Liam’s POV Me and the other boys waved back at Eleanor and _____ as our bus pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. I sighed. None of us really wanted to leave them. We all knew it was only five days but still. I sat on the couch, looking through my phone with the other lads. That’s when I saw Zayn pacing the floor, running his fingers through his hair. “Zayn, what’s the matter?” I asked him. He sighed. “Are you sure that this was right? I mean leaving _____. Do you think she’ll be alright? I feel bad.” he asked me. I rolled my eyes. “Zayn! Calm down!” I said. “She’ll be fine! Besides, she has Eleanor with her. They’re good girls. They can take care of themseves.” I finished. He nodded. “I guess you’re right Liam. I mean… She can take care of herself.” he said. I nodded. Louis stepped in. “Yeah Zayn. I mean Eleanor knows what she’s diong. They’ll have girl time while we get guy time.” he said. Guy time was cool I guess. Niall was already on his top bunk. Seemed like he was sleeping. Zayn, Harry and Louis were actually playing cards on the table entertaining themselves. I got up off the couch and walked over to Niall’s bunk. “Niall?” I called. I heard him moan. I pulled back the curtain to see him laying down there with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes when he saw me. “Liam!” he said, trying to pull the curtain back. I stopped him. “Niall! Get up! Why are you in bed?” I asked. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. “I feel bad leaving the girls!” he said. I rolled my eyes again. “Where were you when Zayn and I had this conversation?” I asked. “Here.” he answered. That was more of a returical question. He answered it anyways. I told him the exact thing I told Zayn. He agreed with me. “Come on bro. Let’s go meet the other boys. They’re playing cards.” I told him. He hopped off the top bunk, luckily he didn’t fall. He walked over to the other boys. “You cheater!” Louis accused Harry. “Louis, we’re playing War. How can I possibly cheat at that game?” he asked him. Silly boys.
Danielle was still on my mind. Our breakup was a while ago but I still cared for her. That conversation we had as well also helped. We agreed to stay friends which made me feel a little better as well. Maybe later I should text her to see how she’s doing. It can get quite boring on the bus sometimes. I mean there’s just so much you could do. By 12:00 we were all in the back of the bus in what we call the “Man Cave.” We were all playing video games. “Yeah! That’s right I beat you Hazza! In your face!” Louis cheered. Harry threw the controler on the ground like a little child. I smirked. I was standing in the doorway watching them all be children. Niall was laying on the couch with a blanket on top of him watching them as well. Then something hit me. In the face. “Ooo!” I said as it hit me. It was a pillow. I looked up to see who the guilty party was. Definately Zayn. He started laughing to himself due to my reaction. “What?” I asked him. He smiled. “Make us food Daddy Direction!” he said. “Food?!” Niall perked up as he turned his body to face me. I smiled. “Why me?” I asked. “Cause you’re the daddy.” Harry answered. I smiled again. “What do you lads want?” I asked them. “Lobster.” answered Niall. I laughed. “Call me when you wake up from your dream mate.” I responded. Niall crossed his arms and sighed. I spun around and went into the “kitchen.” I took out a few rolls and salami from the fridge. I made the boys some salami sandwhiches. Not that I was much of a cook. I put some extra salami on Niall’s sandwhich just because he was Niall. I went inside somehow managing to balance four paper plates with sandwhiches on them. “Here you are lads.” I said in the doorway. They all stood up and walked over to me grabbing a plate from me, sitting back down and continuing to play their game. Niall looked quite happy. “Thanks Pops!” Louis said cheekily. I gave him a cheeky smile and went back to make myself a sandwhich. I came back to them and took a seat next to Zayn. He had his laptop on his lap. Harry and Louis were still playing video games and Niall was still laying down just being a bum. “Take a look on Twitter.” Zayn said as he moved down from the top of the couch to the actual cushion so I could see what he was looking at. Latest tweet from _____.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...