Chapter Fifty Five: Dinner For Two

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     “Goodnight darling.” Louis had said as he gave you a massive hug before you entered your bedroom. It was 11:00. “Night Lou.” you said. He kissed your forehead, gave you a smile, turned aroud and went into his own room. You were about to go into your bedroom when a hand pressed against the front of the door. You turned around to see Niall hovering over you with a devious smile on his face. You smiled at him. “You didn’t think you were going to bed before saying goodnight to me right?” he asked. You bit your lip. “Of course not!” you decided to respond. He smirked. “Good answer.” he replied. You giggled a little. Niall moved his hands down to your waist and slowly leaned in. He placed his lips on top of your, kissing them softly and gently. He pulled away after a few seconds. “Goodnight babe.” he said. “Goodnight.” you responded. He took his hands off of you, smiled, turned around and went to bed. You opened your bedroom door to find Eleanor sleeping already. You quietly got into bed, pulled the covers over yourself and shut your eyes.

     Morning You woke up the next morning. You sat up straight, rubbed your eyes, yawned, stretched and then looked around. Eleanor was still sleeping. You tip toed silently out of the room not to wake her. As you started walking to the stairscase you took a peek into everyone’s rooms. Everyone was sleeping. Besides Niall. You smiled, knowing he would be downstairs waiting for you. You quickly rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sure enough, there he was. Sitting at the kitchen table strumming his guitar. He lifted his head when he heard you approaching. He smiled. “Babes!” he said. You giggled. Niall set down his guitar and walked over to you. “Goodmorning lovely.” he said kissing your lips quickly. “Morning love.” you answered. He smiled. “You hungry?” he asked. “A little.” you answered. He was eating a bagel before you came in. “Here, you want my bagel?” he asked. You walked over to his food, picked it up and took a bite out of it. He giggled. “Cutie.” he said to himself. He smiled and continued eating his breakfast. He then took a seat down next to you. “Anyways, I was thinking we go out to dinner tonight.” he said. You gave hm a puzzled look. “We just went out to dinner last night.” you said. He smiled. “That was dinner for five.” he said. “I’m talking about dinner for two.” he continued. “Nothing fancy. Just you and me having dinner tonight.” he said. You thought. You were stil recovering from that fancy meal you had last night. “Alright.” you smiled. He smiled back at you happily. “Yay!” he cheered. You laughed. So did he. Then Zayn walked in, yawning. “Morning!” he yawned. “Morning.” you and Niall replied. He walked over to you and kissed your cheek. You looked over at Niall. He didn’t seemed bothered by it. “No kiss for Niall?” you asked Zayn. Zayn smiled. Niall’s eyes widened. Zayn went over to Niall and quickly kissed him on the cheek. Niall moved backwards. You laughed. “Ummm… Thanks?” he said. Zayn chuckled. “Ziall moment!” you cheered. They both laughed. Within a few more minutes everyone else came downstairs. Eleanor came down on Louis’ back. “Awww.” Zayn said. Followed by Harry on Liam’s back. “Oooo…” Niall said. Harry jumped off. “You jealous bro?” Harry asked. “Maybe.” Niall responded. “Oh Nialler. You know Niam is real to me.” Liam said while walking over to Niall and placing an arm aroud his shoulder. “Lucky me!” Niall said happy like. Liam chuckled. Louis opened the fridge. “Guys, we have no food in here.” Louis complained. “What?” Harry asked. Eleanor walked over to the fridge. “We just went grocery shopping recently.” Eleanor said. “Well we got nothing.” Louis said. Suddenly, everyone decided to turn around and look at Niall. “What?” Niall asked so innocently. “What did you eat?” Louis asked. “Nothing!” Niall defended. “Really?” Harry asked. “Really!” Niall repeated. Everyone giggled. “Well someone has to go out grocery shopping. And it’s NOT going to be me.” Louis said. Right. The last time Louis tried grocery shopping, he exploded on the paparazzi. “I’ll go shopping.” Niall offered. “_____, will you come with me?” he asked. You shrugged. “Why not?” you asked.

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