Chapter Fifteen: Where's Zayn?

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     You woke up to the sunrays in the morning. You yawned and stretched. You got up and rubbed your eyes. Your heart was still racing from Niall last night. You took a look over at Eleanor’s bed. Sleeping. Danielle? Sleeping. You crept out of your room. “What’s going on with Zayn?” you thought. You took a look into his room. He wasn’t there. Louis? Sleeping. Harry? Sleeping. Liam? Sleeping. Niall? Not there neither. You thought to yourself. Your tummy rumbled. You headed downstairs to grab yourself something to munch on. You heard a strum of a guitar once you got to the last step. You knew Niall was the only one in the band that knew how to play an instrument. Sure enough. It was him. He was sitting on the couch facing the TV. Guitar in his hand, strumming and humming to himself. You smiled. “Goodmorning.” you said. He spun around quickly. “Oh!” he said. You walked over to him. He put hi guitar over his head and set it down on the coffee table. “Goodmorning love.” he said to you. He opened his arms for a hug as you wrapped your arms around his ribs. His arms went around your shoulders and he kissed the top of your head. “Good nights sleep?” he asked rocking you back and forth. You nodded. “Good.” he giggled. His laugh was his best feature. “Anyways, I want you to listen to something. Tell me if you like it or not.” he said letting go of you. He took a seat on the couch and you followed. Picked up his guitar again and set himself up. He started strumming he wasn’t strumming slow. It was somewhat at a speedy pace. It seemed like a happy song if you asked yourself. You wondered what it was. He sang no words, and hummed no sound. Once he finished he looked at you. “How does that sound?” he asked. You nodded. “I sounds great. Sounds happy to me.” you said. He looked pleased. “Good.” he answered as he put the guitar back on the table. Niall leaned back on the couch and put an arm around you. “So where are the others?” he asked. You shrugged. “They’re all sleeping besides Zayn. Do you know where he is?” you questioned. Niall shrugged as well. “Not a clue. I checked his room and woke up before him. He must’ve slipped right by me.” he answered. You got a little worried.

     “He’s probably out for a walk or something? A drive? Maybe he’s getting us food.” Niall blurted out all the possibilities of where your bestfriend could be. “I guess so. If we don’t see him soon, we are gonna call him right?” you asked. He nodded. “Of course. But first, let’s wait til the others wake up.” he told you. You agreed. Niall grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He got on Cake Boss on TLC. “Love this show!” you said. “I love anything that has to do with food.” he said. Of course. Niall’s arm still securley around you. As you were both watching the program, you felt a hand brush against your cheek. Niall’s hand. He stuck his fingers out stiff. You grabbed his hand and intwined your fingers within his. You didn’t look at him but could tell he was smiling. At around 10:00 is when everyone started getting up. Still no sign from Zayn. You texted him. “Zayn, where are you? Please come home ;( I miss you.” “Goodmorning you two loves birds.” Louis said as him and Eleanor walked out of bed together. Followed by Liam and Danielle, then Harry. “Morning.” you both said at the same time. “How long have you two been up?” Danielle asked. Niall looked at the clock. “About a half hour.” he answered. Harry was searching around the place, looking for something. “What’s wrong Harry?” you asked. “Watcha looking for?” “Where’s Zayn?” he asked. You and Niall both shrugged. “I dunno.” Niall said. “I woke up this morning and he was asleep. I went downsairs. He must’ve gone out or something while I wasn’t paying attention.” “Well did you call him?” Liam asked. “I texted him.” you answered Liam. “And?” “And nothing. He hasn’t responded yet.” “Niall, how long have you been awke for?” Eleanor asked. “About an hour.” Zayn was gone for about an hour. What could he possibly be doing? Now everyone looked worried. “Alright, how about we give him a few more minnutes and then we call him again?” Louis said. You all agreed. In the meanwhile, you all ate some snacks like dry cereal or fruit. After another half hour of random conversations and random outbursts of Louis and Harry joking and laughing together all you thought about was Zayn.

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