Chapter Forty Six: Sass Masta From Doncasta

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     For the next couple of days, the awkwardness was still present. You didn’t do anything that exciting. Mostly running some errands, staying home, watching the telly or whatever. You and Niall didn’t really speak. Zayn was still holding that grudge towards him and you caught him giving him some dirty looks every now and then. One day you were all laying down on the couch. “_____.” Louis said. You looked at him. “I got to go run to the store and grab a few things. Would you like to come with me?” he asked. You nodded. There was nothing else to do. You were wearing some baggy gray sweatpants and a black tee shirt. You got on a pair of Louis’ toms. So did he. You threw your hair up in a bun and started on your way. “We’ll be back.” Louis said. “Bye.” Harry said as you and Louis walked out the door to the van. Louis shut the door behind him and walked with you. “Are those my shoes?” he asked looking at your feet. You smiled and nodded. He rolled his eyes and grinned. You got into the van. You got into the passanger side, buckled up and Louis started driving. “So, how are you doing babe?” he asked. You sighed. “Okay I guess.” you answered. Louis made a face. “Well, things seem to be getting a little better everyday. I don’t see you and Niall ever speaking. Do you talk with eachother?” he asked. You shrugged. “Sort of.” you answered. “I mean, if we have a question about something or it will just be a goodmorning and goodnight kind of thing. We don’t really joke around and we say like one word answers to eachother.” you said. Louis frowned. “I don’t like that.” he said. Sassy. “I know you don’t.” you said. Louis took a breath and continued driving.

     A few moments of silence passed when you approached a red light. Louis hit the breaks slowly, took his hands off the wheel and looked at you. “You know, _____.” he started to say. “Harry, Eleanor, Liam and I do miss you and Niall together.” he said. You felt bad whenever the lads spoke about him. “You do?” you asked. He nodded. “I mean, Niall hasn’t been in a relationship in a while. And to be honest, none of us ever thought that he’d fall for Zayn’s bestfriend when she came to live with us for the summer.” he said. You smirked a little. “Anyways.” he continued. “He did. I dunno, but _____, you have this little charm about you. None of us really know what it is. But it’s charming.” he said. Awwwww. “Awwww.” you said. He blushed. The light turned green. He put his hands back on the wheel and stepped on the gas. “So, Niall had seemed to be attracted to you. He said that again, there was something about you different from all the other girls. You’re not fangirling in front of us all the time. You don’t constantly talk and ask about One Direction and you can talk to us like normal people. You got that One Thing.” he said. You laughed a little at the ending. “Do you miss him?” Louis asked after a few seconds of silence. You thought for a moment. “Yeah. A little.” you said. He nodded. “We miss him too. He’s not happy anymore. He’s not cheery and carefree like he used to be. We miss that about him.” Louis said. You couldn’t answer him after that. You drove to the grocery store in silence. He pulled up into a parking lot. “Here love.” he said. You both got out of the van. A few people started staring at you to as you walked in. They were whispering, pointing and whipping out their phones and such. Louis put his arm around you. “Alright love, can you go grab me some carrots?” he asked. You gave him a little look. “Look, just because I said that thing in the video diaries, doesn’t mean I just said it. I actually do like carrots.” he defended. You giggled and went into an asile to find some carrots as Louis requested. you roamed the asile, looking for them. Some people were staring at you, taking videos and pictures of you from a distance. It felt strange. You found the carrots. You grabbed a bag of them and went back to meet Louis who was searching for some milk. “Got them.” you said. He smiled as you tossed them into the basket he was carrying. Louis got his milk container. He turned arond and stopped in his tracks. “Uh oh.” you heard him say. “What?” you asked. “Paparazzi.” he said quickly. You saw them all enter the store with their cameras and such. A few managers and people from the store started to tell them that they couldn’t be in there and they needed to leave but they wouldn’t listen. You hated paparazzi. “_____, now I want you to pay close attention.” Louis said to you. “Whatever the pap say to you, I want you to ignore it. No matter what they say or anything, don’t respond to anything and don’t look at the cameras.” he told you. You nodded.

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