Until it was ready for the three consecutive concerts the boys were performing, the rest of the day you were all just lazy bums lying aroud the flat, tweeting, talking, texting or whatever. Harry sent out a tweet “So excited to be performing for the next three days with the lads and the lovely ladies. Wooo hoooo! :)” You smiled. Then you checked a tweet from Liam. He metnioned you in it. “@_____ is probably the sweetest girl in the world. I LOVE YOU!!! :D XXX” You favorited it and replied “@Real_Liam_Payne Awwww. Thanks babe. I love you too!! :) Xxx” When it reached aroud noon, everyone had to get ready to drive to the stadium. You were staying at a nearby hotel for the time as well. You packed yyour bags and got ready. “Eleanor!” you heard someone call from your room. You and Eleanor switched looks, puzzled as you were getting your things together. “What?!” she screamed back. “Come in here! I need your help!” it screamed back. Louis. Eleanor smiled and rolled her eyes. “Be right back love. Better go help him.” she said. You smirked and continuted packing your things. A knock on the door. “Come in.” you said. It was Zayn. Zayn walked over to you and placed his hands on your waiste as you finished packing up for the time. “Hey babe.” he said cheerfully. “Hey.” you answered. You looked over at him and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re doing loads of traveling here aren’t you babe?” he asked. You nodded. “Oh yeah.” you answered. He smiled.
“Alright, but I promise you after this little trip we’ll be at the flat for a long time.” he said. Zayn zipped your bag up for you when you were done and sat on it. You sat on his lap. “Ah!” he said as you sat on him. You laughed. “Anyways, I want to thank you for helping Liam.” he told you. “Awww.” you said. Zayn smiled. “No, really. Thank you. I mean if you hadn’t spoken to him before, we don’t know where he would be. We wouldn’t know if he was well enough to perform or anything. You really did help him.” he explained. You knew you did. And it felt good. “I’m just happy that he’s getting on his feet again.” you said. Zayn nodded. “He’ll be fine. He’s still upset about it but his spirits will be lifted right after he performs tonight. Everything will be alright.” he said. You knew it would be. You took a look at Zayn’s big brown eyes. “You have pretty eyes.” you told him. He blushed a little. “Awwwww. You have a pretty face.” he said back. You laughed. So did he. “Give me a kiss?” he asked. You kissed him gently on his nose. He loved it when you went for his nose. He smiled as your lips left his nose. “Alright love, come on, the others are probably ready. I’ll grab Eleanor’s things.” Zayn said. You got off his lap, he got off your luggage and you started bringing it downstairs. You were stopped by someone. “Woah, woah, woah! A lovely lady like you shouldn’t be lugging those heavy things down that massive staircase! Please, allow me.” someone said behind you.
You turned around to meet th smiling face of Harry Styles. “Why thank you Harry.” you said. He winked at you then headed downstairs. Zayn was just exiting your room with Eleanor’s bags. When suddenly, someone picked you up and ran down the stairs with you. “Ahhhhh!” you screamed. It was Niall. He spun you aroud a few times and then threw you on the couch. “Niall!” you laughed. He started tickling you. “Ahahahaha! Hahaha! Stop! Haha! Niall! Haha! Ha! Stop! Ha! Please!” you begged. You stopped tickling you and ended up sitting on you instead. He sat right on top of you. “Niall!” you complained. He smiled and didn’t budge. Harry was looking at you guys like your were insane. Zayn, Liam, Louis and Eleanor all came down th stairs following eachother. “What’s going on over here?” Louis asked as he saw Niall sitting on top of you. You were layed flat out on the couch. Head on one end and feet on the other. Niall was on your back sitting there innocently. “It’s a comfy chair Lou. Wanna join?” he asked. “Sure.” you heard him respond. Your eyes widened. “Louis! Don’t!” you warned. Too late. He took a seat right on top of you next to Niall. You were being squished. You felt Eleanor sit on Louis’ lap. “Oh great. What could make this worse?” you thought. “Cannonball!” you heard Harry yell as he jumped right on top of Louis, Eleanor and Niall. You were dying underneath all of them. “Harry! Can’t! Breathe!” you saud as all four of them were on top of you. “Alright, alright get off her! Get off!” you heard Zayn scold them as he threw each one of them off you. You stood up, regaining your breath. Zayn dusted you off as he gave the others a look. “Children.” he muttered. Everyone smirked. “Alright, enough with the funny buisness!” Liam said to overcome the laughter. “Time to go!” he said. Everyone headed out the doorway. Niall walked with you to the van. “Sorry I sat on you.” he apologized. You smiled. “It’s alright babe.” you said as you hugged him. He smiled back at you and kissed your forehead. The drive did take a while. Around two or three hours? You took a nap on Niall’s shoulder the whole way there. Once you entered the city, you guessed loads of girls recognized the veichle from “What Makes You Beautiful” so hundreds of them were chasing you down the street. “Oh wow. This is a lovely way to wake up from a nap.” you said as you perked up and saw the girls running after you guys. You could hear Niall laugh. “Hey, Harry take off your shirt.” Zayn told Harry jokingly. “What?!” he exclaimed. “Come on man! It’ll be funny!” he said. “No, you take off your shirt!” Harry shot back. “Fine!” We’ll both take off our shirts and stick our heads out the window, deal?" he asked. This wasn’t going to end well. “Deal.” Harry responded. Both Zayn and Harry lifted their shirts over their heads and threw them in the back on the trunk. “Hey! No stripping in here!” Louis scolded. Zayn laughed. “It’s alright Louis! You’ll see more of this later.” Zayn teased. You saw Louis smile. “Ready?” Harry asked Zayn. “Ready!” Zayn repeated. They both rolled down their windows and stuck their heads out. Oh God. “Hello ladies!” Harry screamed over them. The noise was unbearable. What if you saw Harry and Zayn shirtless with their heads sticking out of the WMBY van in the middle of the city? Girls would go nuts. Harry and Zayn both seemed quite happy with themselves, knowing that they were making theese girls go haywire. “We’re both naked!” Zayn yelled out to them.

If I'm Louder (Niall Horan Love Story)
Fanfiction*Insert your name in the _____ spaces* You and Zayn Malik have been bestfriends since forever. You haven't seen him ever since he left to audition for the X Factor. What happens when the pair of you get reunited over the summer? You'll create new fr...