Chapter Twenty: The Interview

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     It was morning. You and Harry were the only ones awake. Sitting in the living room on the couch together talking. “So have you and Niall snogged yet?” he rudely asked. You smacked him. “Ow!” he yelled in pain. “Harry! How rude!” you repremanded him. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he apologized. “I just wanna know!” “So have you?” he asked more politely than before. You took a sad sigh and shook your head. “No?” Harry asked. You nodded your head yes, smacked your lips together and took a look at him. “Wow, you guys are taking it slow aren’t you?” he said sarcastically. Another smack. “Stop that!” he complained. “Well don’t be saying that stuff! I mean Niall and I have kissed an-” “What?! You guys kissed before?!” Harry asked in shock, suddenly the pain looked as if it went away from his arm. “Uhhh.. Yeah.” you replied slowly. “When?!” he screamed. “A few times!” you screamed back. He looked like you just hit him in the face. “And you never told me?!” he questioned, seemed kind of annoyed. “Oh get off me Harry! It’s my love life isn’t it?” you wondered. He rolled his eyes. “Sorry.” he said sarcastically. You playfully pushed him over and smiled. “Thank you Harry.” you said out of the blue. Hazza looked confused. “Thank you?” he giggled. A smile grew on his face. “For what?” As if he didn’t know. “Thank you for setting up me and Niall. Honestly, if it weren’t for you I probably wouldn’t know that I cared for him so much.” you told him. He smiled, looking pleased with himself. “So thank you.” you thanked again. He nodded. “Aww, you’re welcome!” he said in a little girly voice while wraping his arms around you. You hugged him back tightly. “And you know that if there’s anything you need or want to talk about. You can come to me.” he said still holding you. You were lucky to have Harry. “I know Harry. I know.” you said softly. You could tell he was smiling as you felt his lips kiss your forehead gently. He let go of you. “Love you Harry.” you told him. He smiled once more. “I love you too.” Soon, everyone else came downstairs.

     “Good morning Mr. Styles and Ms. _____!” Liam said as he guided Danielle down the stairs. “Morning.” you and Harry said at the same time. Niall came down looking at you and smiled. Zayn followed behind him. Niall walked over towards you. Harry moved over so he could sit down. “You’re up early.” Zayn said while sitting on the other side of you. “You’re never up early.” he said. You laughed. “I know, it’s something different.” you told him. He chuckled a tad then kissed your cheek. Immediately followed by a kiss from Niall on the other cheek. “Woah!” you said not ready for those two kisses. “_____’s getting the love today isn’t she?” Louis asked aloud. You all laughed. “It seems so!” you answered. Niall put an arm around you. “We have an interview today loves.” Liam said. “Oh, and when is that?” Eleanor asked. “Around one. But we need to be there by twelve. It’s gonna be broadcasted live on TV.” Liam explained. Your eyes widened. “Oh!” you said a tad shocked. It was already 10:30. “Well if you want to make it on time, you guys better run. It’s 10:30.” Danielle said pointing at the clock. “Oh my God!” Zayn said. “Awww, thank babe! We gotta get ready!” Liam said, kissing her on the cheek. Niall then kissed you on the cheek. “Come in my room in twenty minutes.” he whispered in your ear right after. You nodded at him. All the boys ran upstairs and got changed. Danielle and Eleanor were looking at you suspiciously. “Ooooooohhhh.” Eleanor said childish. “What did Niall say?” Danielle asked. “You don’t need to know!” you joklingly said. A frown grew on Eleanor’s face. “Oh come on _____!” she moaned. “I thought we were your best friends!” Danielle said, motioning towards her, you and El. You nodded. “You are! But I’ll tell you after it happens!” you defended. “Oooooohh!” said Eleanor again. You giggled. You three spent some time watching whatever was on television for the next twenty minutes. Niall time. You checked your watch. “Be right back ladies.” you said with a smile as you happily went up the stairs and headed to your boyfriend’s room. You saw out of the corner of your eye Dani and El exchanging some weird looks. You were in front of Niall’s door. You knocked softly. “Niall?” you whispered. He opened it fast, swinging the door open and pulling you inside. “Ahhhh!” you yelled. Quickly, Niall covered your mouth and threw you onto the bed with him. “Niall!” you laughed. He started tickling you all over. “Hahahahaha! Niall! Please! Stop!” you said inbetween your laughs, trying to breathe. His laugh was the cutest hing you’ve ever heard. He stopped tickling you and just sat on his bed next to you, staring at you. “Hehe.” you giggled a bit more. He laughed along with you. “So!” he said, lying on his pillow, you layed down next to him. Again, he put an arm around you. “You ready for our date tonight?” he asked. How could you forget?" “Why of course I am!” you said quickly. “I’m very excited!” you explained. He smiled. “I’m glad. So am I.” He couldn’t make you any more happier than you were right now. “I’m happy.” Niall said while pushing some hair behind your ear, lying down next to you. “So am I.” you answered. He smiled, moving his body closer towards you. You put a hand on his chest. “Kiss me.” he said softly and slowly, staring into your eyes. You moved towards him and gently placed your lips on his. You could feel him smiling through the kisses. He moved himself even closer to you than before. He took one of his hands and placed it on the back of your head as you two kissed.

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