"Honey I'm home!" Louis called out as he and five others came back into the flat. "Hey!" you greeted them from the couch. Niall was still in the shower. He's been in there for twenty minutes. Everyone smiled at you as they passed you by. Zayn chuckled when he saw you. You motioned him over to you. He immediately sat himself down next to you. You turned your body around so he was facing your back. You heard him chuckle slightly. You felt his hands on your shoulders. He began rubbing them tightly. It felt good. "You still didn't take a shower?" Zayn asked. "No." you replied. "Niall's still in there." "Really?" Zayn wondered. You nodded.
Louis was walking by you when Zayn stopped him "Hey Louis!" he said. Lou stopped dead in his tracks, spun around and said "What's up?" Zayn was still massaging your shoulders. "Wanna go upstairs for me and kick Niall out of his shower?" Louis' face perked up. "Oh would I!" he said happily as he turned around and darted out the stairs. You and Zayn laughed. Harry took a seat on the opposite couch and looked at you. Zayn was now working on your back. "Long workout?" he asked. You nodded. "You have no idea..." you replied. Haz chuckled.
"Louis!" you all heard a voice cry from upstairs. The whole house practically shook. Everyone jumped. "What was that?" Liam asked as he was approaching you guys with Danielle. Poor Eleanor froze in her tracks behind them. You and Zayn quickly exchanged glances.
Suddenly, you heard a pounding of footsteps coming from the staircase. "Louis get back here!" Niall screamed. You all saw Louis running for his life, down the stairs with Niall on his tail. Louis sprinted past you, Zayn and Harry then Liam and Danielle and went straight to Eleanor. "Babe hold me!" Louis cried as he grabbed a hold onto his girlfriend. Eleanor wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. Niall stopped short, almost falling over, not wanting to run into Eleanor. "Ughhhh!" he groaned. He was only holding a towel around his waist. His hair was soaked. Everyone began laughing. "What happened up there?!" Harry asked Niall from the couch. Niall walked on over to you guys. "What happened?" he asked in a loud tone. "I'll tell you what happened!"
"I was in the shower when this one decides to open the door and shut the lights off!" Zayn was holding in his laughter. You elbowed him in the ribs to get him to stop. "And it gets worse! Not only did he shut the God d*** lights, he flushed the toilet!" You couldn't help but laugh at that one. Everyone in the house started going hysterical. Poor Niall. "It's not funny!" Niall said in a yelling kind of way. Everyone ignored him and continued on laughing. "You know how hot the water gets when you flush the toilet?!" Zayn was laughing the worse. He was holding his stomach, doubled over with laughter. "Oh yeah, you think it's funny?!" Niall yelled, approaching Zayn. Despite his yells, you still couldn't stop laughing. "Alright Zayn. Go upstairs and in the shower. I'll shut off the lights and flush the toilet. See how you feel!" Everyone began to settle down. You could just imagine how hot it got in there. You stopped laughing as everyone else settled down. Niall looked at you. You looked at Niall.
"Well I guess you can go in now..." he said in a weird tone. You chuckled, got up and walked beside him. You got on your tip toes and kissed him on the cheek to make him feel better. You could tell that eased him up a bit because he started to blush. "Come on, I gotta get dressed anyways." Niall said as he grabbed your waist and started moving away from the living room and up the stairs. By now, everyone was settled down and made their own conversation.
You and Niall reached the top of the stairs where he said "Wait right there." You nodded. You stood in the spot you were standing at as you watched him quickly enter his room and shut the door with the towel still around him. You stood there, looking around the place as if you just seen it. He came back in a few seconds. Niall opened his door to reveal himself in a pair of basketball shorts. Shirtless. He approached you and placed his hands on your waist again. He gently kissed the tip of your nose. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him right on the lips. Based on his body language, you could tell he wasn't expecting a kiss. He happily accepted it, kissing you back very gently. After a few seconds of snogging, Niall was the one to pull away. You were a bit disappointed. "Go get in the shower babe. There's more where that came from later." You chuckled as you pecked his lips once more before going into your room to choose an outfit. "Wait babe." Niall said. You stopped and turned around to look at him. "Wear my clothes again. So you can pick out an outfit later." You rolled your eyes and smiled. He smiled back as he turned his body and entered his room. You follow on in.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...