Chapter Sixty Five: Niall's Dessert

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The eight of you were now soread out on the couches in the living room after your Eleanor Calder cookie dessert. “Those were really good babe.” Louis complimented her. She smiled. “Thanks love!” she replied with a smile. Louis grinned. You weren’t next to Niall. Niall was on the opposite couch sitting next to Harry and Liam while you were on the other sitting next to Zayn. A few more minutes had passed by and you caught Niall one more time giving you the look he’s been giving you for the past few hours. You made eye contact with him. Once he realized that you were looking at him he
dropped his expression and raised his eyebrows as if he were asking “Can I have my dessert now?” You bit your lip, smirked and nodded “Yes.” You saw a little bit of excitement rush to his face before standing up from his seat. You stood up as well. “Where ya going?” Liam asked. Niall turned around as he answered Liam’s question. “Upstairs.” he said in one word. Short, quick and simple. Liam made a face. Niall ignored it. He then grabbed your hand and took you upstairs. Halfway up the stairs, Niall turned around and swooped you up off the ground and hoisted you onto his right shoulder. You started laughing. You heard his adorable laugh as well. Niall carried you the rest of the way up the stairs and approached his bedroom. He opened the door and immediately shut it once he was inside. He made his way over to his bed with you still on his shoulder. He threw you down. “Eeee!” you squeaked as he threw you down. Niall let out a laugh. "What was that?!” he asked as he started climbing on top of you. You chuckled.

     But then Niall shrugged it off. “Doesn’t matter anyways.” he said. And right after that statement he attacked you. His lips had crashed onto yours. Your body was moved up to his pillows so your head was on top of them. Niall moved his body on top of you careful enough not to hurt you. Like yesterday in the bathroom, he was a bit rough. He started biting on your lower lip. It didn’t hurt. It felt good. You breathed heavily again. Niall moved down from your lips and onto your neck, biting and sucking whatever part he had wanted. You were sure enough he’d leave something there. You groaned in pleasure. Niall moved down the rest of your body, kissing them and teasing. Once he got down to your thighs, he sat upright only for a moment or two. He removed his shirt and tossed it down to the floor. He got back on top of you for his lips to reach yours. As he continued kissing you, you let your hands explore him. You moved them all around his bare chest, feeling him. He was so fit for someone who’s favorite activity was to eat food. Niall outlined your body with his two hands. He went to the hem of your shirt and lifted it only slightly so he could feel your bare skin. His hands manuvered around the upper half of your body. You could just tell he was getting eager. The way his body moved, the way his hands touched you, it was in his kiss. He started tugging, wanting it off. You were hesitant for a moment. He stopped kissing you to look you in the eyes for permission first. You thought for a moment. But then you nodded your head “Yes.” He smiled with satisfaction. He slowly lifted your tee shirt over your head, threw it on the floor with his and took a look at you. He smiled at the sight. “You have such a beautiful body.” he said. You didn’t really believe that. You weren’t
extremely skinny but at the same time, you weren’t overweight. You were skinny/curvy at the same time. You didn’t answer him. But he waited for one. All you did was wrap your hands aroud his body forcing him to come to your lips.

     You kissed him forcefully. He even opened his eyes for a moment to look at you. But then he closed them again. Shortly after he started pishing down his jeans. You actually got a little nervous. Niall never went this far before. You were shaken a bit. While Niall was working his jeans down to his ankles, he stopped working on your lips and moved once again to the other side of your neck. You saw him push them off with his two legs until they were down to his ankles as he wanted them. You froze. Nialll must’ve noticed something wrong because he stopped kissing your neck and looked at you. He actually giggled. “Don’t worry princess.” he then said. “I’m not gonna try anything else if you don’t want me to.” That made you feel much better. You smiled at him. Niall smiled back. He didn’t kiss you again. The only article of clothing Niall was wearing was his Calvin Klein boxers. You were in your sweatpants and bra. “But that doesn’t mean you have to stop kissing me.” you said. His eyes filled with that look again before coming back down to you. He kissed you for a little bit until he turned over so now you were on top of him. You straddled him and continued kissing him. Niall pinned his own arms against the matress of his bed and allowed you to do whatever you pleased. The only thing he did do was take one of his feet and started going up and down your leg with it. He tangled his legs with yours and moved them up and down being a tease. He’s been a tease before. And if he was going to be a tease, then you were going to be a tease. You stopped kissing him and sat upright. Niall looked at you confused. You took one of your hands and started from his shoulder. From there, you slowly glided it down to his bare chest. Niall watched the hand go where it liked. You got down to his ribs and got to the buckle of his jeans. You saw the pain in Niall’s face. It was actually pretty funny. He threw his head back, squeezed his eyes tight and bit his lip. You giggled to yourself. “Good job _____. Good job.” you thought to yourslef. The more you teased him the more pain his face showed. So why stop? You moved your body up and started to kiss hip lips again. But you only did for a breif moment. Then you moved down his body like he’d done to you. He lifted his head slightly just so he could see you kiss him. His eyes followed you wherever you went. You started kissing his chest, you moved down to his stomach and once again stopped at the buckle of his jeans. You looked up to see his facial reaction. Again, he was biting his lip like crazy and groaning. You looked at his hands. Both his hands were at his side down and gripping onto the mattress as if he were going to die if he let go. You were doing a good job of teasing. One more tease and then you’d be finished. You sat upright and moved your body up to the buckle of his jeans. He looked at you.

