After a few moments of comforting Niall and soothing him, you sood up. You let him lie down on the couch. You could tell he was tired. You started cleaning up the mess he made from the shattered lamp. You grabbed a broom and a pail and swept up all the broken pieces of glass. "Niall, I'm going downstairs to fix the lamp." you called. He didn't answer. You walked over to the couch and bent down to see him. He was fast asleep. You smiled. You didn't want to wake him. You opened the hotel door and ran right into the others. "Woah." Liam said as you almost bumped in to him. All you did was smile awkwardly. "What's that you got there?" Harry questioned as he looked at the broom and pail you were holding. "Ummm..." you said. Everyone looked at you concerned. "We'll talk about it later. Just go on inside. But please be quiet. Niall's asleep on the couch." you explained to them. None of them bothered asking you questioned. They nodded and did as they were told. As you were walking past them to go to the lobby you felt a hand on your arm. You turned around to watch Zayn with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" he mouthed to you. You nodded and smiled. Zayn didn't smile back. He turned around and went inside, following the others. You took a deep breath.
You went downstairs to the lobby to throw out the glass pieces in the pail. You went up to the lobby manager and explained the lamp in your room got knocked over. You said that someone accidentally knocked into it. He said you would be billed extra for the incident. You nodded, thanked him and then headed back upstairs. You walked back into your hotel room to find everyone scattered. No noise was made. No one wanted to wake up Niall. Everyone was getting in their pajamas. You ran into Louis as you were walking towards your bedroom to change. "Are you alright love? How's Niall?" he asked silently as he grabbed your arms. "I'm fine. Niall's a bit shaken up." you said. Louis's facial expression changed. "What happened?" he asked. You took a quick glance behind you to see Niall still sleeping on the couch. "We'll talk about it tomorrow." you whispered back. Louis nodded and said "Goodnight love." as he hugged and kissed your forehead. "Night Louis." you responded. You and Louis walked into your own rooms. You saw Harry and Zayn both sitting on their bed. "_____." Harry said as you walked in. You looked at him. "Are you alright?" he asked. You nodded. You then went into the bathroom to change into your nightwear, leaving Harry and Zayn alone on the bed, wondering what happened.
You walked out of the bathroom to see Harry sleeping on the bed. Zayn was sitting up on his side, facing the wall. You quickly stepped out of the room to check on Niall. You walked over to the couch being as quiet as possible. He was snoring a bit. He was asleep. You smiled at him, bent down over the couch and kissed him on the cheek and whispered "Goodnight Niall." He twitched a little bit. He got the message. You smiled again and went back into your room. You were tucking yourself in bed when Zayn stood up from his bed and walked over to you. He grabbed the covers and tucked you in. You grinned as he pulled the covers over on you and kissed your cheek. "Are you sure you're alright love?" he asked silently, not waking Harry. You bit your lip and nodded. Zayn sighed. "Would you like me to sleep with you tonight?" he asked. You nodded. "Alright." Zayn walkde over to the other side of the bed where usually Niall sleeps, got into the bed next to you and tucked himself in. He kissed your cheek once again and put his arm over you. "Night." he whsipered. "Night." you whispered back at him. You fell asleep in Zayn's arms that night like you used to back in Bradford.
The next morning arrived. All of you woke up at around the same time. You were in the kitchen with Eleanor and Danielle. "What happened _____? Is Niall alright?" Danielle asked biting into an apple. You nodded. "Yeah, we're gonna talk about it now." you answered her. Her and Eleanor nodded their heads as they walked into the living room. Harry, Louis and Zayn were on the opposite couches as Niall was on. You saw Liam look at him. "He's still sleeping." he said to the three of you walking over to them. "Wake him up." you told him. Liam gently bent down as if he were about to touch a dangerous animal. He put his hand on Niall's sholder. "Niall." he shook him. Niall moaned. "Niall wake up." Danielle and Eleanor went to sit down. You sat down on the arm of the couch Niall was sleeping at. His eyes fluttered open. He yawned once and stretched. Liam backed away. "Morning Niall." Louis said from the other couch next to Eleanor. "Morning." Niall said in a grogy voice. He was still tired. You placed your arm around him letting him know you were there. He looked at you and smiled only a little. "We have to talk." Liam said. Niall sat up straight and made himself comfortable. "Okay." he said sadly.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...