You were all ready for bed. Harry walked over to you, kissed you on the forehead and gave you a hug. “Goodnight _____.” he said. You hugged him back and poked his dimple. He smiled. “Goodnight Harry.” you said. He smiled back and slowly went back into bed. The others were already asleep. Then you felt some hands come up behind you. You grabbed them as they were around your wasite and turned around. Niall. “Niall.” you whispered happily. He smiled and kissed your cheek. “You know, if you’re not tired.. We could have our quiet time now.” he siggested into your ear. You nodded. You wanted quiet Niall time. “Alright, come on then love. Careful not to wake the boys.” he warned. You and Niall walked out hand in hand to the lounge room right next door. Niall shut the dressing room door behind him quietly, not making any noise. “Alright, follow me.” he said as he guided you to the lounge room. He opened the door. It was a simple place. A few nice cushins, chairs and couches. A coffee table, a bookshelf and a flat screen. You both took a seat on the couch. “Ahhhh.” Niall said as he wrapped his arm around you. You smiled. “Thank you for tonight.” you told him. He blushed a little. “Awww, it was nothing really.” he lied. You gave him a look. “That was nothing?” you mocked him. Niall shrugged. You couldn’t help but smile. “That was the sweetest thing anyone has eber done for me. You know, you didn’t have to do that.” you told him. He shook his head. “Nonsense! I wanted to do it.” he told you. You smiled. A few moments of silence passed. “And.” you suddenly said. He looked down and you. “Thank you for the kiss.” you told him. He laughed.
“Awww. Well..” he blushed. You smirked. Then he looked at you seriously. “Want to recreate it?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. Oh Niall. All you did was smile and lean in a little. He leaned down to reach your lips. Niall was little more forceful and started leaning in harder that caused you to fall back down on the bed. He slowly got on top of you “Hehe.” you giggled. He chuckled a bit as well. He looked at you with lust filling his eyes. He crashed his lips back on to yours, took one hand and ran them up your tee shirt. Your hands ended up running through his blonde hair as he started rubbing your back with his bare hand. He started teasing you. He was moving his foot up and down your leg as he continued showering you with kisses. He stopped and started kissing the side of your neck instead and making himself comfortable. He tried nothing else. He knew that if he would he’d get One Direction into loads of trouble, he’d get into trouble with the boys and Zayn would probably murder him on the spot. After a few more moments of his teasing you, kissing you passionately and rubbing your back he pulled back and smiled. “How was that?” he asked. You had to say that you madeout for about a straight five minutes. “Great.” you said with a smile. He chuckled as he got off of you and sat back upright. You followed. Again, he put an arm around you as you were leaning your head on his shoulder. He started playing with your hair. Neither of you spoke to eachother. That was what quiet time was for right? You were just happy to have some alone time, being in eachother’s arms. You yawned. Niall looked down at you. “You tried baby?” he asked. You nodded. Niall said nothing. All he did was get up and leave. You wondered what he was doing. You sat there for about two minutes by yourslef. He came back holding a few blankets and a pillow. “We can stay here tonight.” he said. You smiled. He was so sweet. “Up.” he told you. You got up off the couch and watched him fix it for you. He laid a light blanket over the couch and a pillow at one arm. “Lay down.” he commanded.
You laid down, making yourself comfortable. Then he placed another fuzzy blaket over you, making sure every bit of you was covered and warm. “You warm?” he asked as he tucked the blanket closer to your neck. You nodded. He smiled. “Now lean up.” he said. You leaned up a little bit. Niall took the pillow, took a seat where the pillow once sat, put the pillow on his right leg and said “Okay, you can lay down again.” You layed down on the pillow which was resting on Niall’s knee. You were still covered by the blankets. “Where are you gonna sleep Niall?” you asked. He smirked. “Right here.” he said. You didn’t want him to sleep like that. He’d be uncomfortable. “What? No. Go sleep on the opposite couch. You can’t sleep sitting up with my head on your leg.” you said as you began to sit up again. He took his hand and pushed you back down gently. “No, no.” he said. “It’s fine. I want to.” You sighed and layed back down. He laughed. “You sure?” you asked him. “Posotive.” he answered. He was incredible. “Okay then.” you answered. He smiled and you yawned again. “Alright, now try and go to sleep baby.” he said. You looked up at him. He bent down low to meet your lips for a goodnight kiss. You pecked his lips gently and quickly. “Goodnight Niall.” you said with a smile. “Goodnight _____. I love you.” he replied. “I love you too.” You and Niall both closed your eyes. You fell asleep all snug, resting on Niall’s leg. Morning You were wkoen up in the morning by Louis. “Psstt. _____, Niall. Wake up!” you heard someone shaking you. You opened your eyes to meet a blury picture of Louis. He waved his hand in front of your face to make sure you were up. “Sorry to wake you love. It’s just that Niall has to do some more rehersing before tonight.” he apologized. All you did was smile. “It’s fine.” you said as you yawned, sat upright, rubbed your eyes and stretched. Louis chuckled. You both took a look at Niall who was still asleep. “Niall.” you said gently. No answer. “Niall.” Louis said while shaking him. “Mmmmmm…” Niall moaned while slapping Louis’ hand away. Louis slumped down and thought. “Hmmm…” he said as he was looking around. “_____. hand me that pillow.” he said pointing to the pillow on the opposite side of the couch. You leaned over, grabbed it and handed it to him. “Niall!” he screamed as he smacked him across the face with the pillow. “Ahhhh!” Niall screamed as Niall woke up. You giggled. “Sorry mate! You wouldn’t wake up. Now come on! Rehersing starts shortly. Come backstage and we’ll grab some food.” he said. Niall rrubbed his eyes and sttretched like you did. Louis left the room. His eyes fluttered open as he looked at you. “Goodmorning.” he said to you. You smiled. “Goodmorning.” you said. Niall leaned over for a little kiss.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...