Chapter Sixty Three: Love of my Life

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     You sighed ar Harry’s words. Did you really matter more to Zayn then Perrie did? You thought about it for a moment. All eyes were on you. “It’s true you know.” Louis spoke up. “It’s true.” he repeated. You looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “Zayn loves you more than anything in the world.” Louis continued. “Even Perrie.” You were shocked. You knew Zayn loved you but did he really love you that much? You sighed. “I think you should go up and talk to him.” Niall said from behind you. You turned around and looked at him. He only raised his eyebrows. You turned around and faced the others. They raised their eyebrows as well. They wanted you upstairs. You sighed again and stood up. “I guess I’ll go talk to him.” you said. You went upstairs into Zayn’s room. Everyone kept their eyes on you until you weren’t visible. You stood in front of Zayn’s door. You thought for a moment. You’ve been upstairs to talk to loads of people. First Niall, then Liam, then Louis and even Zayn himself. You knocked on the door. “Zayn?” you asked. No answer. You knocked on it again. “Zayn, please.” you said. No answer. You had no choice but to open the door. You opened it slightly so you could hear it creek. There was Zayn laying on his bed facing the wall. You took a breath and then leaned against the frame of the door. “Hi babe.” you said to him. He turned around and looked at you. He didn’t say anything. He just looked at you for a moment. Then he turned around and faced the wall again. You sucked your teeth and started walking towards him. You sat down on his bed and placed your hand on his arm. “Talk to me baby.” you said. He turned aroud and looked at you. “What’s there to talk about?” he asked. You gave him a look. “I didn’t want your relationship to end because of this.” you started. His eyes were more focused on you and he moved his body so he could face you. He was still laying down. “That’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.” you explained. He took a deep breath. “No, I’m glad you did.” he said. You rubbed his arm. “No girlfriend of mine is going to treat you like that.” he said. As much as you loved it, you also hated it. You loved and hated the fact that Zayn always put you first. “Zayn, it’s okay for you to put your girlfriend in front of me.” you said. His eyes widened. “Don’t say that.” he said. You looked at him. Him at you. “Please, don’t say that.” he said. “But why not?!” you asked him. He started sitting up. He used one of his arms to support himself. “Because!” he started off. “I could never put someone in front of you!” he said. “Not my girlfriend, not my bestfriends, not anyone!” he said. You sighed. Then he started to mummble. “Not even One Direction.” Your eyes widened. Did he really just say that? “Now stop.” you said. “You don’t really mean that.” He nodded his head “Yes.” “Oh but I do.” he said. You didn’t like that. “I do.” he repeated. “In all honesty _____, if me being in One Direction meant not ever seeing you again, talking to you or being with you, I wouldn’t want to be in it.” he said. You had a feeling he was lying. “You’re being ridiculous.” you said. He started getting a little annoyed. “Why?” he asked. “Cause that’s crazy!” you said standing up. Zayn watched you from his bed. “This is your dream! You’ve always wanted to become an artist! Sell out arenas! Become a successful singer! Have a good life!” you started saying. Zayn scanned you. “How can you possibly say that you would give all this up for me?” you asked him. He stood up and walked towards you slowly. You backed away, causing you to be pinned against the wall. Zayn got dangerously close. He took his hands into yours. He spoke softly.

     “Do you remember the day at the airport? The day I was about to leave?” he asked. You nodded and bit your lip. You tried so hard to forget that memory. But you couldn’t. “I almost didn’t get on that plane that day. The reason why is because I didn’t want to loose you. I’d been there for you ever since we were little tiny kids. I was there to look out for you. I was willing to give up my dream to be with you.” he said. You stared into his beautiful eyes. “If you told me to stay I would’ve changed my mind.” he said. You knew he would’ve. You didn’t respond to him. He was quiet for only a moment. Then continued on. “I was willing to give up my dream to be with you. Now if I were willing to give up my dream, what makes you think I wouldn’t give up one of my girlfriends?” he asked. He actually made a pretty logical point. “Well you have to stop.” you said. You dropped your hands so they weren’t locked with his anymore. He looked at you confused. “Zayn, you’re honestly crazy.” you said. “And why is that?” he shot back, turning around and facing you. You were pacing his floor. “I don’t understand how you could care for me so much in order to do that. It’s beyond me!” you said. He sighed and put both hands in his pockets. “You don’t know how incredible you are.” he started saying. You were taken a back. “You don’t know how much of an impact you’ve made on my life. You don’t understand. From that moment I walked onto your front yard when we were little kids and askedif I could play with you, I knew you and I were going to become bestfriends. And sure enough we did.” he started off saying. “Ever since then, we’ve been attatched from the hip.” he continnued on. You smiled because you knew it was true. “I was willing to give up my everything for you. I know, you’d make fun of me sometimes. You’d tell me that I was too over protective and that you were responsible enough to take care of yourself and I know you are. But I just can’t help the fact that I feel as if I need to protect you.” he said. You smiled at him. he smiled at you. “Do you remember the first time you met my family?” he asked. You nodded and smiled. “They all thought that you were my girlfriend and started making fun of me.” he said. You laughed. “That was very funny.” you said. He chuckled thinking about it. “Do you remember when I got sent into the hallway in first grade?” he asked. That was actually hilarious. Possobly one of the best memories ever. “I got angry because we weren’t placed in the same class together and started complaining to the teacher that I needed to be with you.” he said. You laughed. “Yeah, and then you tried convincing her that we were brother and sister!” you said. He started laughing. “Yeah, that was pretty stupid, but I was like seven.” he said. You chuckled. He thought for a moment. “The first time I ever fought a kid over you.” he said. You tried holding in your laughter. He was too. “I remember we were in like fifth grade.” he said. “I remember there was this really mean kid and he told you that you were ugly and started crying.” You nodded. You also smiled. “I remember going over to him and telling him that he as ugly.” You started bursting. What a good comeback Zayn. “And after he started makign fun of you even more and he just pushed me over the top. I remember just jumping on top of him and pinning him onto the ground. I remember hitting him in the face several times until our parents had to come over and claw me off of him. I got sent to the principal the next morning.” you chuckled. “How about our first arguement?” he asked.

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