Chapter Six: Eavesdropping

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     You and Harry decided to head home after a while. You kept on thinking about what he said to you. “Niall and I.” you kept repeating to yourself. "Niall and I..." Sooner or later, you were back at your front door. “Honey, I’m home!” Harry called as he turned the key and stepped into the flat. Louis came running over to him. “Baby, I missed you!” he yelled as he jumped into Harry’s arms. Niall was looking at you two from the couch. Poor Harry almost fell over. “Not now Louis!” he joked. Louis got off him and pinched his cheek. You stepped inside the house. “_____!” you heard a voice call. “Hi Zayn!” you called back. He smiled and came over to you and hugged you tightly. “We missed you.” he said in a baby voice. You smiled and responded “I missed you too.” He kissed your forehead. You went over to the opposite couch where Niall was at and started watching whatever was on the telly. Niall looked at you for a few moments then walked over to you. He took a seat down right beside you. You looked over at Harry. He said nothing, all he did was look at you, pretending that you never had that conversation at the park.

     “So, how was your picnic?” he asked. “Nice!" you replied. "Harry made some peanut butter and jelly  sandwiches, and ya know, we talked and stuff.” you answered. Niall nodded. “That's nice. It’s a good day outside.” he observed. You nodded in agreement. You sat there awkwardly thinking about Harry’s words. After a few minutes of silence, Liam came over with an annoucement. “Lads! On the couch please!” he requested. Zayn, Louis and Harry all took a seat on the couch Niall was once on. Eleanor and Danielle walked in as well. They smiled once they saw you. “How was your picnic?” Danielle asked as she stood beside Liam. “Nice.” you smiled. You looked over at Harry who was grinning. “Anyways, lads, tomorrow we have a photoshoot and if the lovely ladies wish to tag along, they are allowed.” Liam said as he pointed to you El, and Dani. You all nodded. “We’d love to come.” Eleanor said. “Fun!” Danielle exclaimed. “Excellent.” Liam clapped his hands together. You smiled as Zayn winked at you.

     “Oooh! Photoshoot, you get to see us pose our best!” Niall said as the others went into their own conversation. “Really? And what’s your best pose?” you questioned. Niall thought for a moment. Then he did this dramatic wink with his mouth open. You chuckled. Niall joined in. Once again, you looked over at Harry who was keeping an eye on you. But it wasn’t only him. It was him and Louis and Liam as well. You felt yourself blushing and tried your best to hide it.

     You checked your Twitter. New interactions. From Louis Tomlinson. All five of the boys were following you. Including Eleanor and Danielle. “I love our new friend @_____ :) x” he tweeted. You smirked. “Thanks for the tweet.” you told him. Louis was already looking at you and nodded. It was like he was expecting you to say something. “My pleasure!” he replied. After about ten minutes, you got thousands of followers. The power of Directioners. For the rest of the day nothing special really happened. You ate snacks, Louis prank called people, you read through Twitter messages, watched the telly and stuff like that. It was approaching night time. You were in the bathroom, getting ready to go to sleep when there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” you called as you were brushing your teeth. It was Liam.

     “Oh, sorry love!” he apologized as he grabbed a towel. You washed your face and put the toothbrush down. “Not at all.” you said. He smiled. “Anyways, having a good time so far?” he asked as you walked out of the bathroom together. “Yeah. Loads of fun.” you answered. “Good, good.” Liam smiled. “I’m glad you’re here.” You loved being told that. Liam was so sweet. He smiled once more, then checked his watch. “Well I should be getting some sleep as well. Goodnight love.” he said as he kissed your forehead and gave you a big hug. You hugged him back. “Goodnight Liam.” you said. He turned around and went into his room. You headed into yours. Eleanor and Danielle were already tucking themselves in. “Goodnight.” Eleanor said. “Night.” you and Dani answered. You were about to hop into bed when you realized you forgot your phone downstairs. “Oh. I forgot something downstairs. I’ll be back in a moment.” you told them. They nodded. You headed back downstairs as quiet as possible when you heard voices. You stopped in your tracks and listened. You were on the staircase. “Yes or no.” you heard someone say. It sounded like Louis. “I don’t know.” another one answered.

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