Chapter Twenty Two: Zayn Wants to Quit

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     A smile grew on the Irish lad’s face. His face lit up. “I’m glad.” he said. He leaned his forehead on your cheek and cradled you like a baby. “Come on now love, let’s take a picture.” He brought out his iPhone and faced the camera towards you two. “Smile.” he said happily. You smiled at the phone as he snapped a picture. “Come on, let’s take another one.” he said. Apparently he loved pictures. This time, he kissed your cheek as he took a shot. Once the picture was taken he removed his lips. You both took a look. They came out great. “Awwww.” you said. He smirked as he kissed your forehead. After a few more minutes it was getting close to 9:00. “You still want some dessert?” he asked. You could use some dessert. “Didn’t we already have some?” you teased him. He started laughing. “Oh my God! No! I mean like actual dessert silly!” he continued laughing. You smirked. “Yeah, sure.” you said. You got up off his lap. He took your hand in his and started walking back to the little shops. “So what do you want? I know of this cute little bakery close to our car. You want to stop there? Maybe we could get a little hot chocolate to keep your warm.” he said. “Yeah sure.” you said. You walked into the bakery shop. Only a few were there. You felt a little silly wakling in with a blanket around you. But you didn’t care. Niall guided you to the pastries. “What would you like?” he asked. You were examining the desserts. Semeed as if you were in heaven. Niall looked like he was having a pretty fun time as well. “This one.” you pointed. Niall bent down and took a look. You pointed to this scone. “You want a scone?” he asked. You nodded. “Alright.” he said. He walked up to the counter. “Hi.” he said. “Hello.” said th lady. “Can I get two scones and two cups of hot chocolate?” “Yeah sure, choose a table. I’ll be right with you.” she said. You and Niall took a seat in the corner, table for two.

     “Ah. It’s cute in here isn’t it?” he asked. You nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it’s a real cute place. You should take me here more often.” you joked. He smiled. “Anything for you love.” he responded. The lady came back over with your scones. “Alright, two scones.” she said placing one in front of each of you. “And I’ll be back in a moment with your hot chocolate.” You took a bite into the scone. Niall watched you. “Good?” he asked. You nodded. “Very good.” you said. He took a bite into it. Then, she came back with your hot chocolate. “Here you are.” she said. “Thank you.” you said. She walked away. You took the hot chocolate and sipped it carefully. “Careful now. It may be hot!” Niall warned. You swallowed. “No, it’s fine.” you said. He took his drink and took a sip. “Very nice.” he said. You two finished your desserts and hot chocolate when you decided that it was time to go home. You both headed to the car. You took a seat in the passanger side and Niall in the drivers. He smiled. He then took a look over at you and suddenly kissed you again. You smiled once he pulled away. So did he. Niall drove you two home, back to the flat. It had to be nearly 10:00 when you guys got back. You didn’t think you were out for so long. Once he pulled up to the driveway and started walking to the house he asked “So, did you have a fun night tonight?” You nodded.

     “Of course I did. It was the best.” you answered. “Good.” he said. He opened the front door. It semeed as if everyone was in their rooms. “Hello?” Niall called entering. That’s when you heard someone’s footsteps come running down the stairs. It was Zayn. “Oh! You guys are back!” he said sarcastically. You laughed. “Oh Zayn!” you said. Niall let go of you so you could go to Zayn. You hugged him as he hugged you back tightly. “You kids have fun?” he asked. You both nodded. “Much.” you said. He smiled. “Good. Everyone is upstairs in Louis’ room watching some movie. Come on.” he said. You, Zayn and Niall all headed upstairs into Louis’ room. You came in together. “Oh hey!” Louis said as you both walked in together. You all smiled. You didn’t realize how big Louis’ bed was until you saw that all nine of you could fit on it. You hopped onto the bed right next to Liam. “Did you have fun on your date?” he asked. You nodded. “Oh yeah.” you said. He playfully pushed you over. Then gave you a little hug. “So what are you all watching?” you asked. “When a Stranger Calls” Eleanor answered. Zayn quickly looked over at you. Niall was laying down next to you. Zayn knew you hated horror movies. You made a face. “Why, are you alright love?” Eleanor asked. “I hate horror movies.” you said. The boys looked at you. “Really?” asked Dani. You nodded. “You seem like the type of person to love these kind of movies!” Harry added. You shook your head. “Nope!” Zayn said. “She’s terrified.” You blushed a little. “Awwww, well we don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to.” Liam comforted. “I’ll protect you love.” Niall said. You layed down beside him. “She’ll be fine.” Dani joked. You smiled as you snuggled with Niall. You manager to get through most of the movie. Except when a few real scary parts show up. You could actually see that Harry was terrified. Maybe even more than you were. Niall was on his phone for a while. “Watcha doing?” you asked, leaning over looking at his screen. He was editing the picture that he took of you and him. “Editing.” he answered. He was cropping and added some effects. Once he finished it came out quite nicely. “Can I post it?” he asked. You nodded. He went on his Twitter and posted the picture. The caption read: “First date tonight with @_____ . Amazing night!!! :) Xxxx” You favorited it and RTed. You replied saying “@NiallOfficial I love this picture!!! Thanks for the amazing night babe!! :) xoxoxo” The movie was close to ending. But that’s when you forgot everything. You drifted into a sleep.

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