Chapter Fifty Seven: Special Visitor

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     Everyone ate their cookies happily. You and Niall took a seat down on the floor togteher. “These are excellent.” Harry said. You smiled. “Thanks Hazza.” you said. He winked at you. You chuckled. For the rest of the day all of you just laid low again. Another one of those boring days. Garbage days. You slept in your own room that night, in your own bed. “So you’ll be staying in your own room tonight?” Niall asked you before you both went to bed. You smiled and nodded. He smiled back. “Alright then.” he said. You smiled again. Niall quickly gave you a soft kiss on the forehead and said “Goodnight.” “Goodnight.” you said. He turned around and headed into his room to get some sleep. You did the same. The next morning arrived. You woke up to the sound of people talking. “Yeah definitely.” you heard a voice say. Sounded like Louis. You opened your eyes to see Louis and Eleanor talking to eachother on Eleanor’s bed. You rubbed your eyes and sat upright. “Oh goodmorning.” Eleanor said to you happily. You smiled. “Goodmorning.” you replied. “Sorry if we woke you love.” Louis apologized. “No, it’s fine.” you said. “I had to get up anyways.” He nodded and smiled. You got your slippers on. “Anyways, we were all thinking that today we go to the pool.” Eleanor said. Your eyes widened. “Pool today?” you asked. She nodded. “Mhhhmmm.” she said with a smile. You liked that idea. “Yeah! That’s cool!” you said. Louis and Eleanor both smiled. “Pool it is then.” Louis said. You chuckled. “I’m gonna go downstairs.” you told them. They both nodded. You made your way to the stairs. You were just about to go down when you heard “Goodmorning beautiful.” You turned around to see the lovely face of Harry Edwards Styles. You smiled at him. Him at you. “Goodmorning Harry.” you said. “Morning.” he yawned and then stretched. You chuckled. You both made your way downstairs. “You think everyone else is up?” Harry questioned. You shrugged. You were walking into the kitchen. “Well Louis and Eleanor are.” you said. “Goodmorning guys!” you heard Liam say from the kitchen. Him, Zayn and Niall were all sitting there together. “I guess we’re the last ones up then.” Harry said. You nodded. “Morning.” you answered Liam. Liam grinned. You took a seat next to Zayn. “Morning there.” he said. You chuckled. “Morning.” you replied. He chuckled as well. You took a look over at Niall who was staring at you. You gave him a little smile. A smile formed on his face, then he gave you a little wink. You bit your lip. Harry walked over to Niall and placed a hand on his shoulder. Niall looked up at him. Harry gave him a cheeky smile. Niall contained his laughter. “Did Louis and Eleanor wake you?” Zayn questioned. You nodded. “It’s alright though. I needed to wake up anyways.” you said. Zayn nodded. A few moments of quiet. “So did you hear?” Liam asked interrupting the silence. You looked at him along with everyone else. “We’re going swimming today!” he said. “What?!” Zayn asked. Liam nodded. “Mhhmmm.” he said. Zayn started shaking. “No, no. We’re not going swimming.” Zayn said. You’ve known since forever that Zayn couldn’t swim. He just couldn’t. “Awwww, can you come and try please?” Harry asked. “No.” Zayn answered. “Please? Just try it man.” Niall said. “No.” Zayn answered again. “Just once?” you asked him. “Okay.” he said.

     You looked over at Niall and Zayn who looked quite offended. “How come you won’t say yes to us but yes to _____?!” Harry asked. Zayn shrugged. “I dunno. I guess there’s something about her that makes me give in.” he said with a cheeky grin. You smiled. So Zayn had agreed to go swimming with you guys. You could tell that he was terrified though. Louis and Eleanor came downstairs within a few minutes. “Hello there!” Louis said. “Hi.” you all answered. He and Eleanor leaned on the kitchen counter, crossing their legs. “So what time should we go?” Liam asked. Louis looked at his watch. “I’d say like 3:00. We can eat here then leave.” Louis said. You all nodded. That was the plan for the day. You all sat down in the living room together, waiting for the time to pass by. “Swimminggg toodaayy wiithhh @EleanorJCalder @_____ @Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial and @ZaynMalik :):):):)” Liam tweeted. You smiled. You could tell all Zayn was thinking about was going swimming because of the expression on his face. He bit his lip and his leg bounced up and down as he sat on the couch pondering his thoughts. Again, you were on the floor with Niall. Niall’s head resting on your shoulder. You got up for a moment and sat beside Zayn. “Hi babes.” he said to you. You put your hand on his knee so his leg would stop bouncing. He looked at you. “Stop worrying!” you told him. He pouted. “I’m sorry!” he apologized. You smiled. “I’ll protect you if you want.” you offered. He laughed sarcastically. You cuddled closely to him. He put an arm around you. Niall smiled at the sight of you and Zayn cuddling. “You guys are cute.” Niall said to you. “Awwww.” Harry, Louis and Liam said at the same time. Eleanor giggled. “You guys are cuter.” Zayn said back. “Awwww!” Harry, Louis and Liam said once again. Again, Eleanor giggled. Niall blushed and put his head down. Zayn nudged you and motioned towards Niall. You looked at him. He raised his eyebrows. You smiled and took a seat back next to your boyfriend and kissed his cheek. He lifted his head looked at you and smiled. You turned your head to see Zayn. He gave you a cute “Thumbs Up” while nodding. You chuckled. You waited until 12:30 to eat some lunch. Louis drove you all to the deli in town. You stood in line waiting for what you wanted. “Watcha want?” Eleanor asked you. “Ham and cheese.” you responded. She nodded. “Classic.” she answered. You smiled. You got up to the front, ordered your sandwhich along with the others and took a seat down to eat. Zayn sat down and stuffed his face with food. “Zayn slow down mate!” Louis said. “You’re gonna get a stomach ache!” Harry said. Zayn ignored them and continued eating. “Yeah, then you won’t be able to go into the water.” Eleanor said. Zayn swallowed and nodded. “That’s the point.” he said. You kicked him from under the table. “Ow.” he complained. You continued eating. You didn’t go anywhere else or stay for very long. Right after lunch you guys drove back to the flat and waited about an hour or so until you got ready. “We should get ready shouldn’t we?” Liam said looking at his watch. Louis looked at his and nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.” he said. Everyone made their own ways and went to go get changed and ready. You and Eleanor were picking out swimsuits. “How do you like this?” Eleanor asked. Eleanor held up a black bikini with small pink polkadots on them. “Cute!” you said. She smiled and went into the bathroom to put it on. You searched through your swimsuits. You came upon a nice red/orange one with a white floral pattern on it. You smiled. “This should be good.” you said to yourself. You waited for Eleanor to come out of the bathroom, then you went on in. You threw the bikini on and headed back into your room. On the way there you were stopped by Zayn. “Woah, woah wait.” Zayn said looking at you in your bikini. His eyes moved up and down. Then he crossed his arms and gave you a look. “What’s that you’re wearing?” he asked. Zayn never liked it when you were bikinis.

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