     Eyes filled with passion. You sloly started grinding your hips onto him. He moaned loudly. “_____!” he moaned your name. You held in your laughter as you continued onto him. He moaned once more. His grip onto the mattress was tighter then ever. You saw his nails digging into them, leaving a mark. Niall’s face again, was filled with pain. He threw his head back and shut his eyes tightly and bit his lower hip hard. You smiled. “_____!” He moaned your name once more. You chuckled only lightlybefore getting off of him. Show was over. You notived a changed expression when Niall felt there was no longer a body on top of him. He opened his eyes and stopped biting his lip. His grip on the mattress loosened. You were now laying beside him. He only moved his head to look at you. You gave him a cheeky smile. “You’re such a tease _____.” he said. You chuckled. “And you aren’t?” you asked him. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head side-to-side. You laughed at him. He laughed as well. “Well now that I’ve had my dessert.” Niall said slowly. You giggled. “Want to watch some TV?” You nodded. Niall got his TV remote and turned it on. You snuggled close to him. Him to you. He put
one arm over you. You buried yourslef into his chest. He leaned his head on top of yours and kissed your forehead once. “I love you baby.” he said. You smiled. “I love you too Niall.” you said. Another smile grew across his lips as you and him continued watching TV ans snuggling. “Ahhhhh…” he sighed while a commercial showed up. “I love snuggling.” he said. You let out a laugh. He looked at you innocently. “What?!” he asked confused and smiled. You stopped laughing and looked up at him. He was still in your grip. “Nothing!” you said. He smiled. “It’s just cute how you like snuggling.” you told him. He blushed a little in embarassment. “It’s true. I mean it’s a great way to kill time and you get that warm and fuzze feeling inside an-” You cut him off with the sound of your own laughter. “What!?” he asked embarassed. You chuckled once more.

     “Nothing babe. Nothing babe.” you said. You heard him smirk a little. He was actually a really big big softie. He may not have seemed like it, but he was. “_____, Niall!” you heard Harry scream from downstairs. “Are you coming downstairs or what?!” he yelled. You’ve been upstairs for quite a while now. Both you and Niall chuckled. “We’re coming! We’re coming! Calm your curls!” Niall shouted back. You started laughing. You and Niall both got up and got dressed again. You threw on your tee
shirt as Niall got on his jeans and tee shirt on again. “Come on my princess.” Niall said. Niall swooped you up bridal style and carried you down the stairs. “So you two, will we be expecting a baby?” Harry teased as Niall placed you down in front of everyone in the living room. Everyone in the room chuckled besides Zayn. “A what?!” he screamed after Harry finished his sentence. Zayn shot a look
towards Harry then at you and Niall, eyes filled with concern. “It was a joke Zayn! A joke.” Harry assured him. Zayn’s eyes lightened up with relief. Niall chuckled loudly. “No Harry. No baby.” Niall told him. Harry giggled a bit and then took back his seat. You and Niall resumed your places in the living room. You took a seat besides Zayn. “You didn’t do anything now did you?” Zayn whispered into your ear. “Of course not Zayn!” you said. Zayn sighed in relief. “Good.” he said. “I may have gone haywire if you did.” he then said. You chuckled at him and kissed his cheek. He jumped a little, but then he smiled. Night time approached one more time. “Bed time!” Danielle cheered. You all got up from the couches and said your goodnights to eachother. You hugged Harry tightly. Harry kissed your forehead. “Goodnight lovely.” he said. You smiled. “Goodnight Harry.” you said. He smiled and then went upstairs. Now there was only you and Nialler left. You and Niall stood alone in the living room
together. Niall slowly moved closer to you and placed his hands on your waist. “Goodnight my princess.” he whispered. He then pecked your lips gently and then pulled away. “What?” you asked. “Too much snogging from tonight?” he asked. He chuckled. “I never said I didn’t enjoy it did I?” he asked. You laughed at him. “Goodnight babe.” you said before you reached his lips one more time. He kissed you back and then stepped away. You and him both made your way upstairs and left eachother to go into one another’s room.

     You opened your bedroom door to see Eleanor and Danielle on your bed. You shut the door and foud them looking at you mischeviously. You gave them a puzzled look. “What?” you laughed. “Soooo, did you and Niall have fun tonight?” Danielle teased you. You chuckled. “Oh shush.” you replied. She laughed as well as Eleanor. “Now get off my bed and go to sleep.” you joked. They did as they were told and you hopped into your own bed. “Goodnight ladies.” Eleanor said tucking herself into bed. “Goodnight.” you and Danielle said. You tucked yourself in and closed your eyes for sleep. Niall got his dessert alright. Better than cookies.

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