close. You looked up to see Niall govering over you. He snatched his phone away and looked at what you had tweeted. "Alrighty then. How about we do this thing?" he asked as he grabbed your hand and pulled you off the stool. You stummbled a bit but then picked yourself up.
The boys must've heard you from the living room.As Niall was dragging you up the stairs, Liam called out. "What are you guys doing?!" Niall quickly responded. "We're doing our Twitcam, be back in an hour or so!" he called ashe continued dragging yo up the stairs. He was going fast. You and Niall finally reached the top of the steps and barged into his room. He was excited. Niall threw you into his room and slammed the door. "Niall you're-" you started saying. Out of nowhere, you felt Niall's lip on yours. He grabbed you close with his hands supposting your back, pulling your body closer to his. He kissed you passionately as you kissed him back. He was a bit forceful. He pushed you up against the wall and continued kissing you. He lifted your shirt slightly to feel your bare skin. His eyes were shut. "You're so beautiful." he said between kisses. You smiled through thembut did not respond. "I... love... you... so... much..." he continued saying them between breaths. You continued smiling. After a few more seconds of snogging, Niall finally pulled away and looked you in the eyes. He smiled is biggest smile and brushed your hair back from your face. "You're so beautiful." he said silently. You smiled and kissed his nose.
You were sitting on Niall's bed, waiting for his laptop to load. Niall out his laptop on the mattress and logged onto his Twitcam account. "Babe, tweet for me again that we're going live." he requested you. You took his phone and sent out the tweet. "Here we go guys ! Broadcasting live! :) xx" You attatched the link to the tweet as well. Niall was on his account and stared at the "GO LIVE" button on the screen.He scrolled the mouse over to it. "You ready babe?" he asked as he looked at you. You swallowed. In ll honesty, you were a little nervous. "Ready." you smiled back. Niall quickly leaned it and oecked your lips only once to make you feel a little better. "Alright.. Let's do this thing." he said. You watched Niall click on the "GO LIVE" button....

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfic*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...