Chapter Eighteen: Twitter Feed

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     You fell asleep with your phone in your hand from reading through your twitter last night. You woke up in the morning, still with mentions filling up your head. You knew you fell asleep holding your phone in your hand. You were still holding it. It seemed as if Eleanor and Danielle were already downstairs. They weren’t in their beds. You continued reading your mentions. “@_____ Ewwwww. Why the **** are you with Niall? LOLOLOL.” “@_____ OhmyGod if thi chick is with Niall i will freaking kill….” “@____ If her and Niall are together, i will legit try and kill her!!!!” “@_____ we all see you with niall. stay the hell away from him. Die ***.” “@_____ SLLLLLUUUUTTTTT!!!!!!!” You continued reading more hate. You felt as if there was more hate then love or simple questions. You felt some tears coming on. You couldn’t stand it. Then a knock on the door. You quickly threw your phone under your pillow. It was Zayn. “Oh, sorry!” he apologized. “Didn’t mean to wake you!” “I was already awake.” you answered back. He took a step into your room and kissed your cheek then sat on your bed next to you. “So, how was your sleep?” he asked as he set his arm around your shoulder. You nodded. “Good.” you lied. You weren’t a good liar. Zayn gave you a look. “What?” you asked him. He could see through you as if you were a glass door. “You’re lying to me.” he said. You denied it. “No!” you shot. He shook his head “Tell me.” he demmanded. You shook your head again, denying it. “Nothing’s wrong Zayn. I promise!” you told him. He gave you one more look.

     You hated lying to Zayn. He always knew that you were lying to him when you were. You just didn’t want to tell him this or else he would freak out and go all nuts over it. Especially what happened a few years ago with the bully from school… You and Zayn both headed downstairs. As usual, you were the last one up. “Well goodmorning there sunshine!” Louis cheered as you and Zayn entered the kitchen together. Niall’s eyes brightened up when he saw you walk in. “Goodmorning Louis.” you told him. Niall got up off his chair and started walking towards you. Zayn took his arm off you. “Hold on. I’ll be right back.” he told everyone as he trotted back up the stairs. “_____, why do you wae up last every morning?” Harry wondered aloud. Niall put his arm on your shoulder and kissed your cheek. You smiled. “I don’t know. I like sleeping.” you decided to tell him. Harry shrugged. “Good enough answer.” You smirked. It was raining outside. “It’s pretty ugly out there.” Liam said looking out the window with his arm around Danielle. “But we need to go grocery shopping today.” Eleanor said. “____ and I will go.” Niall immediately said. Everyone looked at him. Including you. “What?” he asked all innocent. “You? Buy food? No I don’t think so.” Danielle told him. Niall looked sad. “Uhhhh, come on! How come you guys never let me do the shopping?” he complained. “Cause you always buy too much food. mostly junk food and eat it all.” Liam said. Niall shrugged. “I’ll help him control his diet.” you said as you patted Niall’s stomach. You looked up to see him blushing. The others giggled a little. “Oh, alright then.” Louis said. “Alright! Let’s go!” Niall said, grabbing is jacket. “Wait, now?” you asked. “What about breakfast?” you wondered. “Oh, we’ll get something.” he answered you. You looked over at Louis as if you were getting his approval. “Yeah, that’s fine. We’re not doing anything today anyways.” he said as he popped a grape into his mouth. “Come on!” Niall said as he grabbed your hand and headed out the door. “Come back soon!” you heard Daddy Direction call as he pulled you out into the rain, wrapping his jacket on top of your head. You heard the door shut as you and Niall ran to the van. “Hop in!” he said opening the passanger dor for you. You jumped in, Niall then got in around the driver’s seat. He shook himself off. “Goodmorning.” he said. You looked at him as he quickly and gently pecked you on the lips. You looked down and saw that you were both still in your pajamas. Niall laughed. He knew what you were thinking.

     “Oh it’s alright. It’s not like we’re going to church or anything.” he told you as he pulled out of the driveway. You lauged. “Alright, let’s get some breakfast first.” he said. “Yeah. Go to the main diner.” you ordered. He gave you a little look. “Oh look at you, giving orders and all!” he teased you. You playfully pushed his shoulder. You both laughed. With one hand on the steering wheel, the other grabbed your hand and held it tightly. You pulled up to the diner where Niall opened the door for you and helped you get out. “Thank you!” you thanked him. He nodded as he put his hand again into yours and intwined his fingers. You entered to see all eyes on you. More cameras and phones. More pictures and videos taken. “Table for two please.” Niall told the waitress at the counter. “This way please.” she said as she grabbed two menus and lead you to a booth. She placed your menus down on the table. “Enjoy.” she said. “Thank you.” you and Niall said at the same time. You took a seat and so did he. You both looked around to see many photographs being taken and people awkwardly staring at you. “Are you alright with this?” he asked you while putting the menu up, so they couldn’t makeout what he was saying to you. You nodded. “It’s fine.” you said. He smiled. But it really wasn’t. You were afraid you were gonna get more hate on twitter. Obviously these photos would be up there soon, mentioning you and Niall’s names. After a few minutes, you noticed some waitors and the manager speak with all the fans, asking them to leave you guys alone, that you deserved privacy. That’s when your waitor came and took your order. “Thank you for clearing that little incident for us.” Niall told him as he took out a pen and pad. “Oh, sure no problem. Have you decided on anything?” he asked. Niall motioned to you first. “Ladies first.” he said. “I’ll have the french toast please.” you said. You handed him your menu. “I’ll have the silver stack please.” Niall said. He handed him the menu. “Alright, I’ll be right with you.” the waitor said while fixing the menus. “Thank you.” you both said again. You took a look at Niall who took a look at you. Out of no where he just started smling and chuckling to himself. “What?” you asked with a smile and a little laugh. “Nothing.” he said. “I’m just happy to be with you.” “Awwwww.” you cooed. Niall then grabbed one of your hands from across the table and held it. You were getting buttrflies in your stomach. The waitor came back shortly with your meals. “French toast.” he said while placing it in front of you. “Ooooohhh.” Niall said as he took a look at it. “And the silver stack.” he said putting Niall’s meal on the table. “Wow.” he said.

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