Chapter Fifty Three: Back To Normal

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     Niall smiled and kissed you once more. “So…” he said quietly. He was still on top of you. “Does this mean you’ll take me back?” he asked. You smiled and nodded. “Of course.” you answered. His eyes filled with happiness. He smiled and hopped off of you. “Yes!” he did a mini gravity jump into the air. You laughed at him. He smiled, picked you up again and spun you around once more. “Hahaha!” you laughed. “Niall, put me down!” you said. He smiled and set you on the ground. You don’t think that anyone in the world could be more happier than he was. “Come on. We got to talk about this.” you said. He nodded. You and Niall made your way downstairs. You saw everyone on the couch waiting for you. Harry and Zayn were laying down with icepacks on their bodies. Everyone’s eyes widened once they saw you and Niall come down together. Eleanor actually gasped. You smiled. “So.. Does this mean…” Louis asked. You nodded. So did Niall. “Yes.” you answered. Everyone’s faecs in the room lite up. “Wooo hooo!” cheered Liam as Harry, Eleanor, Louis and Liam came into you and Niall and gave you a group hug. You all squeezed eachother tightly.

     “Ahhhh! I knew you guys coudn’t stay apart!” Harry said. You smiled. “We knew you guys were going to get back together eventually.” Louis said. You laughed. Liam and Eleanor were just so happy that they couldn’t speak. Only smiles were on their faces. Everyone was giggling around with eachother. But then the laughter suddenly stopped. Zayn slowly made his way over to you and Niall. Everyone’s smiles and giggles had dropped once they met eyes with Zayn. Zayn stood in front of you and Niall on a firm stance. Not showing any emotion. Just looking at the pair of you. So much tension. Then Zayn sighed. “You two really do like eachother don’t you?” he asked. You and Niall quickly looked at eachother and then nodded. Zayn sighed again and put his head down. He started thinking. No one spoke. They just watched him. Then Zayn lifted his head and actually smiled a bit. He stuck out his hand for Niall to shake. Niall was actually a little surprised at first. But then Niall reached out his hand and shook his. They stopped shaking hands. Then Zayn said “Welcome back Niall.”
Everyone cheered. Niall picked you up for about the thrid time and spun you around in a circle. Harry and Liam pat Zayn on the back. After the cheering was over again, Zayn faced you and Niall with no words. “Awww, come on and just hug already!” Eleanor said. Everyone laughed. Including Zayn. Niall and Zayn looked at eachother for a moment and then noded. Zayn spread his arms out wide, then Niall did. They both landed into eachother’s arms and patted eachother on the back. “Yay!” Louis and Liam cheered. Zayn even messed with Niall’s hair a bit. You were massively happy. They both pulled away and smiled.

      “Now come on. We need to discuss what just happened.” Liam said. You all made your way over to the couch. “Alright, so now what happened?” Louis asked. Everyone looked at you. You sighed. You started explaining the whole thing. From you thinking last night about who you were in love with, to how to neeeded to tell Jacob that he wasn’t the one to what Jacob had done to you, to when Zayn and Harry came and saved you. Liam, Louis and Eleanor were astonished. Zayn and Harry weren’t that surprised because they already had an idea what went down. But you could still see the anger in both of their eyes. Niall on the other hand looked like he was ready to shoot someone. You felt his body tense up. You put your hand on his knee to sooth him. Louis looked like he was ready to kill someone with his bare hands whlie Liam looked like someone just ran over his turtle. “Well was he arrested?!” Louis bursted. You nodded. “Yes, yes! He’s arrested now.” you said. A little bit of comfort filled Louis’ eyes. “I just don’t know what to say…” Liam admitted. “You’re Daddy Direction! How do you not know what to say?!” Niall asked. Everyone giggled a little. “Because! I never thought that _____ or any of us would be put in this situation!” he said. He was right. None of you thought you’d be put into this situation. But you unfortunately were. “Man…” Niall said softly. Everyone looked at him. “If I see this guy I swear…” he started off saying. “You won’t.” Harry told him. “Yeah, you won’t.” you said. “Zayn and Harry took care of him.” you said. Everyone looked at Zayn and Harry. “Did you now?” Eleanor asked. Harry and Zayn both nodded. “Yup.” Zayn said. Harry nodded in agreement. “Zayn beat the hell out of him.” he said. The others looked at him. Zayn nodded. “I’m not surprised.” Louis said. Zayn giggled. You quickly looked at Niall. He had a little worried look on his face.      “Harry, you fight?” Liam asked. Harry shrugged. “I don’t really know.” he said honestly. “Fight?” Zayn asked. “Harry fought him. Didn’t exactly throw a punch at him but tackled him to the ground and pinned him against the concrete.” he said. Everyone’s facial expressions turned. They all acutally smiled. “Well done Harry.” Louis started clapping. Followed by everyone else. Awww, happy Harry. “I’m not much of a fighter.” he said. “We know that.” Liam said. “Yeah, we know that.” Louis said making fun of him. Harry threw a pillow at him. That lightened up the mood. You could tell that Niall was a little but ticked about this. You kept on nudging him, telling him to perk up. It worked every once in a while.

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